The weather in town was absolutely gorgeous this weekend! It actually felt like it was really Fall!
Friday, after work I went and picked up the girls from school, we came home and relaxed for a bit. We watched tv and hung out with the neighbor kids for awhile. Nina came over with SJ and Gracie and the kids ran a muck for awhile!
We had pizza for dinner then went to bed. Nothing too exciting but it was definitely nice to unwind without something tugging at our heels!
Saturday morning I woke up early and ironed our uniforms for taekwondo. The girls woke up at about 8:30 and we all got ready. We headed to Southern Maids Donuts for breakfast, ate and then lined up for our next belt testing. It went really well. Isabella messed her form up, but her teachers were excellent about it all and asked the group she was in to redo their form. I wasn't paying attention to see if anyone else had trouble too...but I was very grateful they gave her an opportunity to try again, because she rocked it the second time!
We all tested and were feeling pretty good. The girls insisted we take a picture with the Henderson's!
We stayed to cheer on some of our taewondo friends in their testing after ours was complete. Everyone rocked it!
We hurried home because we had plans with the neighbors, so we got changed and then headed to Zoo Boo with Nina and the kids. We actually stopped to eat lunch at Berryhill first, and Oh my was delicious!!
Nina treated us to an amazingly delicious lunch and we ate like we were starved! It was a good thing we were headed to the zoo to walk because I ate so much I had to undo my belt! LOL
We got to the zoo and had a great time. We saw the birds, the flamingos, headed over the to Children's portion, jammed to some "what does the fox say", and kept on going! We saw the lions and monkeys at which point we decided after two hours that WAY too many people had the same idea and it was packed to the point our stroller was immobile in the crowds! I was starting to feel claustrophobic! Overall it was a good trip - we had fun and the kids didn't have any melt pretty successful!

After our trip to the zoo we headed home! I sat on the couch for a few minutes at which time I realized that if I didn't move immediately I would fall asleep! Instead we headed back out to buy a present for Ryne. He is one of Isabella's friends from Taekwondo that was going to have a party on Sunday, so we went to Marshall's first to return a jacket I bought last week, and then to Target for a gift. We have a really hard time shopping for boys since we don't have any in our house - so we all decided on a Nerf gun, and some extra ammo, and a Lego Ninjango T-shirt that glows in the dark. We got a gift receipt in case its not his deal! LOL
We headed home and Makaila packed her bag to go spend the night at Krystal's! They haven't seen much of each other, so they were ready to catch up! Isabella and I went home and waited for Danny to get off work. He came home and we headed out for dinner! I was still so full from Berryhill's that I wasn't all that hungry! Instead, we went to Academy where we finally picked out the bike Isabella was due to buy with the last of her Birthday money! She tried a few different bikes in the aisle and settled on a nice purple bike and a matching helmet! She was pretty excited about having a new big bike!!We headed over to Hooters for dinner only to find there was a UFC fight going on and the place was we headed to Chuy's instead! I had a tortilla soup, and Isabella enjoyed a burrito, while Dan had the hatch enchiladas. It was yummy, but I couldn't even finish my soup! It was late and we were all tired, so home and to bed for the three of us!
Sunday morning I woke up early and ironed a basket of clothes that has been patiently waiting for about a month to be ironed! LOL Issy and I showered and got ready for church. We headed out early and enjoyed a great service!
Church Notes:
Part 7 - of Series : Unshakable 10 truths to a Rock Solid Life
Overcoming the Lure of Lust - You shall not commit Adultery Exodus 20:14
1. Commit to God's Standard instead of the culture's standard
* temptation is not a sin - but falling to that temptation is.
* How can a young man keep his way pure: - by living according to God's word
2. Look past the Lure and see the consequences of the hook
* adultery is the ultimate form of selfishness
* don't get complacent - Satan is ALWAYS fishing
3. Realize the lure of lust will never satisfy your hunger
* do not fall to false illusions and seek fal's gods. They are not the real thing and they will never fulfill you!
* lust is a cheap imitation of love
* our God given hunger is for intimacy and commitment
4. Guard your mind against the progression of lust
- attention - attraction - addition
* don't give someone else the attention and respect that is due to your partner. You made a commitment to honor and respect them, so don't partake in relationships with the opposite sex that takes away from what you have committed to them.
* attraction to others is normal, but be strong enough to look away. Don't build emotional relationships with someone else that is due to your spouse. aka - Having a work husband or a "best friend" in someone other than your real husband is a form of adultery!
* get serious about guarding your eyes from temptation, shield your heart from emotional affairs, and your mind from conforming, and falling ot the pleasures of the flesh.
5. Starve lust and feed love
* The grass is only greener where you water it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Build in accountability and avoid complacency
* We need people around us to keep us accountable and encourage our commitment, not to tempt us and dis sway us!
* NEVER let someone of the opposite sex discuss their marriage issues with you
* the foundation of a relationship is commitment
After church Isabella and I headed home to break out that new bike! We popped some popcorn and enjoyed the beautiful weather. She was so happy to ride it....and the other kids came out and played for a good while.
That is one awesome unicorn helemet - if I do say so myself!! And Issy looks like a rock star wearing it! We wrapped up playtime to head out to Humble Family Skate and celebrate Ryne's birthday! We had a blast! Isabella was a beast on that roller rink!
We had so much fun...Isabella even joined in on the Hockey Pokey and the Chicken Dance! She fell about 27,652 times, but she didn't cry and she didn't give up! I was very very proud of our little skating queen!
We picked up Makaila from Krystal's on our way home and Isabella was excited to show her sister the new wheels! LOL
While Makaila watched the Texans game, we cleaned up a little, made dinner, (I tried a new Pioneer Woman Lemon Chicken piccatta recipe that was a fail!), had some ice cream and did some Spanish vocabulary again at the table together.
Showers and bed time to follow!! It was a great weekend with beautiful weather and some fun times had! Monday afternoon will be our Taekwondo rank ceremony in which we will find out if we graduated to our next belt rank, and a celebration dinner at Cici's Pizza to follow!!! This will make the Monday blue's just a tad bit bearable! Have a great week!!!! Love you more than cheese!
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