Birthday Weekend Rewind

July 13, 2015

The rest of our week was pretty good.  It took me a day or two to get back into the swing of things.  Makaila however was out and going the very next day.  We got home Monday night and by Tuesday night she was spending the night at Krystal's.

Wednesday we tried to get back into our routine.  The girls came home and we tried to go to bed by 10.  I succeeded, but the girls clearly stayed up much later since the house was decorated in the morning for my birthday!  There were streamers and signs and flowers and cards from the girls and Makaila's gift to me this year was tickets to see Hill song in August!   I was definitely feeling like one lucky birthday girl!

Lanice bought me a cake at work and Jason treated us all to a group breakfast in honor of my birthday.  It was really sweet and I am grateful to have such thoughtful employees.

Danny sent me a Nordstrom gift card via email which was nice!  Vicky gave me a Barnes and Nobles gift card, and when I came home Danny had also bought em a Bayou Goo pie which was delicious!!

We went and had dinner at Sharkies, and then I met Ceci half way because the girls wanted to stay the night with her.  I ended up talking to her for about an hour at the gas station, and then came home and went straight to bed!

I went by Ceci's to get eh girls on Friday after work and only one came home with me! Makaila stayed and Izzy came home to hang out with her dad while I went to Bunco.  I headed to Letty's and played Bunco until after was loads of fun!

Saturday morning I cleaned a bit and then we headed to the movies to see Inside Out with Ceci and the crew.  It was a cute movie...Izzy really liked it.  Makaila and Alec however saw Magic Mike 2 instead! LOL

Afterward we went and hung out at Ceci and Rays all afternoon and had burgers and relaxed.  We headed home at about 6, then headed out to Costco to buy stuff for the girls trips.  $300 later we headed home to sulk! LOL

Sunday we went to church and then had lunch at La Villa.  After lunch we loaded Issy's things up and then headed back up to the church to see Izzy off on her first 3 day church camp adventure.  She was a tad reluctant but Aubrey was there and they shared seats on the bus...I was so excited and nervous to see my baby girl go away.  She is so little! LOL

After that we went back out to Wal-Mart to get the last of our needs for Makailas upcoming trip to Honduras. We started packing then took a break to head to Ernie's to discuss some Limon family issues.  I took advantage and laid out by the pool for about 20 minutes!  Once we wrapped that up we headed home and got ready for our week.

This week I was so proud of my little family.  I am proud of the love we share and the places we are going.  It has definitely been an on the go kinda summer.  I am so proud of the choices my girls are making.  How they are following the Lord and taking leaps of faith.  Issy is out at Camp Impact learning about he Lord and having fun, and in a  couple more days Makaila will be in Honduras on a mission trip serving the Lord!  I am filled with fear and anxiety but more than anything else joy and pride in my girls!!  Pray for my girls to be safe and to make lifelong memories on their trips.  That the Lord will touch their hearts.

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