The start of our life journals!!

July 23, 2013

My niece Angel created this blog for me years ago and I forgot all about it.  I've been contemplating starting a blog and started looking into it this morning only to find this one again and figured it was a sign!!!  Here recently I have been reminded in many ways that I need to be journaling for our girls. 

I have a friend named Valerie who seems to be an angel to me.  She calls at the most opportune moments, and prays for me, and reminds me of God's greatness.  Every time we talk she asks if I am journaling.  Sadly I always answer no! :(  Today that is going to change!  I want to start this blog today to take notes of our daily lives.  To be reminded of our blessings to log our special moments, and track things I want our kids to remember. 

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