Church Rewind

July 30, 2013

In the month of July our pastor takes the month off and Dr. Charles Lowery comes in to do a four week message.  This guys cracks me up!  He makes church feel like a comedy club - and messages are unforgettable! His wrap up message this week was great, but when I went online today to look at the daily devotionals from our pastor I saw that they already had his messages available in the archive.  I love his messages so much that I listened to each of them again today!  I laughed and much that I thought it would be a good idea to share.

Now - if you know me - then you know I am not a Christian poster child - by any means.  I have my faults and my issues, but I do love Jesus.  I would love you to join us for church one day, to pray with you or for you; but I also thought that if you have some free time and just need to laugh - then watch these videos or listen to them while you do something will not be disappointed!!

My Favorite Dr. Lowery quotes:
  • "Men - do not make decisions in the presence of a naked woman - Adam did it and look where that got us."
  • " single guys go into prisons or mental hospitals alot more than married guys...marriage keeps you out of prison and state hospitals" 
  • " At a certain age your body and your fat become friends - and it all heads south"
  • "When you go to church you look all Holy, the couples are getting along, everything looks good - but then you step out into the real world and it gets REAL!  It's hard to be a good Christian"  
  • "That's good preaching - But I've got to hurry"
  • "You need someone with a better view guiding you - God is in heaven - view doesn't get much better than that"
  • "You are his most prized possession - once you understand that you will live an awesome life"
  • "When your marriage has troubles - don't swap mates - fix the marriage!!"

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