Double post Friday (It's slow at work, and I forgot to mention my date in the previous post, as it was focused on my child bragging (a rarity ...I know)!
After the testing last night Danny and I went out to Steak Night. The Coaches Sports Bar over by our house has $10 steaks on Thursday nights! I wish I had taken a picture, but I forgot! (Next time - I promise). We went to dinner and each had a delicious steak cooked Medium, with a salad and baked potato and a soda for $22.50!! Great deal, since we had almost a whole steak and a whole potato left over (for Danny's lunch). I was nice to go out alone, and enjoy a good meal over some leisurely conversation. We chit chatted and shared a few laughs, talked about the kids, and family, and tv shows, and trip possibilities, and Issy's upcoming party, and bills, and other general junk, but it was wonderful.
There are times in the past where I have felt like our relationship is dull, and BLAH, and boring, but last night was a great reminder of just how wonderful it really is.
Don't be fooled - our relationship is far from perfect on any level, and I know several of my posts are dotting on Danny type of posts - but to be honest - journaling in this blog has been a REAL eye opener to me on so may things that I have taken for granted for far too long. When writing about our daily lives it is so much easier to see the things I love and mention them and appreciate them where as before I would go day after day and not notice the little things (or maybe notice them and leave it unmentioned), but blow up and make a big stink about the bad things.
Life is not guaranteed, and I don't know God's plan for me; but I do know that if I died tomorrow I would want my kids and my husband and my friends and family to know how I truly feel about them. I want my girls to know the pride and joy they bring me. I want Danny to know that it is so easy to hate him, but so worthwhile to love him even more. That even when he thinks I am not looking, that I notice and appreciate the things he does for us. I want my sisters to know that I love them. That I am so proud of our family, and the love we share and the friendships we are still growing into.
I want my friends to know that they aren't just my friends, they are my chosen sisters. That I love them! Don't dwell on your heartaches, or troubles, hand those over to God (he is way better at that kinda stuff), and instead focus on how to love. A great pastor once said that in life you are always going to cheat one thing. Be that your job, or your family, or yourself. I'm all for working hard, and loving your job - but don't cheat your family!!! Watch your kids grow up and enjoy every moment of it. Don't grow old and regret the things you should have done and didn't, or the things you should have seen and didn't. Live!! Love!! and Laugh!!!
I chose Danny as my husband (and yes - I am fully aware that I gave him up - but I came back to my senses) and as my husband I promised to honor him, respect him, and love him through thick and thin, good and bad. I made these promises twice, so they are doubly important! The reality is that it is not easy, and sometimes it is not fun, but in moments like our date last night I am ever aware of God answering my prayers with this man. I am very blessed with a man that is not romantic, or complimentary, or affectionate, or open-minded - but very loyal and hardworking, and honorable, and family driven, and faithful (even though he isn't very vocal about it - believe me he is), and stinking hot!!
I am also aware that I take him for granted sometimes, and that I can very easily be caught up in a girly bitch session, and man bashing tournament! That it comes easier to leave my appreciation for him unmentioned (to avoid the discomfort it brings in him - he can be shy at times). I said it before and I will say it again - we are far from perfect people, a sometimes struggling marriage, and occasionally clueless parents, but our faith is giant, and our devotion is solid in God - and he holds us together (even when we might feel like letting go - which on occasion happens).
Enough of my preaching - Go show a little love to your mate - go on a date - pay him a compliment! Make-out like love sick teenagers!!! (and then tell me about it so I can tell Danny - "See they do it....wanna make out!") LOL
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