You ever have one of those moments when you take a look around you and think...Wow....I am truly blessed.
This past weekend there were moments of frustration, and some moments of anger that I struggled with because I kept taking things from Danny the wrong way. I forgot karate pants at the hotel we had already checked out of and he got which I laughed (cause everyone knows laughing at a pissy man is always best! NOT). He is not the friendliest person in the world or affectionate, yet there are times where I am more bothered by this than others. Yesterday I don't know exactly what triggered my thinking, but I had one of those epiphany moments where I started to look back at our weekend and realized that in his own way he loves me so much!
I thought about the ease in which he volunteered to go buy us starch at 10pm so that we would look our best at the tournament. How he woke up at 5am, when Isabella tried to sleep walk out of our hotel room, and then stayed awake to make sure it didn't happen again (when he easily could have woken me up and made a commotion about it - like I most likely would have done). How despite the fact that he had only slept 3 hours prior to our take off, he drove the entire 4 hour trip without complaint or smart ass remark when I fell asleep on the way there. How he took the liberty to buy an ATA bag to carry our shoes and t-shirts around with him the entire time we were there (cause like every man that goes to these kinds of things - he wants to be carrying our crap - NOT!).
I thought about how I felt Saturday after we got home and I realized he never congratulated me for winning or said he was proud of me or anything. ( I was pretty pissy - unbelieveable I know LOL) How he may not have said it to me directly, but every time his phone rang from then on he told his brother and his friends that called him that I had won with such a sense of pride - that it made me laugh. That even last night as I got ready to go to class, and he bragged on me just a tad more to Jose, he told me to bring my medals and that he wanted to go because he knew Master Henderson would say something in class about me winning and he wanted to see it. (How cute is that!! - he could had easily stayed home and enjoyed an hour of alone time)
Especially the little things that I most always take for the fact that while I was in class last night he snuck away and put gas in my car. Or how even when he isn't tired or ready for bed, he will come lay down with me (at least I know for sure he stays the two solid minutes it takes me to knock out). Or how he calls me at 5:30 in the morning (when he is at work most times, just to be sure I didn't snooze too many times and I am almost done getting ready).
There are too many times I complain about Danny not being affectionate or caring; but when I take a moment to look at things, and appreciate him in his way - it becomes really clear how lucky I am!
He probably doesn't read this (or forgot I even mentioned it to him a few weeks back), but if you ever happen to stumble upon this page one day Dan and have any inkling of doubt for my love for you---- let it go. I love you and I appreciate you more than I ever say it or show it.....but know for certain that I feel it! We have had our ups and downs, our tits and tats, and there is no one I would rather struggle with than you. Thank you for the blessings you bring to our lives!! I love you!!
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