Over the weekend, Makaila and I went to my parents to visit them. Sunday morning while Makaila was out riding the four wheeler, and I was walking around checking the farm out with my dad, Makaila came by with tears in her eyes, to tell me that a girl from school who had been suffering from Leukemia had finally passed away. At some point in the school year last year her family sold t-shirts to help raise money for this little girl, and Makaila bought one.
I'm not sure exactly how long her battle was, but in that moment I prayed for the new angel in heaven. Last night, Makaila said that everyone at school was going to wear orange (her favorite color) to show support to her sister ( a classmate of Makaila's) and family on the day they bury their angel. She had outgrown last years shirt, so we went to Wal-mart to buy an orange shirt. Then this morning before I left to work, she told me that they were going to leave a little early to school because some of her friends were going to gather at the flag pole before school started to pray for Jaquelyn.
I swear - I am the proudest mother on the planet this morning!!! I asked her to take a picture - so I can post it here later. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she is going to be a part of this prayer and that her heart is this big!!
Will you pray for this angel too...even if you don't know her or never heard of her, cancer is real and it effects millions and millions of people daily!! Family's are suffering and while some can beat it others are called home to their savior and for those that are - PRAY FOR THEM.
Dear Lord - Today we pray for Jaquelyn Sky Jenkins, your new angel in heaven. We pray with great thanks and joy that her suffering has ended, and her pains are no more. We pray for the lasting impact she made with her short time here on earth. We pray for strength in her family, to deal with their heartache at her loss. We pray for the friends she left behind and the impact she had on so many students who she touched through her pains, her family and her story. May she be one of your patriarchal angels, watching now over her family left behind, and standing at the gates of heaven to greet them when they too are called home.
We pray for the students gathering today to pray for her this morning - that they be covered in your blood and that their actions be seen as they are - freely and faithfully gathering in the name of Jesus to lift up an angel!!! We pray for the people suffering with similar heartaches and pains, that they be faithful and strong and they come to know you as their Lord and savior and trust in you. In Jesus name - AMEN!
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