Weekend Rewind

August 26, 2013

Friday afterwork - we went to the Meet the Teacher Event at Timbers Elementary!  We got to meet Isabella's First Grade teacher (Mrs. JoMarie Faggard), and check out the classroom, and the other students. 

I was really excited to see she has Mrs. Faggard for 1st Grade!  I have heard wonderful things about her as a teacher, and to make it even better she has her "BEST FRIEND" Aubrey in the same class with her as well as a few of the other kids from her Kindergarten class!!  She was super excited!

After the Meet and Greet, we went over to Target to get a couple things, mainly a bunch of candy to get started on the goody bags for Isabella's party!  We went home and watched  some tv, then went to have dinner over at Los Vega...it was yummy!

Saturday morning was pretty jam packed. Makaila and I had our color belt testing at Henderson ATA from about 8:30 - 10 am.  We both did great! Makaila was awesome, she knew her stuff and did an excellent job in her testing!  I was extremely proud.  We received several compliments on both of our forms and one-steps, and so I am hoping the ceremony this evening brings new belts for the both of us!

After testing, we went home to change, did a couple loads of laundry, went to the YMCA to register Isabella for the after school care program.  Stopped at the bank, at the Dollar Store, headed over to the Hog Stop for a fundraiser, and then by 1pm, we were at Tio Ernie & Tia Sarah's for Jade & Nic's birthday party.  We were EXTREMELY early...but we helped set up a little and Issy got an early start in the pool! 

I took advantage and passed out a few more invites to Isabella's party as well as distributed the girls Summer pics out to everyone that was there!  I had to leave the party early (I was having a new bed delivered).  So I went home, and started on Isabella's Goody bag while I waited for the delivery!  My 6-9pm window was a little off, since the delivery people showed up well after 10pm!  And to make it worse they delivered the wrong bases! We should be getting it straightened out soon - but it was a bit of a bummer!!

Sunday morning these little beauties and I went to church!

My Sunday service notes are as follows:

             Understanding a Woman's Deepest Need (Part4 of Series: Shark Weakness)
1. My Greatest Need is to be a priority.  (As your wife I need to be the most important relationship in your life - apart from God).  Put me above your family and friends!

          PRIORITY  = Constantly courting her.  The things you did to make her fall in love with you, need to keep happening to stay in love!!!!
          SECURITY = Continually fight for her! (Not financially but emotionally - make her feel valued and appreciated!!  Win her heart anew daily)

* The way to a woman's heart is by engaging her emotions!
2. My greatest Struggle is seeing my true beauty
 * a woman needs reassurance
         REASSURANCE = we are bombarded by the lies in our society  - we need our partners to reassure us of our beauty and the love they have for us. 
          REST - We as women need to learn to rest in God's view of us.  Know that we are made in his eyes, and we are wonderfully and beautifully made.  Grow in confidence and self worth!!

Danny was not able to attend this service (he was at work), but I have ever so kindly suggested that he listen to this message online - because he is not so great is this department!!  I love him to pieces, but I cannot get a compliment or praise from that man for the life of me!!!  Even when I ask for them - they are given in the form of a nod, or a grunt, or "A Loca!" - which in no way is a compliment (In case your reading this Dan). 

By that same notion , I pray that God love Danny through me in ways that I have failed.  That he give me words of encouragement for my husband, and that he teach me to love Danny in ways that he can understand and appreciate.  That he make me the wife that I am called to be, as well as the mother I am made to be (which - on a totally seperate note - I have had a strong call in my heart for me to stop cursing!  This is such a terrible and constant habit of mine!  I do it some days more than others, but it is so much a part of my everyday vocabulary - that I most times do not even notice it.  But God is helping me in this - and one day soon enough - I am gunna successfully quit this terrible habit of mine). 

After church the girls and I headed over to the Galleria to spend the last official day of summer shopping.  We spent a few hours window shopping mostly.  Picked up a couple sale items but not much.  Headed over to Sonia's to get our eyebrows threaded, and she gave us some Henna tattoos. 

Very pretty - but not what I want to have on my hand during meetings at work - so if you know how I can get it to come off sooner....HELP ME!

We came home, had dinner, and watched some of the VMA's.  NSYNC rocked!

 It was a short little reunion - but I enjoyed it.  The entire Justin Timberlake portion was excellent!  He is an amazing performer.  After that performance it was past the new 9pm, bedtimes so we left the remainder recording and got to bed.

This morning was the First day of school for my babies!!

Oh how the time flies.  They got ready, took their pictures, and off to school we went.  Isabella's drop off was smooth.  Makaila's however got me teary eyed.  We just dropped her off in front of the school, and she walked in but it hit me that it was my little girls last First day of Middle School!  She will be in High School next year.  This made my eyes sting a tad, and the tear fell, but I quickly composed myself! I want them to stay little forever - but I have dwelled on this before, so I'll let it go for now! 

Instead, I pray that God watches over them today and keeps them safe.  That they come home today excited about the friends they missed over the summer, and the exciting new school year ahead.  I pray that they treat their teachers and schoolmates with love and kindness, and that their words and actions be a reflection of Gods word.  In that same frame of mind, I pray that he do the same for me, and help me to be more aware of the words I use, and the way I treat others!!!!

Thank you God, for my little Limon tree.  Thank you for the new beginning that takes place today, the blessings that brought us to this and those still to come!!!

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