Weekend Rewind

October 7, 2013

This weekend was GREAT!!!

Friday afternoon I came home to Isabella being super excited about Timber Movie Night!!  We had bought tickets through the school for her, Makaila and I to go watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 with all her classmates!!

We waited for Makaila to get out of school, then three of us headed over to Target to buy some movie candy!  (Yes, I am the cheapo - that brings her own candy to the movies rather than paying $6.00 for a box of Goobers there! LOL)
We got to the mall in time to have dinner at Chick-Fil-A (they were giving a portion of the proceeds to her school as well - so we couldn't resist).  We ate and headed into the theatre early to try to find some decent seats.  We found sound right at the top and were excited to see that we just coincidentally were sitting right next to Isabella's "BEST FRIEND" Aubrey and her mommy...she was overly excited! The girls had a blast...it was so fun to see how happy she was - the movie was pretty cute too!!!


They had so much fun - that Aubrey and Issy even had to dance a little before we left...they were being really silly!! 

We headed home after the movies feeling pretty happy.  We got home and packed a bag to head to my parents for the weekend!  Danny was in a foul mood and not interested in joining us so we packed and headed out - girls only.  Issy had a change of heart right before we left and decided she wanted to stay with him...so she did!  Makaila and I drove to my parents and arrived at about 11:30 in the evening!  We chit chatted for a few minutes and went to bed...we were tired!!

I woke up by 7 am (due to an overly happy little bird knocking on my bedroom window!!), and we got ready - we ate some breakfast and made the drive to Canton Texas for First Day Mondays!! If you have never been - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!!!!!!!!!  It is a  little slice of heaven on earth!  We shopped, and laughed, and ate, and rested, and shopped, and laughed, and shopped and rested, and laughed and shopped ALL day long!!  I found a few little nust have things for the house  - a new Scarecrow for the yard, some mesh wreath supplies, some jewlery, a couple tops and some pants, a new jacket, Makaila found some clothes she liked and a some jewelry, and we found a cute tiara for Issy and some bows that were too cheap to leave behind!  Overall I had a great day with my parents and my baby girl browsing and shopping and enjoying the beautiful weather.  We headed back home at about 7 that night and by 9pm...we were all asleep!  We were exhausted!!

Sunday Morning we woke up and had a great breakfast (mom made homemade flour tortillas), fresh coup eggs with chorizo and the fixins!!!I worked on helping my dad hag a new sign he bought out in Canton, while Makaila rode the four-wheeler all morning long!  We laughed and laughed until we almost peed!

Then we all came in and Makaila and my dad took turn painting each others nails...again laughed and laughed till we on the verge of trinkles! LOL My mom gave me some of her old HOliday decorations - which I was super excited about too! 

We headed home at about 2 and made it home by 4:30!  We cleaned out my truck (inside and out), unloaded all our goodies and got to cleaning the house...it was a total mess!!  Apparently Danny and Isabella are under the mistaken thought that they have a maid or something!!!!  We ate chili (that Danny had in the crockpot) and they watched the game all night.  I was in bed by 9...and fell asleep pretty happy to have had a wonderfully blessed weekend with my parents, and some good bonding time with Makaila!!!! 

It's Monday now - and what got me going this morning was looking through all these pictures and laughing again at all the sillyness of our weekend!!  I love my life!!!!



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