Daddy Dates

January 30, 2014

When the girls grow up I want them to remember their daddy dates.  Danny is the family chauffeur.  I hate to drive and I go to work really early in the morning so usually (unless he is on days) he is the girls ride to and from school, and to and from karate, and to and from band practice, and to and from running errands and get the point. 

Thursday mornings Makaila has late arrival at school and so usually Danny takes her to have breakfast at Whataburger or Chick-Fil-A or whatever and they enjoy a little daughter and daddy time.  I love that they do that (even though I'm just a teensy bit jealous!) LOL

Issy however doesn't have late arrival in elementary - so she rarely if ever gets to do daddy daughter breakfasts (but her days will come).  This week was special....everyone woke up a tad early and got to moving a bit faster and so it allowed for a special Dunkin Donuts Daddy Breakfast for Issy!  Danny sent me pics of him and his little munchkin enjoying Valentine heart shaped donuts together before school!

Isn't this just too cute!!

Makaila and Isabella - this post was just for you.  When you are older and think of your daddy - remember days like this.  Know that you have the best daddy in the whole wide world!  Remember that he fixed your hair for school every morning, and that he took you out for special breakfasts and that he loves you more than life itself!!

I know that I can be a pretty negative person at times or that I complain about Danny in alot of ways - but you will never hear me complain about him being a great daddy.  He loves our girls so much and getting texts from him like the pictures above telling me he is having breakfast with his baby are the moments that make me love him all over again!

Don't get so busy in life making a living that you forget to make a life.....stop and have a special breakfast with your babies.....they are the moments that will make them better people when they get older! 

Have a great week and stay warm!!

Ice Day Repeat

January 29, 2014

Ok - I live in Texas...and we don't do cold in Texas.  At least not in Houston!  Our weather is crazy as all get out, and varies from hot to cold to muggy to rainy and back again within hours.....but we don't do well with ice.  Most people that didn't head the warning on Friday felt the consequence of their over confidence!  Houston area had over 700 accidents reported that day alone!  Sammy even waited over 3 hours for cops to get to her accident that morning. 

Anyway - Having said that they warned again that we were expecting freezing temps and icy road conditions - so guess what ANOTHER ICE DAY!

The schools also closed which is great (cause I'd prefer they be safe and not sorry).  We stayed home once again - but this time I had to really work.  I logged onto my computer bright and early and worked for a few hours.  I took Makaila down the road to hang out at Krystal's for the day (apparently we weren't cool enough to spend the day with).  About Mid day - Danny took us over to Longhorn Steakhouse for lunch.  It might be too cold to be out on icy freeways - but not too cold to keep us from eating out! LOL

After a great lunch witch these two cuties we headed back home.  We made a quick pit stop at Wal-mart for some eye drops and Issy was completed to take a little ride! LOL

 Nothing makes ice day better than a quick ride with Mickey Mouse!

We came home and my boss had sent out an e-mail to several people at work announcing my promotion!  It really made for a great snow day!

After awhile, we wrapped up the work and hung out at home relaxing and watching tv.  I picked up Makaila and we all got ready for bed and the reality of going back to school and work the next day!

Weekend Rewind

January 27, 2014

Well since I had Friday off for Snow Day - I had another long weekend! (I like that). Saturday morning started bright and early.  My dad and I were registered for a CHL class.  I actually had a whole little group going!  Ernie and Ray came over to ride with us to the class and Martin and Jose met us there.  We took the class at the Golden Coral over on 1960.

Danny took his class last year and has been on my to go take the class and be safer.  I imagined that in this class I would learn about guns, gun safety, gun use, etc.  The class was a total joke!  Let me tell you anyone over 21 that has $50 and no criminal record can get a gun license!  The class was 4 hours long (two of which were spent taking breaks and eating).  The other two were spent standing in lines to show how to hold a gun (which wasn't even real - it was a clear plastic toy gun!), taking your finger prints, taking a photo (for the license), and shooting a gun.  This was the biggest crock of crap ever.  The state requirement mandates that you shoot a gun to receive a license.  The way they got around this was - they had a revolver sitting in a small sound proof box.  We were instructed to stick our hand into the hole of the box (the opening had a cloak of fabric - kinda like a magicians box), feel around for the gun and shoot once into this sound proof box, put the gun back down, and then take your hand out - and walllaa...they hand you a certificate!!

The only thing I learned in this class was about the castle law, and to drag the body back in if the intruder falls back and out of my doorway (at least his feet need to be within the threshold). 
Check out my studious table - LOL

After that class we headed back home and hung out for a few.  Danny took off to his tractor class and my parents left to go visit Samantha.  My sister Nancy stayed and hung out with me for awhile.  She had come to visit my mom while we were in class.  My mom also took the liberty of doing all my laundry while I was since I had the afternoon free and nothing to do - I took my sister to the store, and then we cleaned out my closet and I gave her a ton of stuff that I never wear for her to enjoy. 

Makaila went home with Ray to spend the night with Alec, and so when Danny got home we took Issy over to the other part of town (intending on visiting Sam) and we had dinner at Pappadeux.  It was delicious.  Isabella was feeling a little photogenic I guess cause she asked me to take her pictures outside! LOL

This girl is so silly.  Our food was outstanding!  I ate ALL of it - and I guess it didn't go unnoticed because as we were walking out, I said "I am so full"...and Danny said "me too" which Issy replied..."Yeah Mommy should be full cause she didn't leave anything on her plate, she ate everything!!"  I swear this kid needs a filter! LOL

We called Sammy so we could swing by and visit her and check on her but she was going to head out and pick up Tony from work, so we decided to try again the next day and headed home instead. 

We ate so much and were so full that we decided to lay in bed and watch tv, and at about 9 pm...we took a few pictures and we all crashed out! LOL

My flash was pretty freakin bright! LOL (that's why Danny has that face! LOL)

Sunday morning we woke up and showered and got ready for church.  It was great.

Church Notes:
Part 3 of Balance Series - Based on the 23rd Psalm
Balance Versus Indecision
How Do I know God's Will for my Life? Whats the Secret to Making Good Decisions?
1. Walk with God
Everywhere you go, know that God is with you.  Talk to Him - Pray to Him.  Have Daily quiet time, and develop a daily habit of talking to God. 
God's will, will never contradict God's word! Don't be normal - get to know God.
2. Work Through It
Sometime it is God's plan to let you struggle with it; to make you turn to him and trust in him. 
* Open the Window of Spiritual Growth (to guide us to the door of opportunity)
* Window of Peace - cease striving and know that he is God.  God doesn't want you to just survive, he wants you to thrive!
* Window of Hope  - The decisions you make today determine who you will be tomorrow
3. Waiting for God's timing
There is a big difference between NO and Not yet!  Be patient! He sometimes is waiting for us to grow in character, to teach us patience or to simply wait until it matches our calling - we just have to trust him.
4. Walk through God's Open Door
* take a step of faith - don't let your fears and insecurities hold you back you are not in control - God is!

After church we headed home and got ready.  We picked up Makaila from Ceci and Rays, and then we drove over to visit Tia Sammy.  Now let me just tell you this - My dad called after having gone by to visit Sammy on Saturday morning and said that we really needed to go see herm that she looked like a human pinata! He said the truck was totaled and he wasn't sure how she was even alive!  Now - let me also tell you that both my parents are BIG exaggerators and they have been known to lie a time or two!

I went expecting that she would have bruises or something because I knew the airbags had deployed.  We even stopped at Randall's and picked up a tray of cookies and a cake to take her (I don't like to go places empty handed).  When we got there, my other sister Nancy and her husband Joe were there visiting also!  (Apparently my dad had called all of us and given us a guilt trip about not having been by to see Sam).  Sam looked fine.  Not a single bruise or scratch on her! NOTHING! I even made her lift up her shirt to check her ribs and stuff - NOTHING!

Now I am grateful that my little sister is okay, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with that kid! My daddy lied!  I called him immediately and told him he owed me twenty bucks for lying and making me feel guilty about not having come to see her sooner....and the next time he cried wolf. I would beat her up for real and let him know what a human pinata looks like!  He laughed and laughed!

We didn't stay long (just long enough to talk crap, laugh and eat a few cookies! LOL).  We headed back toward home, and then stoped by Tio Ernie's to visit with folk for a bit.  We ate dinner there and then headed home for showers and bed! I watched the Bachelor Wedding. 

Mind you - I never watched the Bachelor (probably never will); but I follow two blogs that I think are awesome: Mix and Match Mama (which happens to be the sister of the Bachelor guy getting married) and Pinterest Told Me To who happens to be her best friend and my own personal shopper! LOL These are my two most favorite blogs - check them out and you will see why.  They both live in Texas and I just love the type of people they seem to be.  They are both faithful, driven, funny and beautiful!  I know if I lived in McKinney, Texas we would be friends! LOL For now - I settle with being a faithful blog follower instead. 

After the wedding - it was bed time.  This momma was exhausted and ready to get back into the grind on Monday morning! Hope you guys have a great week!!!! Love ya - even more than Chocolate cake!

Ice Day Friday

January 25, 2014

The weather was predicted to be pretty bad this morning....roads were to be iced and there was a possibility for snow - so my boss opted for us to be safe and work from home.  I logged in - but Fridays are not too busy so I spent my day watching tv, hanging out with the girls and laughing.  The schools were safe too and closed down so we were all home together enjoying our day.  Danny and I actually headed out to a doctor appointment he had right by the house.  The car was so cold.  I had to tug and tug and almost fall to finally get the layer of ice broken enough to open up the driver side door to get in! Getting the passenger side door was unsuccessful- I had to crawl over the seat! LOL

After his appointment we had breakfast at Tita's Taco House (AWESOME TACOS) and it was packed so obviously we weren't the only idiots out on the icy roads.  We took some tacos home to the girls and they were just waking up!  It was about 10 am and so we watched tv and hung out while I periodically checked on my work computer for items I needed to address. 

Since much wasn't going on I decided ice day should be cookie day.  I checked the pantry and decided to make some chocolate chip butterscotch cookies!! At about this time, my sister Erica called to let me know that Samantha tried to go to work and was in an accident on the freeway.  My parents were on their way to come into town and so we were all worried.  Sam said she was ok - but also that Tony's truck was pretty messed up and she had hit two other cars.  She was waiting on cops to show all we could do was wait.  We passed the time making cookies instead.

We decided to be good neighbors and take some cookies over to Mrs. Nina.  This is the attire that Little Miss Isabella decided was good for Snow Day! LOL

 My parents were there by mid afternoon and we decided that since by noon Sam had finally gotten off the roads and was safe at home, we decided to go do some necessary shopping done by the house with my parents.  We went to the Dollar store (which for the record is my dad's all time favorite store).  I took them over to Aldi and got a few things there as well.  We went home and I made some of the toasted ravioli's they had at Aldi and they were delicious (either that or we were really hungry)! LOL

After we all ate, Danny, my mom and I all took off to Costco.  I bought some necessary items and we headed back home - it was still cold and ugly outside.  There was no more ice on the roads, but I wanted to be in my home and safe...not to mention check in on my dad who stayed home with both the girls.  As you know...Issy can be a tad overwhelming! LOL  And my dad is pretty high strung and full of energy himself too! LOL

We got home to my dad on the couch with a headache! LOL

We all headed to bed cause dad and I would be taking a CHL Class early in the morning! I hope you had a happy snow day too!

MLK Weekend Rewind

January 21, 2014

Wow - long weekends are the best!

Friday was my 9/80 and Monday was a Holiday - so I was loving this weekend!!

My parents came into town Thursday afternoon - so I rushed home afterwork and finally took down our Christmas tree and indoor decor! LOL

I cleaned the kitchen and restroom and washed my bed sheets and then waited for my parents.  They came over in the evening and my sister Sam came over too.  We ate posole, which Danny had made for dinner and they ranted and raved about how delicious it was!  (My mom loves to sing Danny's praises - I think it just gives him a big head - but WHATEVER). 

We took off to Academy to look at some gun lasers my dad was wanting to check out.  We walked around the whole store and I bought shin guards for Makaila and I to wear to karate (the bruises are getting to be a bit much), and Issy begged her way into getting a fishing pole. 
We went home cause it was WAY past the girls bedtime.  Once they were in bed I stayed up talking to my parents watching tv, and laughing hysterically at random stuff.  We all slept soundly and in the morning we all got ready.  Danny came home and chatted with my parents for awhile and then took the girls to school. 

We started our day of errands!  First stop - Lowe's. Dad bought all kinds of plumbing stuff and mom and me just looked around seeking out anything on clearance and or pretty! LOL

We left there and headed over to Burlington.  Mom wanted some of those Genie bras that I bought last week and so we were there before they opened.  I took the liberty of registering my dad and I for a concealed handgun license for next weekend while we waited!

Once we left Burlington we headed into Downtown because mom had an eye appointment!  Dad was pretty pissed.  He thought I was gunna drop him off so he could go gallivanting around town and instead, I made him go with us and get his vision checked too! LOL

Pissed doesn't even begin to describe his mood! LOL He got his vision checked and then while mom was next!  Aren't they just the cutest things ever!!

What do you think about Dad's new glasses:

LOL!!!!  Is that not freakin hilarious!  We had a great time trying on all sorts of silly glasses!
These are what he actually ended up with...they guy was blind as a bat!!

We had lunch at Torchy's Taco's in the Rice Village, then headed home for our next appointment.  A guy named Roberto Hernandez was coming to the house to talk to my parents about supplemental insurance (dad however took the opportunity to bail!).  They guy was extremely informative and helpful.  Apparently,  there is all sorts of things available to you through Medicare - that no one knows about since Medicare is not obligated to offer it or share the information! We got some applications in the works and (fingers crossed and God willing), mom will have much better coverage in about two weeks. 

Mom and the girls and I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and filling prescriptions and stuff.  Mom got some eye drops, we picked up Chinese food for Danny, hit up TJ Maxx, then Target and then went home to relax. 

Saturday morning - we all ate a little more posole and then my parents headed home with Makaila in tow! 

Isabella and I hung out and then Erica and Emily came by for a few to give us their take on their interview.  My sisters called and scheduled appointments for their kids to that place that is always advertised on the radio for the "If you want to be a Disney star, or be on tv call...."  I figured I would check it out as well so I made an appointment for Issy and we were scheduled to be there at 2pm. 

She picked a cute outfit and then we were on our way.  The line when we got there was kinda discouraging!  There were at least 200+ kids in that place! 

We got in line a few people behind my sister Nancy and her kids and then within minutes Melissa and Ireland showed up!  Of all the places to run into friends who line on the opposite end of Houston! LOL Small world.  We all sat through the session, learned all kinds of stuff and then Issy auditioned.  She gave them her line (I'll try to upload a video later..ADORABLE).  They said if there were interested that would call you by that off to wait! On our way out - we ran into Jennifer Veal who plays Nanny Agitha on Jessie (she is repd by the Casting Hub who was holding the interviews!  we snapped a few pics and then headed home!  I had the kick-off party to go to at 5...and it was already 4:15 - RUNNING LATE - Story of my life!!

I rushed home, got ready for the meeting and by 5:15 we were on the way!  We dropped Issy off with Teresea and then headed to the kick-off party!  I was late and getting texts and callas about my name being announced for an award! LOL I was still in the parking lot looking for a space! LOL

The evening was fun - music was great - and we had a good time!!Sammy danced with Richard and I actually ran into Beto Garza who I hadn't seen probably since High school!

While we were at the kick-off party I got the call from Casting Hub that Isabella was selected to return tomorrow for another interview!  I was excited!!  I called Teresea to let her know and Issy was ecstatic!  After the party shut down - we headed over to Teresea's to pick up Issy!  She was awake and pretty stoked!  We drove home.  Actually we had to stop half way home because an accident happened right in front of us (we didn't see it but there was still smoke and stuff), so we stopped to make sure everyone was ok.  We waited until the paramedics showed up (it was a drunk driver who hit another driver and she was pretty shook up!).  There were actually three accidents on our way home! We got home and went straight to bed!

When I woke up on Sunday morning Danny was already in the shower and it wasn't even 9 yet!!  We all got ready and then headed to church!  It was lovely.

Church notes:
Part 2 of series: Balance - Based on the 23rd Psalm
How to win the battle of Balance over Worry!
1. Know the good shepards heart
      A shepard:
         - provides
         - protects
         - guides
         - corrects
Christ promises all of this if we allow him to be the good shepard in our lives. Worry is a control issue - surrender control to God and let go of the worries!!
2. Listen to the good shepards voice
   Tune out all the other voices (other people opinions).  The voice you believe will determine the future you experience.  Get still, Get quiet, and listen to the voice of truth
3. Follow the good Shepard's path
   Your fulfilment is determined by what you follow after!   Whose approval are you seeking?
   Stop following things that aren't important, and don't let someone else determine or steal your joy!

You are never outnumbered by your obstacles when you approach them with faith!

Dwight Howard did some spoof videos with our satellite pastors that were pretty freakin funny!! It was a great service.  After church Danny and I took Isabella to her second interview!

We had a 12:30 appointment and by 3 pm we were pretty pissed off!  We kept getting the run around and your next and your next and then we would just sit there.  People were coming and going and we were still sitting there.  At about 3:30 a lady came over to us and asked us to walk over to another area with her.  She was one of the parents and wanted to enlighten us with all these reviews and ratings she found on the Internet!  It was pretty bad! 

You ever have those moments of clarity where you know things are happening for a reason and God is clearly speaking to you!  I had one right then and there.  Don't get me wrong - I was excited and happy for Issy and I wanted to support my babies dreams - but God was clearly telling me to get out! So we left!

I felt horrible for Issy - she was so ready to be on a Disney show like tomorrow!!  She didn't cry though - she took it like a champ and settled for ice cream instead!

We headed over to Grandma Limons instead and she played with Emma and Jade while I ate as if I had never eaten before.  We all sat around the table talking and I never stopped eating!  I swear I ate two conchas, and two loaded plates of fajitas, rice, beans, guacamole, chips...I swear I thought I was gunna explode! LOL It was nice being there and laughing and talking...we even looked through old photos of all the Limons and I brought home one of Danny's elementary report cards! 

Isabella stayed with Rose cause they were hosting a girls slumber party for Issy and Emma! LOL
Danny and I headed home and went to bed - but not before making out in the kitchen! LOL  TMI - I know but this never happens for me so I had to document it so I remember 20 years from now the one time Danny made out with me in the kitchen! LOL

Monday morning I drove over to Teague to pick up Makaila!  We walked around the farm taking silly pictures...did a little fishing (at which apparently both Makaila and I suck! LOL), and then when we were tired of walking we went inside and played Loteria! LOL

Your truly won the carta llena (full card game - pays double)! LOL  After that Makaila and I headed home!  We sat in traffic in the Woodlands for an entire hour!  I was pretty frustrated by the time we made it home!  Luckily we passed the time watching videos Makaila took of my dad singing silly songs! LOL 

Good thing we had made the mandatory Bucee's stop and had some snacks!

Rose came by to drop off Issy and then we headed to the groceries.  i got some stuff for dinner and drink for the house...we watched tv, ate and then did baths and bed time!! Back to school and work the next day!

It was a great weekend!  Filled with Family, friends, fun and tons of great memories! I'm very grateful for days like these!!

I'll leave you with well wishes for your week and a glimpse into the love of a girl and her crazy grandpa!

We love you more than Chocolate cake!!!!

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