Dress Hunt

October 29, 2014

Issy had early release two days this week to accommodate the parent/teacher conferences.  Luckily Ms. Campbell offered to keep her on Wednesday so I was able to get by with just leaving a little early from work instead of taking the half day on Wednesday.  I was home in a jiffy and since Issy was in mid party mode at Mrs. Campbell’s I took the opportunity to take Makaila to the Quinceanera shop by the house to see what they had.  They had some really cute dresses and I think we may have found the one. 

She loved this dress.  She also decided that while she has been against a tall crown this whole time….she really liked it once it was on with the dress.  We even were able to talk the show owner down in price.  We did not pull the trigger but I am so glad we stopped by.  There is one other dress we saw in the catalog that is on order, so we are going to wait until it comes in to tr it before we make up our mind…..

I love seeing her in this dress, although a part of me is dying inside because I can’t believe my little girl is really becoming a  woman!  It’s crazy…she looks so grown and beautiful!!  

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