In the month of October the company I work for always does a huge rally of events to raise money for the United Way!
Today was BINGO!! For $10 we were provided a pizza lunch with sodas, cookies, and Papa John's! After everyone ate, we played 30 rounds of BINGO!!!! I was in BINGO HEAVEN! Now mind you - I am used to good ole Mexican style BINGO...yes LOTERIA...BUENAS!!!!!
I like to win every single way imaginable....straight up and down, diagonally, across, four corners, triangle, posito...the works....but the United Way games were just plain old Bingo. For each of the first 20 games we were playing for 30 raffle tickets (to use later in a raffle auction), then after 20 games someone donated an extra $1000 the prize went up to 130 raffle tickets per game...and as a bonus on game 31 to go out with a bang - the prize was 500 dollars in raffle tickets!!!!
Sadly - I didn't win a single game - but I had a blast!!!! I have already pre purchase my ticket for next weeks BINGO luncheon, and I donated some money to be able to wear jeans to work tomorrow!! I just so happened to have a rodeo meeting tomorrow evening so that worked out having to pack extra clothes!!!
On a separate note - The girls and I all have our third stripes and have gotten permission to test for our next set of belts this coming Saturday!!! Makaila and I will be testing for our CAMO belts (which means the sparring will begin - our equipment is already on order - SCARY), and little Miss Issy will be testing for her Junior Yellow belt!!
I'm so proud of us for sticking with this sport - not only are we all learning valuable life skills, getting great exercise but we are spending time together as a family!!! Can't complain - Healthy, happy, and loved - does it get much better?!?!?
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