Weekend Rewind

September 16, 2013

It was my Friday off - so I got up early on Friday, took the girls to school, and came home to try my stab at Tax papers again. ( I spent a few hours trying to figure some stuff out Thursday - unsuccessfully) I didn't get very far, so I decided to start ticking off my to-do list.  I went to Target and looked around for a bit.  I went to TJ Maxx and got Lucas's baptism gift, then headed over to Ross to return a dress, and then headed home. 

Danny and I got into a fight cause he can be a real ass hat sometimes.  Despite me trying to help him with tax stuff, he said I didn't do anything and gave me a big giant "Thanks for nothing," now despite that giant pisser offer.....I went with him to get the tax papers looked over and figured out.  We came back home and he tried to act like nothing at all, and ignore the fact that he was an ass hat and not apologize...we'll that wasn't gunna fly...so I ate lunch and then headed back out to tackle more items on the list. (giving him the silent treatment - in case you weren't aware of this Danny - I was ignoring you) (Although now that I think about it - he probably likes that - so note to self: don't give him the silent treatment - it is not effective when reversed) I went and filled my car up with gas, went out to the new Micheal's out by our house (not impressed) and then over to Kohl's to cash in yet another free $10 gift card I receive that day in the mail!! 

Check out the sandals I scored for a whole 53 cents!!!

Now that's my kinda shopping!!

I picked both of the girls up from school, and we headed over to Sonic for some Friday afternoon treats!

We came back home and I was at this point holding a grudge with Danny and decided I was going to demand an apology (cause demanding them makes them that much more meaningful and effective- NOT).

He invited me to dinner, and I opted out deciding I was not going anywhere with him until he apologized.  so he went without me! LOL (Note 2 to self: Not eating doesn't help either) He tried to apologize very sarcastically and un heartfelt like before he left but I wasn't having any of that crap! LOL

We eventually went to bed mad, with me telling him he was not allowed to go to any of the parties we had planned tomorrow cause he was an ass.  I didn't tell him the ass part....it was one of those unspoken understandings...those truths that are said without being said kinda deals!

I woke up Saturday morning and started to get ready.  After I showered, I decided (forget this - he isn't gunna get a day at home alone to relax and do nothing (finally I was thinking straight)), so I woke him up and told him, that him not going wouldn't change how he treats me so get up...your going!

We made it a little late to Lucas's baptism.  It was really pretty seeing the church filled with everyone in white.  I liked it.  We headed over to Brady's Landing for the breakfast party after the ceremony and I was able to get a few good pics...

 Freakin adorable isn't he.  He is the cutest little boy ever...and his sister is pretty awesome too!

After this party we headed over to Jimmy and Marian's for Elizabeth's baptism party in the heights.  We hung out there for a little while chit chatting with Marian and Christy.  Isabella played with Sydney and then we headed home to celebrate Ms. Gracie's 1st birthday.  Gracie is our next door neighbor/sister friend. 

The girls and I hung out for awhile, then headed back over to the house to get ready for party number 4.  We cleaned the house up a tad before we headed out to Jamie's house for Anthony's girls birthday parties. They were celebrating Cami turning 3 and Ariah turning 1.  We loaded up some presents and headed  out.  Makaila was very excited to see Anthony (who is in the military - and stationed in El Paso), so she misses him ALOT. We hung out there for awhile and had a good time.  

 The highlight of this party was Isabella confronting Anthony to complain "Hey your baby stole my daddy".  My little jealous girl was not liking Danny holding baby Ariah trying to put her to sleep.  She was trying to get that taken care of ASAP.  Let it be known she is  a jealous little booger. 

We headed out of there at about 7:30 and back home to shower and get ready for party number 5!  We all showered, got dressed and headed over to Pasadena for my best friend's Letty's nephew Alex's 15. 

We had a great time.  The music was good, the company was better and as an added bonus they had the fight going too, so we didn't miss anything.  It was an action packed Saturday!!!

At some point through the day I forgot I was mad! LOL  Funny how that works.  I do pray for me and Danny regularly (trust me we need it - ALOT).  I almost always ask God to love him through me because it's hard to do it on my own.   Now don't get me wrong.  I love the man to pieces.  More than is healthy actually....but sometimes I just want to smack the crap out of him! 

I'm not sure if it was that he went to 5 parties in one day and didn't even complain, or that he wore all white to Lucas's baptism and didn't complain, or that he helped clean up the house before we headed over to Jamie's, or watching him play with the kids there or share his food with me cause I was too lazy to get my own plate of food, or watching him hold babies (which reminds me of what an awesome daddy he is), or that he took silly pictures with me in the photo booth at the 15, or danced with me, but at some point in the day I got over it! LOL

Sunday morning we all slept late.  I woke up with about 15 minutes left to make it to my regular service at church, so I hurried up!  Got dressed, brushed my teeth, and pulled my hair in a bun and headed out. 

Church notes are as follows:
                          Part 2 of Series Unshakable- 10 truths for a Rock Solid Life

Life is like a wheel.  It has a hub (the center - the balance- the base) and from that spokes.  The spokes are a representation of all the things important in our lives (marriage, kids, work, finances, hobbies, dreams, etc.) and the hub is God.  He is the power that keeps our wheels rolling.  He needs to be the bases of our lives, our center - the most important thing and a part of each and every spoke of our lives. 

The biggest problem for us to deal with is the issue of control.  We try too hard to control situations and people when we should be giving that control over to God to handle. 

* If God is at the center than all your priorities will fall into place. 

Don't settle for good - strive for God's best. 
* Obedience brings blessings - good intentions brings nothing


I went home after church to feed the kiddos.  Issy and I made some sprinkled pancakes, and they were yummy.  We ate breakfast and then I headed back out to church for the second part of the marriage series. 
Ironically - the subject was Solving Conflict.  Here are the notes:

Most people approach conflict in one of 5 ways:
1. MY WAY - in which there is a one way street to resolution.  The kinda situation where one person always has to have the last work and will even stoop to bringing up past issues to win the fight! (FYI - this is my way - although it is almost never effective)
2. NO WAY - in which the person shuts down completely.  ( be careful here - when you step away from the table - who steps in?) (FYI - this is Danny's way - and it's not EVER effective)
3. YOUR WAY  - in which a party gives in just to move past it.  The YES DEAR solution.
4. HALF WAY  - in which the parties are willing to take on some of the blame , yet stand their ground and fight over certain heartfelt issues.   A compromise can usually be reached. 
5. OUR WAY - Both parties own 50 % of the blame, you acknowledge your faults, and strive for compromise together.  (this is obviously the goal of where we need to be)

Conflict isn't a bad thing.  Fighting actually is good - it means you care enough to do something about it.  But when fighting you have to loose your pride and selfishness.  Also its important to remember that moving past the conflict doesn't mean it is resolved.  You can't just pretend everything is okay - you need a resolution.

Here is the plan:
 Face the issue
 * Take it to God  (God will give you clarity, frame of mind, patience, humility, and understanding).  Go to him personally and together.
* Stay at the Table - Keep talking - DO NOT SHUT DOWN.  Do not use your anger as fuel for revenge.  Talk it out, and do not give Satan that type of foothold in your home.  Remember when you walk away from the table (who steps up)?

Attack the Issue, without attacking each other
 * No verbal abuse - Remember why you are mad and do not focus on who you are mad at.  Verbal abuse of any kind is unacceptable!
 * Rage - using intimidation; over the top manipulations
 * Malice - being intentional about hurting someone with words, cutting their character
 * Slander - cutting them down, judging them 
 * Abusive Language - Foul language, tones
Judging is powerful - especially when it comes from those we love.  When you are the one person I care about the most, your judgement hurts me - what you think of me matters.

Resolve the Ultimate Issue!!
 * Learn to APOLOGIZE (Danny this is for you in case you are reading this)
 * Understand where the conflict comes from and not who it comes from. 
 * Come to the table with humility, ownership of your faults and selflessness. 


That's some pretty good stuff huh! LOL All kidding aside - its great to talk about these things and get reminders like this.  I know some of this stuff is common sense, but from time to time I need to be reminded of what I am supposed to be doing.  I think we could all use a swift kick in the right direction every now and then. 

We discussed this in our small group for awhile and then headed home to work on it. 

When we got out of the session - it was pouring down rain.  I ran in the rain and headed home! Makaila was watching the Texans game and Issy was bored, so we played Doc McStuffins.  She was not impressed with my diagnosis.  When it was my turn to Be the doctor, I checked her tummy which hurt and asked a round of questions.  Next step was to draw a picture in the diagnosis book, and come back in to talk to her with my solution.  I told her that she needed to go poop and drew a picture of a girl with food and poop pebbles in her belly.  I laughed and laughed about it - but Issy didn't think it was all that funny!  Needless to say my diagnosis was ripped out of the tablet, and I was no longer the doctor! I wish I would have taken a picture of it (it was very nice - you would have laughed I am sure of it). 

I got up and made some quesadillas for lunch.  The kids ate and went outside to play, while Danny ate and then got ready for work. 

Danny headed out and the girls headed in.  It started raining again, so we all lounged around and watched tv for the rest of the afternoon.  My friend Cynthia dropped by with a gift for Issy.  We talked for a bit and then back to the couch for me.  I am sure it was the weather, but I was super drained of energy.  I sat on the couch and was falling asleep by 8pm!  The girls took showers, and we were all in bed by 9pm. 

Overall it was a good weekend.  We party hopped till we dropped!  We fought, got over it, took some notes on how to fight better! (Kidding - I'm only kidding) and we did no laundry, no deep cleaning, no real thinking...just had a good time and enjoyed the moments together.  Our Little Limon tree is pretty awesome.  We enjoy being happily imperfect people with semi-chaotic routines of life.  It's fun - try it sometime!

We are to blessed to be stressed, to fulfilled to be annoyed, too happy to act crappy! :)

I hope your week is a good one.  Work hard, play harder.....Live like tomorrow isn't promised (it really isn't) and know that I love you more than chocolate cake (and I really love chocolate cake)!!!

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