
July 25, 2013

OMG - THAT WAS AMAZING!! - The final review from Makaila.

So I got home from work yesterday at about 4:45 to find that my date for the evening was ready to go and looking gorgeous!  She hoped into the car with her purse and her face just a smilling!

We headed back into downtown and had a nice dinner at Birraporetti's in the theatre district.  Our waiter was wonderful. We shared an order of cheesy bread as an appetizer.  Makaila ordered the Jumbo Cheese Ravioli's while I had the Chicken Parmesan.  They were both delicious!!!  I also enjoyed a frozen peach Bellini...yummy.  While the food was great...the company was even better.  Makaila entertained me with stories about her friends, the latest "cool fashions", her plans for the coming school year and more.  She was so happy and I was loving it.  After our meals, I was too full to try dessert, but Makaila enjoyed a giant slice of Tres Leches cake.  (I wish I would have taken a picture - it was gorgeous).  She said it was delicious - but I'm not a fan, so I just took her word for it.

Once dinner was over we walked over to the Hobby Center.  After three attempts in the wrong direction, we arrived about 20 minutes before the show.  We checked out the sales stands and while we both found t-shirts we liked, I just couldn't bring myself to pay $40 for a t-shirt, so we just kept going.  We stoped by a wicked poster and a nice lady offered to take our picture.  Then we went up to the Mezzanine and took our seats.  I snapped a picture of the stage before the show began..

It was a map of the land depicting The Land of Oz, Munchkinland, The Emerald City,etc.

About ten minutes after we took our seats, the lights dimmed and the show began.  Makaila and I were so entranced by the show, we didn't feel the hour and a half  pass us by. Makaila was so happy, and well - it was contagious.  We got up all smiles to find the ladies room. Makaila actually thought the show was over - she didn't realize there was a second act.  We got ourselves come candy and a  drink , and got into the long line for the ladies restrooms.  Luckily the lines went by really fast and we were back in our seats a few minutes before the second act began.

I didn't think it could get better and yet it did.  We had the best night.  The show was amazing, spending the alone time with Makaila was wonderful, and I wouldn't have changed a thing.   As we walked back to our car that night she told me that she wants for me to take her to see Annie when it comes into town, and The Nutcracker at Christmas time.  I'm so happy that we enjoyed the show and that God willing, we will be able to enjoy this little pass time for years to come. 
             A big THANK YOU to Danny for getting us the tickets.  We had an amazing night!! 

One of the songs in the play said " Who can say I have been changed for the better?...Because I knew you I have been changed for the Good."  It was my favorite part, and it made me think of how blessed we were in that moment to be there together, for Danny watching Issy at home, and for how GOOD our lives really are!  Thank you Lord for my family, for our joys, our sorrows, our today's, and our tommorrows.  :)

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