No more Tiny Tiger!

August 23, 2013

Last night Isabella had her color belt testing.  Our little booger has been in karate for about 8 months now, and since she turns 6 this month, and because she is as dedicated to the sport and SOOO good with her movements, Master Henderson wanted her to be moved up to the Junior class (Dependant on this testing cycle). 
This is a huge deal for us....Makaila is in the Junior class!  They want these kids who are 7 years different in age and 3 feet different in size to be in the same class with the same requirements!  I am a little scared, but I do agree that she is ready to graduate from the Tiny Tiger program.  She has shown tremendous discipline in her practicing, and focus in karate! 

As a parent is is hard for me to watch my babies grow up!  I want (like every other mommy in the world) for my babies to stay little forever.  I want them to be cute, and little, and innocent, and silly.  Looking at Makaila this week, I had to go to my room and cry (both from pride and fear).  Watching her grow up and become her own little woman has been so scary for me. I love and hate that she is developing into a young woman, that she is beautiful and has a giving and kind heart. (the hate part - is from her being so kind hearted that she gets taken advantage of, and being so pretty that she doesn't look her age).  I feel like Issy too is growing up WAY to fast.  She idolized Makaila and wants to do everything Makaila does, and sometimes, I just want her to be a baby!  But my little baby is indeed growing up, and starting 1st grade next week (can you believe it)...and tested last night and was granted her Junior Orange belt!!!

Makaila is overjoyed by this for two reasons - 1. She is a proud big sister 2. This means that after her testing this weekend she will be a higher rank than Issy! (you should know that to move from Tiny tigers to Juniors, you drop a rank because the tiny tigers are required to know only half the forms and self-defense and one-steps that the juniors do - so when you move up you have to learn the entire piece of your last belt.) Issy has been very vocal about her being a high rank than us, and knowing more, and being in longer, so Makaila is very happy to now be the older higher ranking sibling!! LOL

Anywho - we thought we would share with you guys just how immensely proud Danny and I are of our little Isabella who graduated last night and was granted her Junior Orange belt in taekwondo!!  Not to mention, how much easier it will be to get to go to just one class for them and one for me, versus the three separate classes  (sometimes with classes in between)we used to sit in Mon- Thurs every week!!


So proud - that I cried a little just posting these pictures!!  Biased I know - but my kids are freakin adorable!!  God is SOOO good!!! I'm feeling proud and sappy today!! 

Makaila and I will test for our Yellow belts on Saturday morning, and then go relax at a pool party for Jade & Nic's Birthday celebration!! Weekend here we come!! Oh and Sunday is bring a friend day at church - care to join us???  It's fun, and educational, and they usually give out prizes on Bring a friend Sundays - and if they don't then I'll make you breakfast after!  Let me know - I would love some company (since Danny will be at work this Sunday).  There are services at 9:00, 10:15, and 11:30 every Sunday morning.  We usually go at 9:45 - I usher before the 10:15 service, and then I stay to usher for the next service as well - but if you join me we will just stay for the one so I can go home and make you breakfast after.  :)

We love you - thanks for stopping by!


  1. Way to go Isabella! I know you are very proud of her. I've really enjoyed reading your blog!

  2. Aww Thanks Leslie! I'm glad your reading! I wonder sometimes if anyone does, but then it really doesnt matter cause it sure has helped me to write it!!

    How is the pregnancy going? You look great!!!


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