Christmas is in full swing

December 4, 2013

Last night I came home from work, picked up Issy and we all got ready for her karate class.  The neighbor Brandi told us about the Humble City Christmas Parade - so we made plans to go check it out right after Issy's class.  We made it to the parade just in time to watch it start!  It was nice to watch the parade, and see the excitement in Issy's eyes.  She was so excited to see Santa again!!

We watched the entire parade and then had dinner together at El Jalapeno.  It was okay (not great - but edible) and then we headed home thinking we were gunna get to watch the CMA Christmas Special - but found out sadly that it was on the night before!!!  Oh well - since we were too late for karate class (Makaila and I) we opted for showers and an early bedtime instead!  We watched a little of the Scrooge movie that was on as the 25 Days of Christmas Movies on ABC and then lights were out.  I woke up this morning to Bella and Sam under the kitchen table reading a book!

Day 4

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