Weekend Rewind

August 26, 2014

What a weekend!  Talk about excitement and fun!

Friday while I was at work the girls were with Victoria (gearing up for their concert!).  I got a few calls from them  during the day!  Let me just say...Victoria really loves her cousins and is oozing patience....cause them girls were wired up!   Makaila called at about 11 that they were going to the stadium already!  I talked her out of is simply because it is too damn hot to be sitting outside of a stadium waiting for it to open for 5 hours!!  They went to the mall instead.  There was a Mario World event going on at the Galleria...so they had fun there for awhile.

Then it was off to the concert...by the time I got home from work that night..Makaila had already let me know that they were in and she had purchased the two shirts she wanted...Issy had a book and they hadn't lost her!!

Turns out they had a fantastic time at the concert...it was the concert of a lifetime!! I'm so glad that they had fun and they have cousins who love them enough to take them to stuff like that and enjoy it with them on a level that I am obviously not so fit for anymore! LOL

Instead I spent my Friday night doing laundry, watching tv, and making hairbows! LOL....exciting right?!?!

Saturday morning I woke up early and went to the store to buy a birthday gift for Jade!  I ended up hitting up Kohl's, Target, the dollar store and then the mall!  She was harder to shop for then I had planned.  I came home and finished up some more bows and then got caught up watching tv!  I headed out to Jade's party at about 4:30 and was only able to stay for about a half hour!  The kids stayed with Ceci once again, because I had to go home and get ready for my first ever 5K!

I am alot of things...but a runner is most definitely not one of those things.  The ladies from my HIT classes encouraged me to register for a glow run and I naively signed up!  WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!

By the time the ladies swung by to pick me up...I was a ball of nerves! I had my t-shirt and running shorts and tennis shoes on and was ready to go...but my tummy was just bouncing around with nerves, my throat was dry..i wasn't sure I would even go through with it!  MY plan was to run a little and then walk it out and meet them at the finish line.  We got to Reliant at about 7, and stood in lines until almost 10pm....there were so many people there!  We finally got to run and Leslie would not let me stop!  I worked on my breathing and attempted to quit at least 4 times...but she wouldn't let me...she kept encouraging me and cheering me on and telling me she was proud of me!  It was cute!  But it worked...I ran the entire thing and finished it!! I did feel like I couldn't breathe...but she was right....I was proud of myself for doing it and finishing without stopping!!

I am so grateful for her encouragement and motivation! The whole group of ladies were awesome...I would most definitely do it again!!  After our run we had fun in the foam pit!

The run was over so late that we went straight home, and I spent the rest of my evening showering, washing clothes and watching Crazy Stupid Love on tv...I love that movie!!!

Sunday morning came quick and I got ready for church!  The service was great!! Ray and Ceci and the kids all came.

Church Notes:
Focused Relationships

* Focused relationships lead to long and lasting relationships
* what you follow after determines your fulfillment

To have successful relationships I must: 

1, Focus on Christ to meet my deepest needs  - If you depend on your mate to make you happy you will be disappointed  - instead fix your eyes on Jesus and he will deliver the rest!

2. Get rid of distracting target - Don't run someone else's race by constantly comparing yourself to others and do not have a fear of missing out!!  Love the Lord God with all your strength and get rid of the distractions that lead you astray! 

3. Eliminate poisonous arrows!  - It is the poison of bitterness that takes hold after the fight is over! 

4. Connect with a community of Christ Followers - you need encouragers around you!  Fill your life with cheerleaders not judges

5. Look past the current pain and see a future of hope - remember that it is always darkest before the dawn.

Be mindful of the words you use!!!!

7 Rules for Wise Fighting 

1. Always check my motives - Are they pure or am I being selfish?
2. Never attack the person - instead attach the issue 
3. Never raise your voice (As hard as it may be  - speak calmly and respectfully)
4. Never interrupt - sop focusing on your feelings and let it be a two way discussion
5. Never keep score!!!
6. Always follow with actions - words without action are meaningless
7. Always speak from the heart  - drop your guard and risk rejection - but seek truth!!

* Everyone is broken for it is brokenness that leads to blessing.
* Have hope and see his glory 
* Hope has a name it is Jesus Christ 
* Church is not a place for perfect people it is a place for broken people who seek forgiveness, love and acceptance 
* You are blessed when you are at the end of your rope 
* God loves to take our mess and transform it into a miracle

One of my favorite parts of this service was when pastor Kerry talked about relationships and how when you seek God first...the rest will follow.  He spoke about Ruth and how she was widowed and her mother-in-law Naomi told her to stay in town to seek her happiness but instead Ruth chose to Follow her in her journey to follow Jesus...and as a result she found Boaz. He used some internet scripture to help get his point across....

In the past he has used the quote....Do not date losers and you won't marry a looser....but apparently some of us need to get a tad more real than that...so for those he used the following:

This had the entire crowd i our church rolling in laughter...not exactly what you expect to hear at church...but a powerful message none the less!! Messages like this that stick and ring out in our minds is exactly why I love our church!!  The message is always relate-able, and witty and attention grabbing to say the least....Most times I feel like he is talking specifically to me and I love that!!  Best way to hear God's message is when it is relate-able to you!

After church Isabella d I went home to change and then headed over to Ceci's for lunch and movie plans.  Ceci made us some chicken tacos and then we all headed over to the movies to see If I Stay!  We all read the book and had some hefty expectations! We had some time to spare so we went to a Dollar Store Ceci wanted me to check out for party stuff!  WOW....that place was loaded...we ran out of time so decided to come back again after our movie.

The movie was pretty good.  It stray a bit from the book in certain areas....but it was still good.  Issy cried her eyes out...like big heaving cries which was funny...but overall I think we all liked it and walked out of there wiping away tears!

Once we dried our eyes we headed back to the dollar stores......We hit the jackpot!  I found some beautiful candlesticks to use as a part of some of our centerpieces as well as some led bracelets to use during the dancing portion of the party and a few other things that were just too good a deal to pass up!

I picked up lunch to take to Danny at work and then headed home to get the kids in bed at a decent hour for their first day of school!!

We got home, ate dinner, took showers and then laid out the clothes for the morning and went to bed!!

Monday morning (I stayed home from work to see my babies off to school), we woke up early got ready, checked the back packs...I took Makaila to McDonalds for a McCafe frapaccino, and then dropped her off at her first day of High School....but not before a bookoo of First Day of School pictures....

Once we dropped Makaila off we came home and got Issy ready for her first day of school! She was pretty excited..but moving fairly slow.  Her daddy made it home just when we got to taking pictures, and he was running short on patience as well! LOL

I took my pictures anyway and then we headed out to see our big ole 2nd grader off for her first Day of 2nd Grade!!!

 Isabella's 2nd grade teacher is Mrs. Fink.....who was actually Makaila's second grade teacher 7 years ago...how funny!

She loves her except...much like momma...Mrs. Fink sometimes calls her Makaila by mistake! LOL

After we dropped the girls off at school, I came home and had plans on cleaning......however Danny fell asleep on the couch which meant I had to keep the noise level to a minimum...I did a load of laundry and put away some of the living room mess, and that was it!

Instead I lounged around the house with the blues...I was suffering from the back-to-school, my kids are getting too big, Danny is getting old, and this house if NEVER clean blues!!! I made a collage of my babies and then trolled Facebook checking out everyone else's back to school photos!


I picked the girls up after school and we hit Aldi's for some groceries and then I came home to make dinner.  I cooked up a bunch of chicken and ground beef and more chicken so that our weeks meals would be much easier.  I took the kids to karate and I went to Hit.  It was a pretty low key day and a  great weekend over all!  

Enjoy getting back on a back to school schedule...and have a great week!! 

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