Weekend Rewind - Makaila's Birthday

June 30, 2014

Friday after work I came home to clean house and get ready for scrapbooking!

I had to create a fourth of July layout because I didn't go pick up the close to my heart layouts.  LOL  My faithful scrapbookers didn't seem to mind.  Margaret and Teresea came over and we did our layouts and chit chatted for awhile.  At about 8pm my neighbor Amy came by and we sat around having some girl talk and wine until about 1am!

I went to bed right after Amy left because Issy and I had a birthday party at 10 am...and I still needed to go buy a gift!

I woke up at 7:30 when Danny got home from work, and got showered and ready for the day, then headed out to Target to gift shop.  I got a few unnecessary things as is customary when going to Target, and then before I knew it, it was 10 am!  I woke Issy up and got her ready and we headed over to Jumpapalooza for Alex's birthday party.  It was mainly all the kids from her karate class which was nice.  Makaila started texting at 8 am - which was nice...she was up and happy as can be.  To this point too.....Gina had texted me in just about every state they went through to let me know their progress and when they arrived and everything so it was nice!!

We stayed for the whole party and afterwards, walked into the furniture store next door.  I bought a nice floor length mirror on a stand for Makaila and headed home.  We offloaded her mirror (which at this point Issy had decided was her birthday gift to Makaila). It was raining outside and Issy was zoned into the I-pad watching cupcake wars, so I decided to get crafty and make a new wreath for our front door.

   At about 2pm, Cristina came over with the kids.  My neighbors Sean and Nina went out of town on a couples weekend and asked me and her mom to watch the kids.  How can I not, after all she does for our girls!  They stayed with us Saturday afternoon through Sunday afternoon and it was a piece of cake!! They were so good.  They did the typical sibling bickering from time to time, but they never really cried or fought or anything...it was fantastic!

We played, watched tv, and then went outside to play with the other kids on the block, and by 9 the Webster kids were worn out!  I took them baths, gave Gracie some medicine (she was feeling warm), and they konked out by 9:30!

For the most part they slept though the night...but they are early risers, so by 6am - they were up.  Gracie still felt warm, so I gave her more Tylenol and we laid around all morning watching tv, until about 10.  I wasn't brave enough to take 3 kids to church with me alone....so I had to skip service this morning.  (I will log in later to get the message).

We all called Makaila to wish her a Happy Birthday - can you believe it...my baby girl is 14!!!!!!!!!

I missed her so freakin much while she was gone!  Nina and Sean came by for their babies at around noon, and Issy and I got into Birthday mode...we make birthday cupcakes and cake in teal and white (teal is her favorite color), we went and bought birthday banners and made posters and streamers and then blew up a gazillion balloons.  I went to the store and bought everything we needed for homemade lasagna (her favorite).  I got to making dinner and at about 7 our birthday girl got home!!!!!!!

We really had missed her.  She was so tired when she came home.  We ate dinner and she told us all about her trip.  Then we went to Bahama Bucks for a birthday treat.  We sang her Happy Birthday and ate some cupcakes, then hugged on the couch while we watched movies.

It was a great weekend.  We are a blessed bunch of folks.  Especially blessed on this fabulous weekend to be able to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the birth of our princess. Makaila is a strong, driven, faithful, beautiful girl that I am utterly prideful of.  She is a fantastic big sister.  She is healthy and happy and her laughter is a beautiful sound.  Her smile is contagious, her heart is gigantic and I love her to pieces.  Happy birthday baby girl!!  I hope all your birthday wishes come true and I pray you know how loved and appreciated you are!!!!

Makaila went to Atlanta

June 27, 2014

Last night - we went to HIT, and our respective karate classes like normal, but after adult class, we headed over to Kingwood for dinner (had great pizza at Russo's), and then dropped Makaila off with the Tolley's for her trip.

Back in April when we were at a tournament in Dallas, Gina called and asked if Makaila would be interested in going on a trip to Atlanta this summer to help watch her boys.  I said yes, and didn't think about it really in detail.  I figured...Makaila has babysat their kids several times and knows the family well and what an awesome opportunity for her to travel!

It wasn't until later that I really got to thinking about the idea fully and I was missing her already and the trip was still a month away!  I would think about the fact that she is still young, and, she has never really gone anywhere that far without us, and the what if's...there were tons of those!

I prayed about it and sucked it up and last night she headed out.  After we dropped her off, Danny and Issy and I went to Bahama Buck's for a treat, and then home and to bed!  I prayed for my baby girl to have safe travels and loads of fun, and for this momma not to freak out about it....combined with her turning 14 this coming weekend...I'm an emotional wreck!!!!!

After talking to Gina a few times and getting the details of the trip..Makaila will only be alone with the kids at the aquarium place for about 45 minutes, and she will be able to see the Tolley's in the tanks....so it's not like my crazy mind was leading me to panic about...but even still..its only been a few hours and I miss her already.

Grateful gushings

June 26, 2014

You ever have those mornings that you wake up feeling frumpy, or fat, or sad and lonely, or even unloved and unappreciated.  I think as women those morning are far to often and most times unfortunately we bring them on ourselves.

Lately I have been in a frump - feeling fat and unloved.  Why? I have no earthly idea. It's not like people are casting their judgement on me, or even giving me looks or abusing me in some way.

I know in my heart of hearts that I am not a fat girl.  Not even a little.  Now I'm no super model, or even a double taker most of the time...but I'm not an ugly person, nor am I a really large person (or that it even were to matter if I was).  But I find myself constantly complaining about being fat, and trying on clothes with this crazy mindset that I need to look skinny and well lets face it...I'm not fat, but I'm also not skinny. (I am a voluptuous petite girl)  My obsession has gotten a tad out of control as of late, and I finally had a break through.

What did it?  I have no idea once again...but I quit!  Today, I quit complaining daily about my appearance.  I quit obsessing on the size of my stomach or the extra skin that unfortunately hangs from the bottom part of my stomach from having had two kids.  I quit being unrealistic and hoping that I can get back to the body I had before I had kids!!!

I JUST QUIT!!!!!  Today, I make the conscious decision to love myself just the way I am.  I realize that I am a big giant hypocrite to try to teach my kids that they are beautifully and wonderfully made in God's eyes by God's hands... perfectly....just to turn around and complain about what God has given me.  God made me this way....he looks down on me and smiles at his child with love unconditionally......why don't I see what he sees?

I have no idea why I have chosen not to for all this time...but today I choose to.  Now I'm not all of a sudden confused or thinking I'm SUPER FINE or HOT or whatever the term is....but I am choosing to accept that I am a beautiful person, just the way I am.  Not in the vein way that some people can drift towards...but beautiful in that, I want to love myself and my life, enough to not care about the extra skin, or the wrinkles, or the grays, the wide feet, the frizzy curls, or anything else that has caused me stress or concern before. (WARNING: There will be days that I relapse I am sure - so be my friend and remind me of this post when I do)

God has blessed me with a beautiful life that I am wasting away by stressing over my appearance.   I felt myself falling into a sort of depression stressing out over my looks, or my weight, or my stomach...and I don't understand why it became so important to me....but I know it shouldn't be! I also know that the majority of my concerns are from within and from no one else.

I kept causing myself tears, telling myself I wasn't attractive, or Danny didn't love me or someone didn't post that picture because I look fat.........How silly is that!!?!? While Danny is not the most affectionate man in the world, and he rarely if ever will pay me a compliment, he has never judged me or made me feel as if I wasn't enough.  I was doing that all in my head to myself!! Danny is not affectionate and I have always known this...so why I thought all of a sudden that this would change or why I needed it to change so badly...I may never know (mid-life crisis comes to mind), but I'm over it.  Like he says - If he didn't love me he wouldn't be with me!! (HAHA- I just read that to myself, and it made me laugh.....he acts like he has a choice..I love him too much to let him go, and I told him the last time I married him that there were no take backs and he was stuck with me till we die!!!---I am selfish like that)

Instead of focusing on looks, I want to focus on all the things I have to be grateful for.  I have a husband who is faithful, who works hard to provide for his family, who is a strong and faithful leader, who teaches our girls what a good man is.  He is an amazing father to our girls and we are lucky to have him.  I have a beautiful set of daughters, whose smiles light up my life.  Their laughter is contagious and they are healthy, and smart, and strong, and driven, and I love them to pieces.  We have a nice home and good cars, steady jobs, food on our table, clothes on our backs and all our needs are met.  We are able to take vacations and trips and make memories with our kids that will help them to be strong and loving women.  We are surrounded by family that loves unconditionally and wholeheartedly.  I have both of my parents alive and my in-laws alive to love on and to enjoy watching them age, love us, and our kids!!! (Not everyone is so lucky).  I have three sisters who are my friends!!  I have several girlfriends who love me and I them like sisters!!!!  I am a lucky, lucky girl.

If you woke up today feeling like you weren't enough, or you weren't pretty, or you are too fat, or too dark, or too light, or too loud, or too anything.....STOP!  Choose to love yourself and the beautiful person God has created you to be! Make an effort to see yourself the way he sees you!  Learn to love who you are so you can focus instead on how you live and love others!!!!

Life is too short and tomorrow is not guaranteed....so today I choose to love myself just he way I am.  To continue to teach my kids and lead by example that they are beautifully and wonderfully made by a God who loves them no matter what!!!!

You are beautiful too....you are important and special and you are here with a purpose.....so smile....they are contagious!! :)

Ninja Update

June 25, 2014

Before our trip to Destin the girls tested for their next belts in Taekwondo.  I decided to sit this testing out!  I'm glad I did...because watching them test together was awesome.  Danny was back to work on Monday night, but I left work a tad early to get Makaila to the Dr.  She still wasn't feeling good, so I called and got her an appointment on Monday afternoon.

Good thing they could see her so fast.....turns out she has strep!!!!!!  My poor baby!! We got her some anti-biotics, and then headed to the rank ceremony.  It was a major ceremony (because there were 6 new black belts), so we were there for a few hours...but well worth it because Makaila received her Brown Belt recommended, and Issy received her Decided stripe as a Blue belt!!!

We are so proud of the girls for sticking with this, and working so hard and for advancing so quickly in this sport!!!

By the time we were done with the ceremony, Makaila was running a fever, and had chills all over, she went home and straight to bed.

Say a little prayer for my baby to get better soon!!!!

Have a great week!  Love ya!!!

Weekend Rewind

June 23, 2014

Being back from vacation can be exhausting.  We got in late and slept so good.  Our bags were all over the living room floor.  Saturday morning, I started cleaning up, and doing laundry.  I washed all the bed sheets, while Danny went to clean our cars, and tent to yard work.  I headed out to the stores to get some gifts cause we had some parties to go to on Saturday. 
After runs to Target and Ross we headed home, wrapped gifts and got ready.  I picked up my niece Emily at about 1, and then once Danny was showered and ready, we loaded up and headed to my sisters house.  It was WAY early.  Nothing was done and we were the only people there.  

Danny hung out for awhile, then left to go to the music store, while I started the foods, made goody bags and put up a few decorations.  My sister ran a few errands and then by 4, people started showing up and having fun.  Isabella had a blast at Emily's birthday party.  They had a water slide int eh back yard and Issy was on that thing the entire time!!!!

We left to Momo's at about 6, and ate and hung out there,  At about 7, I went back for the girls at my sisters house.  I had missed the cake and presents, but heard Emily as pretty happy with all our gifts.  We kinds went overboard (mainly because this is the only party I can remember her having - so she was overdue some gifts!!).  We went back to Momo's and made it just in time for cake and presents there.  

By 10, we were partied out and we headed home!!!

Sunday morning, we got up and ready for church. I headed out before Danny and the girls to do my greeting at the door!!

Church Notes: 
Part 2 - Audience of One 
"I am not trying to win the approval of people, but of God.  If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant." Galatians 1:10

People Pleaser Types: 
The Busy Bee - nice & thoughtful and full of energy 
The Diplomat - an appeaser who avoids all conflict
The Suffering Saint - but everyone else before themselves 
The Schemer - the person who is looking out for only them 

People Pleaser Traps: 
Fear - its unhealthy to fear abandon, loneliness or even rejection 
Conflict avoidance - trying to just keep people from fighting at any costs 
Approval - seeking approval in other people who shouldn't matter 
Guilt - low self esteem 
Over Commitment - being exhausted or easily exploited 
Idolatry - caring so much what someone else thinks to the point of idolizing them instead of God. 

How do we over come these traps? 


* We must decrease our focus on what people around us think about us. 
* Obsessing over what others think of you is the surest way to forget about what God thinks of you! 
* I must increase my focus on what God thinks of me. 
* God are you pleased with my life?

After church, we headed home and then had a family lunch at Spring Creek Barbecue.  I was yummy!!

We headed back home and relaxed.  The girls and I unloaded all our luggage and put all our stuff away, and watched tv for awhile, and just relaxed.  It was a good winding down weekend, and now...Monday morning brings back to work blues!!!

Destin 2014

Monday morning - we woke up from a great nights sleep in a fantastic hotel/casino ready to see some beautiful beaches.

On the road and happy by 9 am...we made a pit stop to eat breakfast at a Waffle House and ended up at a Shoney's, which was pretty good.  Makaila  was still not feeling well, and stayed asleep in the car!  Once we were done eating we made one more stop to fill our gas tanks and then Danny for whatever reason looked at the tires on Ceci's car and noticed that each one of them was ripped - and in a very dangerous state!!! We called around the area to different tire shops and stores, got several different quotes then ended up spending the next three hours getting new tires on her car.  While the guys waited for the installation, the kids and Ceci and I hit up a Marshall's.  I got two pairs of really cute sandals, some blankets for the girls (because they forgot to pack theirs), a romper for Makaila and then we headed back to the tire shop.

It was an unplanned stop, but the alternative could have been very scary and was totally unnecessary.  I kinda believe in the whole...God's plan is divine, and everything happens for a reason...so I was glad to spend our day making sure we all got there safely versus the magnitude of the what if's had we kept going without having noticed the tires!

It was a long day on the road, and we ended up arriving in Destin at about 9:30 Monday evening.  We were all tired, and yet no one was really cranky which was nice!!

We unloaded the cars and then headed to wal-mart to buy groceries and necessities for the week.  We came back home, cut up fruit and cleaned hte kitchen and then all headed to bed.  It was a little after midnight by the time we went to bed, but we were there and the next day would be fantastic...so we all went to bed hopeful and happy.

Tuesday - I woke up a little early, and no one was awake yet, so I put on my workout clothes and headed out for a run.  Back home....I hate running.  It is not an exercises that I enjoy nor do I do it often...but in Florida - I love to run.  I love to check out the scenery, and I love love love to walk back along the shore line picking up shells letting my feet get wet, and enjoy the morning breeze.

I ran down to the Crab Trap, and then headed down to the beach and walked back along the shore.  It was awesome.  I came up a little before our turn (mainly because I wasn't sure how to gauge my distance from the beach versus the sidewalk), and I'm glad that I did because after a few more steps I ran into Danny.  He had suited up and come in search of me to join me on my morning run.  I was presently surprised!  We instead took our shoes off, and walked the beach the rest of the way back to our cottage home.  It was great.  I know in all our years of going to Destin, that has never happened....so it was a first I am definitely grateful for! We made it back and everyone else was awake and starting breakfast.  We all ate, and got showered and ready, then headed out to the beach for the day.  The kids played, we all swam, and Isabella because a master of the boogie board.  I honestly think this was the first time I really got in the ocean and enjoyed it.  Usually I stay on the beach watching the kids, or reading, but this time I got all in and really enjoyed the water- it was breathtaking!!

Once we got tired, we went back to the cabin to shower and eat, and decide what was next on the agenda.

We headed over to the Emerald Grande with the intention of renting jet skis. While Danny went to check out the availability, it started to get kinda gloomy.  Turned out we couldn't rent them as there was impending rain, so we decided to head back to the house, and get dressed for dinner, and return to the village to have dinner and enjoy the Fat Tuesday parade.

After quick showers for everyone, we headed back to the village, and had dinner at Margaritaville.  The food was nothing to brag about, but the pina colada I had was fantastic!!

After dinner, we waited around and watched the night parade go by.  The rain was right behind it, so we headed back to the house to call it a night.

It never really got to raining good like we expected, so instead we headed back into the night and had some Bruster's!!  It was yummy!!

We headed to bed after that and then came Wednesday! I woke up a little later, but still no one was up, so I suited up in my workout clothes and headed for my run.  This time I made it all the way down to the Bad Ass Coffee company (which was pretty freakin far from our house).  I was gone until 11am...and Danny called and told me to hurry up! LOL

I showered up and we spent the day at the outlets shopping.  Everything seemed great when we got there but it quickly turned ugly.  Makaila got pissy because I didn't get excited over a pair of pants that was on sale for $25 at Aero.  She got all pissy and started being disrespectful and ugly, so I went to the store and had her try them on (which only made it worse because they were too tight and I wouldn't buy them).  I told her that if she was gunna act ugly then to not ask me for anything the rest of the time we were there.  So she stayed away from me the rest of the time we were at the outlets. I kept going with Isabella and Danny and it just kept getting worse.  A few more stores and then Danny was mad because Isabella was being a brat.  I went to the restroom and came back to a crying Issy and a frowny pissed off Danny!!  Isn't that how every woman wants to spend her time at an outlet mall...looking at pissy faces!!!

I decided we should leave, cause I was not having fun and started to feel pretty pissy my damn self.  I walked back to where we were parked and sat on the bench, and told Danny we needed to leave if they were going to keep walking around looking like that.  Of course we didn't leave, but we went our separate ways.  I took Issy with me, and Lord only knows where Danny took off to. After about 30 minutes, we both ended up in the Lacoste store feeling a little better, so we shopped together a little while longer - without the attitude and pissy faces.  There was really nothing in particular that struck me as a deal, or something I needed or even wanted.  I bought a couple outifts for Issy that were like $10, and then a high/low dress she had been in search of for a long time.  Danny got a pair of tennis shoes and we called it quits!!

Thank goodness...that shopping trip was the pits!!

We left the outlets and headed to Bubba Gump for lunch!!  To say this was the most exciting part of the trip for Issy is an understatement.  Isabella has this crazy obsession with the movie Forrest Gump (I don't think I even realized the amount of love she had for this movie until this point).  She was super excited to be at Bubba Gump.  The entire time she was looking around, and fidgeting and just shaking from sheer excitement.  She asked for everything in the gift shop, and was just jumping up and down from her joy!  I think her joy spread to everyone it was a tad contagious.

We left there pretty happy, and decided to hit up the Hard Rock area and do a little more shopping!  (At this point I must tell you that I know I am immensely blessed to be married to a man who likes to shop and enjoys to take us shopping - it can be a curse financially - but a blessing none the less).  Makaila picked a few things she liked at Forever 21, and Isabella got a couple clearance shirts from Gymboree.

We left the shopping places, and decided to head for the beach once again.
Everyone suited up and we sat on the beach watching the sun set.  The kids headed back to the house without us, and we sat there for a good while laughing and having a few good drinks on the beach. Another Destin first for us that I really enjoyed!

Thursday morning, we all woke up pretty early and got ready and headed into town to rent a pontoon boat for the morning.  There was a gloomy cloud out when we started and so I thought our boat time was gunna be - not so much fun.  Luckily we got out from under the rainy cloud and it cleared up  quickly....we drove around, took silly pictures, the kids caught some hermit crabs on Crab Island and Danny even caught a fish with Isabella's Barbie fishing pole! (Yet another Destin first).  We had a great time on the boat, and I loved it.  The kids were happy, the adults were happy and the weather was fantastic.

After the boat ride we had a pizza buffet lunch at Pizza Hut.  We stuffed our faces then went back to the house to shower and freshen up.  Ceci and I had decided the night before that we wanted to take family pics on the beach.  (Another Destin first!!!).  Everyone showered up, got pretty and we headed to the beach!

The rain clouds were among us so we had to hurry...I think we got some great pics...don't you!?!?!

We left the beach just as it started to rain.  Perfect timing.  We headed over to the candy maker, in hopes of watching some taffy being made.  No luck, they were done making candy for the day....but they had plenty.  The kids all picked their own treats and I took some cute pics while we were there.

It was still early and the rain had come and gone, so we decided to head over to the Baytown Warf to walk around, and check out the new stuff.  We again, took some pictures while were were there and had a cocktail, and just relaxed!!  It was nice.

We would be leaving Destin Friday morning - so we watched a little tv, and started gathering our stuff to bring our trip to an end.

We headed to bed at about midnight once again.  We woke up Friday morning, adn finished our washing, packing, checking, double checking and loading.  We hit the road at about 10 am, and made several pit stops on the way home.

We hit up the Brick Pit in Alabama (featured on the Food Network of course).  The food was great!! We were all full!!!

We stopped in Biloxi Mississippi to check out the Hard Rock there.  The guys went in a few minutes to the casino and gambled while the rest of us hit the gift shop and the Starbucks!!

We stopped in Lousiana for snacks and gas, and then made it back home by about 8:30.  It was fantastic vacation, but it always feels good to be home after a long trip!!

Overall I think Destin 2014 was a great success!!  We had a blast, took some great pictures, and made some wonderful memories!!!

I would do it again in a heart beat!!!  Thank Jesus for the blessing he pours upon us day after day....for our health and the opportunity to give our girls these memories!!!!

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