Cancer really and truly in every shape and form SUCKS!!!
Makailas friend passed away of the weekend and then on Tuesday morning I got a call from my mom that an aunt of mine had also lost her battle with Cancer.
In case your not from a big gigantic Mexican family with a million and 27 cousins and aunts and brothers and sisters, etc, then you should know EVERYONE is related to you and in short...EVERYONE is your aunt. In actuality the lovely lady who passed was my mom's cousins wife. I knew her (although unfortunately not well or closely). My mom asked us all (my sisters and I) to go to the wake on Wednesday afternoon, so we did.
We went for many reasons - first and foremost because it's what we were raised to do (someone we know passes - we go pay our respects), second - do unto others as you want done to you (and the day I am called home to see my father in heaven - I have no doubt many many people will come to celebrate with my family!!!, third - I don't mean this disrespectfully; but it's a good way to see lots of family you don't always get to see, and finally - because mom said too....and I don't care how old you are....your mom says do do it!
The funeral wake was very nice. Danny, the girls and I headed out there and grabbed a seat. There were prayers read and hymns sung, but the most heart felt moment was when her daughter Claudia came up to speak. She talked about all the treatments her mother went through, the exact number of medications they tried, and the number of chemo treatments she underwent, she talked about moments they shared and memories they made. She said that she enjoyed the last year and a half she got with her mother and knew she had no regrets. That she was grateful God gave her an opportunity to say goodbye and have peace in her heart knowing that her mother was so loved (the place was full - people filled the pews, the walls were lined with people and more in the hallways outside!). She spoke so beautifully about her mom and her family and it made me cry so much thinking WOW....what strength and what courage.
Afterwards we said our peace to the husband and children, and all our other family members who had gathered to pay their respects.
Danny and Tony took off before us to Papas and had food on the tables when we got there. It was very nice of them. My parents and Tia Lala came to spend the night at our house. It was a great way to end a bad day.
God - Please open your arms to Maria Guadalupe Perrett who joined your home in heaven today. I hope you guys were smiling down on us this evening as you watched us all gathered there in her honor and that she knows she was loved beyond measure. I hope her pains are no longer and that she is a new angel who watched over her kids and husband!! Amen!
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