Ice Day Friday

January 25, 2014

The weather was predicted to be pretty bad this morning....roads were to be iced and there was a possibility for snow - so my boss opted for us to be safe and work from home.  I logged in - but Fridays are not too busy so I spent my day watching tv, hanging out with the girls and laughing.  The schools were safe too and closed down so we were all home together enjoying our day.  Danny and I actually headed out to a doctor appointment he had right by the house.  The car was so cold.  I had to tug and tug and almost fall to finally get the layer of ice broken enough to open up the driver side door to get in! Getting the passenger side door was unsuccessful- I had to crawl over the seat! LOL

After his appointment we had breakfast at Tita's Taco House (AWESOME TACOS) and it was packed so obviously we weren't the only idiots out on the icy roads.  We took some tacos home to the girls and they were just waking up!  It was about 10 am and so we watched tv and hung out while I periodically checked on my work computer for items I needed to address. 

Since much wasn't going on I decided ice day should be cookie day.  I checked the pantry and decided to make some chocolate chip butterscotch cookies!! At about this time, my sister Erica called to let me know that Samantha tried to go to work and was in an accident on the freeway.  My parents were on their way to come into town and so we were all worried.  Sam said she was ok - but also that Tony's truck was pretty messed up and she had hit two other cars.  She was waiting on cops to show all we could do was wait.  We passed the time making cookies instead.

We decided to be good neighbors and take some cookies over to Mrs. Nina.  This is the attire that Little Miss Isabella decided was good for Snow Day! LOL

 My parents were there by mid afternoon and we decided that since by noon Sam had finally gotten off the roads and was safe at home, we decided to go do some necessary shopping done by the house with my parents.  We went to the Dollar store (which for the record is my dad's all time favorite store).  I took them over to Aldi and got a few things there as well.  We went home and I made some of the toasted ravioli's they had at Aldi and they were delicious (either that or we were really hungry)! LOL

After we all ate, Danny, my mom and I all took off to Costco.  I bought some necessary items and we headed back home - it was still cold and ugly outside.  There was no more ice on the roads, but I wanted to be in my home and safe...not to mention check in on my dad who stayed home with both the girls.  As you know...Issy can be a tad overwhelming! LOL  And my dad is pretty high strung and full of energy himself too! LOL

We got home to my dad on the couch with a headache! LOL

We all headed to bed cause dad and I would be taking a CHL Class early in the morning! I hope you had a happy snow day too!

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