Yesterday I came home and the kids and Danny were at Isabella's taekwondo class - so I started on dinner. I had enchiladas and rice made and on the table by the time they got home, so we ate dinner fairly early. Makaila served us all some ice cream and while we ate our ice cream, the girls and I studied with Makaila her new Spanish vocabulary. We took turns guessing the words and saying them in Spanish. We even took turns being the teacher.
Isabella was doing pretty good until we got to the numbers. Now mind you - she knows her numbers in Spanish, but Makaila was asking us to say - First, Second, Third, Eight and so forth. She started to tell us the numbers in Spanish and we had to tell her what she was saying in English - what happened next almost made me pee in my pants.
We were on a roll getting them all right, and Issy and I were even starting to get a tad competitive....until Makaila says - "Segunda"- which is Spanish for Second. But Isabella in an effort to answer before me immediately responds - "THIFT STORE!!" The fact that she knew that immediately and related it to our shopping habits cracked me up!!!
My sisters and I (and most Mexican's - do call the thrift store the SEGUNDA). It's to us the equivalent of a Second hand store - so we shorten it up to "Segunda".
We laughed about this quit a bit!!! While Issy was right in her Spanish to English translation - the real and correct answer was Second!!!
I swear - I am one lucky lucky and truly blessed momma! We are all healthy - we have food on our table (and it was delicious), clothes on our backs and manage to have the most entertaining of study sessions.....does it really get any better??
Did I mention - we even have ice cream in our house right now(My favorite Chocolate chip) about LUCKY!!
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