And again there were 4 (sometimes)

July 27, 2015

The Campbell's helped me out and kept Issy while Sissy was out of town, so I left work a little early, picked up Issy from the Campbell's and we headed to the airport to see Makaila.  It had only been a week but it felt like an eternity.

The first few days were the hardest because she was really homesick, but toward the end of her trip she was so busy and invested in her purpose that we hardly heard from her! Needless to say I really really missed her and just wanted to see her face again!

We met up with the Capuchino's in the airport (their daughter went on the trip too!), and we made some welcome signs before they came home.  She got off the plane and walked into the terminal and of course was embarrassed.  She had a sassy attitude and wasn't really lovey dovey at all. Clearly, I missed her much more than she had missed me! LOL

We said our hellos then the Capuchino's joined us for dinner at Texas Roadhouse!  I was just so happy to have my baby girl back.  They shared stories about their trip and the people the met.  Both girls were adamant that they would most definitely be doing this again!  The rest of the evening was spent with Makaila sharing stories and telling us about Junior (an adorable little boy that she fell in love with - she wanted to bring him home! LOL)

The rest of the week was pretty normal. Danny and I rode into work together the days our schedules allowed, and Nina spent the night to catch up with Makaila, we did HIT classes and our regular evening classes like normal.  Some nights we played dolls, and chatted other nights the kids had rough attitudes, and you know - normal day to day living!  Ups and downs and happy moments mixed with some not so happy ones.

Friday, Danny was off so Makaila went to lunch and the movies with the friends she made in Honduras on her trip.  I came home and focused on switching the girls closets so Makaila's room could be put together! We ate dinner at Fuddruckers, then did some light grocery shopping then wrapped up our evening playing UNO with Izzy until about midnight!

Saturday we spent our morning cleaning and moving rocks and listing clothes for sale on Poshmark, and then in the afternoon, Makaila and I went to Bri's birthday party!  It was so cute and fun.  Once we finished there, we headed over to Ernie's to swim and then came home and relaxed.  We  spent the rest of our evening listening to Izzys failed efforts to convince us to buy her a mermaid tail! LOL She is crazy!

Sunday, we slept in until 11 and then headed out to take Makaila to visit Alec who had is wisdom teeth removed.  We hung out for a bit, and then Izzy and I went to Tony and Sam's to see their new house and help unpack a bit.  We hung out there until 7:30.  I went pack to Cecis and we chit chatted for awhile, then I went home alone! I put some laundry away and then called it a night.  Back to work, and tired.

We had a pretty uneventful week, but on a side note we are all healthy and happy and our lives are filled with good friends and family....I'd say we are pretty blessed!

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