Gas prices going down!

October 7, 2013

I filled up this evening and was elated to see that gas was under $3.00!!!  I paid 2.99 a gallon.  I am excited because it has been way too long since it was under $3.00!!!  I know it's only a cent - but matters!  I filled up good ole Pablo for under $40!!!(36.42 to be exact - and I only had one little bar before my light came on - so I was pretty close to empty)  I love that he gives me about 30 miles to the gallon - but at 2.99 a gallon - I love it even more!!!!

I wish we could go back to the good ole days when I first started driving and gas was only 69 cents a gallon!!!!!!!!!  That thought alone makes me think of those nostalgia birthday cards that remind you of all the most popular things from the year you were born!  Historical events....inventions, etc.  How different things are in the past thirty years.  Remember rotary dial phones, pagers, manual windows on cars, chip bags that were only 25cents, aqua net hairspray!!!  That stuff could all be a separate post or several - but anyway back to the topic at hand....gas is cheap so fill er up!!!!  And because gas is cheap - go visit an old friend.....take an unexpected little trip, take the scenic route home, something exciting!!!!  Life is it up (and take advantage of cheaper gas)!!!!

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