Push Through - NOT!!

August 29, 2013

I thought that I was going to push through the pain - but I was wrong. I went to the gym at lunch time - got in the Strength Zone workout class and most of the excercises were arms (to offset the legs we did on Monday), and I could do the weights, and the stretch bands - but the jumping rope - not so much!! LOL

It was a freakin joke - I couldn't jump for the life of me!  I ended up having to drop the rope and lightly jog in place while whimpering and laughing through the excruciating pain in my legs!!  I made it through 30 of the 40 minute class and I was done!! I slowly and painfully walked back to work and sat at my desk nursing the pain.  Left work and took the long and hurt-filled walk to my car - took the girls to karate, and made dinner - then followed that by a HOT epsom salt bath!  It felt awesome!  I sat in it for about 20 minutes (cause the whole sweating like a dog while sitting in a tub of near boiling water can take its toll), and then showered. 

I was surprised at how much better I felt almost immediately.  I woke up this morning still feeling some pain - but not nearly as much as yesterday.  I think I will stick to jogging a couple miles around the track for lunch today - cause I am not up for another class - who knows if I can make it progressively better through the day I might even go back to the evening karate class.  We will see how the rest of my day goes!

On a seperate note - I am feeling overwhelmed with doubt and insecurity and frustration in certain areas the past couple days and the more I think about them the more I can feel the devil take his toll on me and steer me further into these doubts and pains - PRAY FOR ME.  Help me to have the words to address my isuues, a calm and open mind in them, and a focus on God and his desires for me in resolving them. Help me to focus on his word and not the influences of society and those around me that encourage my doubts.  Above all give me clarity to hear what God is trying to tell me.  Valerie called me two nights ago (perfect timing as always) and I wasn't able to talk to her - but I need to call her back.  She always knows what to say to me to make these thoughts and feelings go away!!!

New Juniors

August 28, 2013

The girls had thier first class together as Junior Orange and Yellow belts!  It was cool.  They both did a great job!  Makaila for the first time ever was the class leader.  She was so excited she practice the intro at home a few times just in case.  She bowed the class in and did a great job!  I was worried that Isabella would be too little for the class, but she did great.  There were 4 other smaller kids, so my worries were for nothing. 

I however did not make it to my class last night!  I couldn't hardly move!  I took the Monday circuit workout class at the gym - and it killed my legs.  We were assigned three laps around the track with one side of the track done in all lunges, followed by 50 plyometric push up (the kind you have to clap your hands and get off the ground completely in between each one).  Then repeat the cycle 4 times!  Sounds easy - but it wasn't.  And it took a major toll on my legs!  I can't walk!!!  The walk from the parking garage yesterday took me a solid 14 minutes - and today it was worse...I couldn't bend my knees without feeling intense pain, and I had to hold on to the rail to walk!! LOL

I asked Danny to massage my thighs last night - and I cried - it hurt so bad!!  I don't know if I should be excited that my body is reacting and I am doing something right (no pain - no gain); or if I should be sad that I am so out of shape that this is my reaction to 185 lunges! LOL
Anywho - I am determined to get to feeling better and push through the pain - I plan on taking the kickboxing class at lunch today and making it to the taekwondo class tonight!! (Don't be surprised if my post comes to you from the hospital tomorrow!!)

Danny insists that I am not doing the right exercises and that is why I do not loose weight! But seeing as how I can't afford a personal trainer, and I know deep down that it is my eating that is mainly keeping me from loosing the weight I just let him get mad and tell me its my own fault for doing the wrong exercise and gaining more leg muscle!  Why doesn't he understand that I am trying to do butt workouts to look like that hot chick I pinned on Pinterest?!?!?!  H-E-L-L-O!! - I clicked on the pin and it said lunges, lunges, lunges - (too bad that chic didn't mention anything about the pain or the inability to walk after)

On a totally different note - we got our bed delivery corrected and I love the massage feature on this bad boy!!  Its a constant vibration that is so relaxing!! I can lift my head, my feet, vibrate on either or both....I'm in tempurpedic heaven!!  I highly recommend the investment.  It took us several years to finally spend the money and I am so glad we did! (My sisters boyfriend Tony works at Mattress Firm - in case your interested - let me know nad I will send you his way)

Yellow Belts

August 27, 2013

The rank ceremony was last night!  Makaila and I were both given our Yellow Belt decided.  It was a great evening, in that Danny and Isabella were there to cheer us on and see us receive our new belts. (I'll have to share pics with you later - I didn't take any with my camera and I haven't loaded Danny's from his phone just yet.)

The best part of the ceremony is that the Nationals, District and World Champs were honored with a new banner that will hang in our school, and the World Champs were presented with their World Champ uniforms framed to go on our Championship wall!!  Master Henderson shared a story about Ms. Aggen that had me in tears.  This young lady has been doing taekwondo for 16 years.  She left her hometown of Livingston (I Believe) to move to our area and train at this school (great teachers with lots of titles and experienced ranks).  She has made it to World Championship Competitions for a consecutive 9 years, each year coming so close and yet not winning.  Even tied twice for 1st place and still didn't win.  This year she won WORLD CHAMP for forms.  His speech was filled with such endearment, pride, and love for this kid (as if she were literally one of his own children), that it made her cry (and me too).  It was so cute to watch - I think I even saw Master Henderson wipe away a tear.

Even better than that was after this presentation - he made it a point to explain to us how he started in Taekwondo, and reiterate the rules of no jewelry.  How the only exceptions are wedding rings, Master rings, and or a 5th degree achievement Onyx ring.  Master Rose (from another school) presented him with his 5th degree ring once he reached that achievment, and how much it meant to him and so forth.  He then went on to tell us that in all his years of having this school (Since 1994) and teaching that there has only been one student who has shown sure determination, and dedication and focus to achieve the goal of becoming a 5th degree black belt, and he wanted to continue tradition and present her with the 5th degree ring once presented to him years ago.  It was Ms. Aggen.  She was bawling!!  And honestly so was I.  It was so touching and so awe inspiring to see this presentation and to hear such heartfelt accolades for her. This young lady has amazing talent, she is so disciplined, and respectful and kind, that I feel honored to have been a part of this celebration in her honor!!!  Congrats Mr. Aggen!!

Now off that pride high - let me also fill you in on the worse part of the ceremony.  In case you guys haven't noticed I am pretty proud of my rugrats.  I brag on them often, and love them abundantly.  Last night, after the ceremony, I hugged Makaila and congratulated her and told her how proud I was of her.  We got into the line of people waiting to congratulate Ms Aggen, and one of the other teachers said "Aren't you two a pretty picture", (we were walking with my arm around her talking) which I thought was sweet, but Makaila shrugged away from me and got into the line with a "whatever" comment.  She did this laughingly, probably thinking she was being cute, but the look of disapproval in Mrs. Wilkinson's face, and the stab of pain I felt in my heart were not good feelings.  I know that I need to understand that she is a teenager, and I'm not cool in her eyes, but the truth of the matter was that I was hurt and even more disappointed that she would do this and in front of our instructors no less. As if that weren't enough, I asked her to take a picture with me, and she said "I don't want a pic with you I want to take one with Master Henderson."  I told her to stop being rude and that if she thought it was cute to talk to me like that it wasn't, that she was being disrespectful and it needed to stop.  She apologized immediately, but it still hurt. 

I get that at 13 your mom is not cool, and I get that I can be smothering at times...but my feelings were hurt. The insecure, reassurance seeking woman in me was heartbroken.  I wanted her to be as proud of me as I was of her.  Hell, in all honesty its for her that I started taking the classes - so she wouldn't do it alone, and we could have something to do together.   I mentioned it again on the way home (which I probably shouldn't have) and Danny got mad at her and proceeded to tell her she needed to cut her crap out and yell at her about  it.  I know she didn't intentionally mean to hurt me, and most likely was playing around with me thinking we were joking around, but it diminished that feeling of excitement and joy. 

After that it was showers and bed for the night. 

God - help me to be the mother that my kids need me to be for them, and that you have called me to be.  Give me some of my cool back! Help me to love them the way you loved.  Help me to be secure and confident in my successes and my actions that I would not be so easily wounded by others.  Help my kids to understand me and my love for them.  Thank you for our blessings and successes, and all of those still to come.  Amen!

Weekend Rewind

August 26, 2013

Friday afterwork - we went to the Meet the Teacher Event at Timbers Elementary!  We got to meet Isabella's First Grade teacher (Mrs. JoMarie Faggard), and check out the classroom, and the other students. 

I was really excited to see she has Mrs. Faggard for 1st Grade!  I have heard wonderful things about her as a teacher, and to make it even better she has her "BEST FRIEND" Aubrey in the same class with her as well as a few of the other kids from her Kindergarten class!!  She was super excited!

After the Meet and Greet, we went over to Target to get a couple things, mainly a bunch of candy to get started on the goody bags for Isabella's party!  We went home and watched  some tv, then went to have dinner over at Los Vega...it was yummy!

Saturday morning was pretty jam packed. Makaila and I had our color belt testing at Henderson ATA from about 8:30 - 10 am.  We both did great! Makaila was awesome, she knew her stuff and did an excellent job in her testing!  I was extremely proud.  We received several compliments on both of our forms and one-steps, and so I am hoping the ceremony this evening brings new belts for the both of us!

After testing, we went home to change, did a couple loads of laundry, went to the YMCA to register Isabella for the after school care program.  Stopped at the bank, at the Dollar Store, headed over to the Hog Stop for a fundraiser, and then by 1pm, we were at Tio Ernie & Tia Sarah's for Jade & Nic's birthday party.  We were EXTREMELY early...but we helped set up a little and Issy got an early start in the pool! 

I took advantage and passed out a few more invites to Isabella's party as well as distributed the girls Summer pics out to everyone that was there!  I had to leave the party early (I was having a new bed delivered).  So I went home, and started on Isabella's Goody bag while I waited for the delivery!  My 6-9pm window was a little off, since the delivery people showed up well after 10pm!  And to make it worse they delivered the wrong bases! We should be getting it straightened out soon - but it was a bit of a bummer!!

Sunday morning these little beauties and I went to church!

My Sunday service notes are as follows:

             Understanding a Woman's Deepest Need (Part4 of Series: Shark Weakness)
1. My Greatest Need is to be a priority.  (As your wife I need to be the most important relationship in your life - apart from God).  Put me above your family and friends!

          PRIORITY  = Constantly courting her.  The things you did to make her fall in love with you, need to keep happening to stay in love!!!!
          SECURITY = Continually fight for her! (Not financially but emotionally - make her feel valued and appreciated!!  Win her heart anew daily)

* The way to a woman's heart is by engaging her emotions!
2. My greatest Struggle is seeing my true beauty
 * a woman needs reassurance
         REASSURANCE = we are bombarded by the lies in our society  - we need our partners to reassure us of our beauty and the love they have for us. 
          REST - We as women need to learn to rest in God's view of us.  Know that we are made in his eyes, and we are wonderfully and beautifully made.  Grow in confidence and self worth!!

Danny was not able to attend this service (he was at work), but I have ever so kindly suggested that he listen to this message online - because he is not so great is this department!!  I love him to pieces, but I cannot get a compliment or praise from that man for the life of me!!!  Even when I ask for them - they are given in the form of a nod, or a grunt, or "A Loca!" - which in no way is a compliment (In case your reading this Dan). 

By that same notion , I pray that God love Danny through me in ways that I have failed.  That he give me words of encouragement for my husband, and that he teach me to love Danny in ways that he can understand and appreciate.  That he make me the wife that I am called to be, as well as the mother I am made to be (which - on a totally seperate note - I have had a strong call in my heart for me to stop cursing!  This is such a terrible and constant habit of mine!  I do it some days more than others, but it is so much a part of my everyday vocabulary - that I most times do not even notice it.  But God is helping me in this - and one day soon enough - I am gunna successfully quit this terrible habit of mine). 

After church the girls and I headed over to the Galleria to spend the last official day of summer shopping.  We spent a few hours window shopping mostly.  Picked up a couple sale items but not much.  Headed over to Sonia's to get our eyebrows threaded, and she gave us some Henna tattoos. 

Very pretty - but not what I want to have on my hand during meetings at work - so if you know how I can get it to come off sooner....HELP ME!

We came home, had dinner, and watched some of the VMA's.  NSYNC rocked!

 It was a short little reunion - but I enjoyed it.  The entire Justin Timberlake portion was excellent!  He is an amazing performer.  After that performance it was past the new 9pm, bedtimes so we left the remainder recording and got to bed.

This morning was the First day of school for my babies!!

Oh how the time flies.  They got ready, took their pictures, and off to school we went.  Isabella's drop off was smooth.  Makaila's however got me teary eyed.  We just dropped her off in front of the school, and she walked in but it hit me that it was my little girls last First day of Middle School!  She will be in High School next year.  This made my eyes sting a tad, and the tear fell, but I quickly composed myself! I want them to stay little forever - but I have dwelled on this before, so I'll let it go for now! 

Instead, I pray that God watches over them today and keeps them safe.  That they come home today excited about the friends they missed over the summer, and the exciting new school year ahead.  I pray that they treat their teachers and schoolmates with love and kindness, and that their words and actions be a reflection of Gods word.  In that same frame of mind, I pray that he do the same for me, and help me to be more aware of the words I use, and the way I treat others!!!!

Thank you God, for my little Limon tree.  Thank you for the new beginning that takes place today, the blessings that brought us to this and those still to come!!!

Date Night

August 23, 2013

Double post Friday (It's slow at work, and I forgot to mention my date in the previous post, as it was focused on my child bragging (a rarity ...I know)!

After the testing last night Danny and I went out to Steak Night.  The Coaches Sports Bar over by our house has $10 steaks on Thursday nights!  I wish I had taken a picture, but I forgot! (Next time - I promise).  We went to dinner and each had a delicious steak cooked Medium, with a salad and baked potato and a soda for $22.50!!  Great deal, since we had almost a whole steak and a whole potato left over (for Danny's lunch).  I was nice to go out alone, and enjoy a good meal over some leisurely conversation.  We chit chatted and shared a few laughs, talked about the kids, and family, and tv shows, and trip possibilities, and Issy's upcoming party, and bills, and other general junk, but it was wonderful.

There are times in the past where I have felt like our relationship is dull, and BLAH, and boring, but last night was a great reminder of just how wonderful it really is. 

Don't be fooled - our relationship is far from perfect on any level, and I know several of my posts are dotting on Danny type of posts - but to be honest - journaling in this blog has been a REAL eye opener to me on so may things that I have taken for granted for far too long. When writing about our daily lives it is so much easier to see the things I love and mention them and appreciate them where as before I would go day after day and not notice the little things (or maybe notice them and leave it unmentioned), but blow up and make a big stink about the bad things. 

Life is not guaranteed, and I don't know God's plan for me; but I do know that if I died tomorrow I would want my kids and my husband and my friends and family to know how I truly feel about them.  I want my girls to know the pride and joy they bring me.  I want Danny to know that it is so easy to hate him, but so worthwhile to love him even more.  That even when he thinks I am not looking, that I notice and appreciate the things he does for us.  I want my sisters to know that I love them.  That I am so proud of our family, and the love we share and the friendships we are still growing into. 

I want my friends to know that they aren't just my friends, they are my chosen sisters.  That I love them! Don't dwell on your heartaches, or troubles, hand those over to God (he is way better at that kinda stuff), and instead focus on how to love. A great pastor once said that in life you are always going to cheat one thing.  Be that your job, or your family, or yourself.  I'm all for working hard, and loving your job - but don't cheat your family!!!  Watch your kids grow up and enjoy every moment of it.  Don't grow old and regret the things you should have done and didn't, or the things you should have seen and didn't.  Live!! Love!! and Laugh!!!

I chose Danny as my husband (and yes - I am fully aware that I gave him up - but I came back to my senses) and as my husband I promised to honor him, respect him, and love him through thick and thin, good and bad.  I made these promises twice, so they are doubly important! The reality is that it is not easy, and sometimes it is not fun, but in moments like our date last night I am ever aware of God answering my prayers with this man.  I am very blessed with a man that is not romantic, or complimentary, or affectionate, or open-minded - but very loyal and hardworking, and honorable, and family driven, and faithful (even though he isn't very vocal about it - believe me he is), and stinking hot!!

I am also aware that I take him for granted sometimes, and that I can very easily be caught up in a girly bitch session, and man bashing tournament! That it comes easier to leave my appreciation for him unmentioned (to avoid the discomfort it brings in him - he can be shy at times). I said it before and I will say it again - we are far from perfect people, a sometimes struggling marriage, and occasionally clueless parents, but our faith is giant, and our devotion is solid in God - and he holds us together (even when we might feel like letting go - which on occasion happens). 

Enough of my preaching - Go show a little love to your mate - go on a date - pay him a compliment!  Make-out like love sick teenagers!!! (and then tell me about it so I can tell Danny - "See they do it....wanna make out!") LOL

No more Tiny Tiger!

Last night Isabella had her color belt testing.  Our little booger has been in karate for about 8 months now, and since she turns 6 this month, and because she is as dedicated to the sport and SOOO good with her movements, Master Henderson wanted her to be moved up to the Junior class (Dependant on this testing cycle). 
This is a huge deal for us....Makaila is in the Junior class!  They want these kids who are 7 years different in age and 3 feet different in size to be in the same class with the same requirements!  I am a little scared, but I do agree that she is ready to graduate from the Tiny Tiger program.  She has shown tremendous discipline in her practicing, and focus in karate! 

As a parent is is hard for me to watch my babies grow up!  I want (like every other mommy in the world) for my babies to stay little forever.  I want them to be cute, and little, and innocent, and silly.  Looking at Makaila this week, I had to go to my room and cry (both from pride and fear).  Watching her grow up and become her own little woman has been so scary for me. I love and hate that she is developing into a young woman, that she is beautiful and has a giving and kind heart. (the hate part - is from her being so kind hearted that she gets taken advantage of, and being so pretty that she doesn't look her age).  I feel like Issy too is growing up WAY to fast.  She idolized Makaila and wants to do everything Makaila does, and sometimes, I just want her to be a baby!  But my little baby is indeed growing up, and starting 1st grade next week (can you believe it)...and tested last night and was granted her Junior Orange belt!!!

Makaila is overjoyed by this for two reasons - 1. She is a proud big sister 2. This means that after her testing this weekend she will be a higher rank than Issy! (you should know that to move from Tiny tigers to Juniors, you drop a rank because the tiny tigers are required to know only half the forms and self-defense and one-steps that the juniors do - so when you move up you have to learn the entire piece of your last belt.) Issy has been very vocal about her being a high rank than us, and knowing more, and being in longer, so Makaila is very happy to now be the older higher ranking sibling!! LOL

Anywho - we thought we would share with you guys just how immensely proud Danny and I are of our little Isabella who graduated last night and was granted her Junior Orange belt in taekwondo!!  Not to mention, how much easier it will be to get to go to just one class for them and one for me, versus the three separate classes  (sometimes with classes in between)we used to sit in Mon- Thurs every week!!


So proud - that I cried a little just posting these pictures!!  Biased I know - but my kids are freakin adorable!!  God is SOOO good!!! I'm feeling proud and sappy today!! 

Makaila and I will test for our Yellow belts on Saturday morning, and then go relax at a pool party for Jade & Nic's Birthday celebration!! Weekend here we come!! Oh and Sunday is bring a friend day at church - care to join us???  It's fun, and educational, and they usually give out prizes on Bring a friend Sundays - and if they don't then I'll make you breakfast after!  Let me know - I would love some company (since Danny will be at work this Sunday).  There are services at 9:00, 10:15, and 11:30 every Sunday morning.  We usually go at 9:45 - I usher before the 10:15 service, and then I stay to usher for the next service as well - but if you join me we will just stay for the one so I can go home and make you breakfast after.  :)

We love you - thanks for stopping by!

Share the Discounts

August 22, 2013

OK - Nothing exciting going on in our home last night, regular get home, make dinner, eat, clean up, go to karate, showers, and bed.  I love to brag about my little crew of ninjas but really....I want to share a few deals with you today instead.  I'll brag about the kids tomorrow! LOL

1. Reliant Plan Discount - As you know - I am a Houston Rodeo volunteer and that job comes with a multitude of perks.  Including a discount on our energy bill!!  I called yesterday to implement the new code on my bill and it give me a 18% savings on what I was paying before (which was already an a savings plan).  It makes the rates cheaper than any of the online available codes and I thought I would share it with you.  (Not sure if I am supposed to do this as it is a promo code for volunteers - but on that note...I have a few open spots for my Rodeo 2014 team so if your interested, let me know- next round of interviews is in September). 

                 The promo code is XE1940.  Call 1800-832-0423 to get your plan changed. 

2.  Ultimate Rewards - If you bank with Chase and are not enrolled in their Ultimate Rewards Program - call to do that immediately.  I have been enrolled in this program for several years and its great.  For every dollar you spend on your debit card, or bank account (paying bills online) you earn rewards points, which can later be redeemed on cool stuff like watches, electronics, home decor, and gift cards!!!!  Who doesn't want free gift cards (I like to order ours at Christmas time- to help with the gift costs!!). 

3. Target Red Card - If you shop at Target, get a Red Card.  It is not a credit card!!  It is a debit card that is linked directly to your bank account, to give you an automatic savings of 5% on every Target purchase you make!!  If you don't have money in the bank, the Red card will not work...that easy! But if you spend money - why not get a little % off - at no cost....it's crazy not too!!

4.  Thrifty Deals - Again - if you know me you know I love to Thrift Store shop!!!  The things you can find are unbelievable.  Did you also know that most all Thrift stores offer discounts!  Take advantage of them!! Learn which stores you like more and get in the know!!  I'll tell you that Goodwill does senior discounts on Tuesdays, and 30% off blue tags on Wednesdays.  Family Thrift will give you 50% off on up to $100 of things on Sunday if you spend $50 during the week.  Sounds like alot of spending - but they have some great name brands...wonderful electronics (that you can plug in and try before you buy), I'll tell you I bought my first pair of authentic Jimmy Choos in a Family Thrift!!! 

5. Are you a clearance shopper?  Learn the markdown schedules of your favorite stores. For example

Target Markdown Schedule is as follows:

Monday Target Markdowns: Kids’ Clothing, Stationery (office supplies, gift wrap), Electronics
Tuesday Target Markdowns: Women’s Clothing and Domestics (Decor)
Wednesday Target Markdowns: Men’s Clothing, Toys, Food, Health and Beauty
Thursday Target Markdowns: Lingerie, Shoes, Housewares
Friday Target Markdowns: Cosmetics,  Automotive

Kohl's Discount info:

The schedule for mark-downs changes depending on the season, but they're usually the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the months, so the best time to shop clearance is Sunday morning.

Also - I get $10 discount cards in the mail from them about once a month. Did you know that if you register to get the Kohl's e-mails they will send them to you in an e-mail as well, and you can use them both!!!  That's $20 in free merchandise every month!!  Who doesn't want free stuff!!!

6. Free money in the Mail -

Register to get e-mails from the following stores for free discounts and Spending dollars sent directly to you - and use them...it is free money...even if you just get an undershirt, or a pair of socks...it's free!!

Charlote Russe - send info on online clearances, free shipping, and in store dollars for free
Kohl's - $10 free money e-mails, or additional % off coupons sent weekly!!
JC Penneys - printable $10 off coupons, as well as additional % off codes to use at checkout
Target (usually sends $10 off when you spend $50) printable coupons
Hobby Lobby & Micheal's - always print out a 40% off any item coupon before going to either of these stores, or get them e-mailed directly to you and use them from your phone
Bed, Bath & Beyond - will e-mail you a 20% off code once a month
DSW - Will e-mail you discount codes and $10 off any $25 purchase periodically, plus $10 off in your birthday month
Sally's Beauty Card - Sign up and get exclusive discounts e-mailed to you weekly!!

7. Deals to take advantage of regularly:

Portrait Innovations - Always has picture packages available for $7.99 - $12.99 for over 100 pictures that you get 15 minutes after you take them. No sitting fees, or wardrobe change fees, or anything bogus like that.  Do this OFTEN!!  Once a month is the limit per family - but your kids grow up so fast - take pictures, capture the memories!!  They try to get you every time by taking tons of amazing pics of your kids and offering you freebies and add ons and so forth, but if you go in there determined to only spend your $20 total - you can totally do this.  I buy the extras and bigger packages on special occasions such as Family pics at Christmas, or a special birthday, but for the most part I go in there knowing I am only allowed to pic one pose and walk out.  And I'll tell you a secret - they usually send you a link with all your favorite poses in it for you to have the option to buy other items later.  You can totally crop that pic into a jpg file and have them all to print at Wal-mart for 10 cents a print instead!!  Don't believe me - these are the e-mailed photos from the girls session last week - 


See - no mark through or edit issues or anything!!  I was suckered into buying  a personalized phone case with their picture on it via the e-mail these prints came on.  But in my defense these pics are great and the case was 40% off!!!  I had been looking to buy a new personalized phone case, so this worked out becuase now I have a readily available bragging post of my babies!! ( I like to brag on my kiddos - can you tell?)

Groupons - Register for Groupon e-mails and check it regularly - you would be surprised the things you can get discounted on this site.  Meals, massages, trips, home goods, ice cream, the possibilities are endless.

Pick Your Plum - a website with daily deals (most are while supplies last) on great crafty items, personalized gifts, stamps, tons of great things.  Now don't buy things you don't need.  (I admit I am guilty of this from time to time), but only take advantage of the must have deals. 

The Plaid Barn - Another crafting supply site with Daily deals e-mailed directly to you! Don't buy things daily, but check it for your must have deals!! I usually buy great craft supplies on this site.

Very Jane - online boutique deals that again are e-mailed to you daily!!  I find great jewelry deals on here and extremely cute girly clothing items for myself and Isabella. (Makaila is not into the fruffy stuff - but Issy is still small enough she doesn't get a say - although she loves the fruffyness...so it's not an issue).

Group Dealz - Once again - a daily e-mail of boutique, crafty, and simply cute items!  This site is so cheap I have ordered some of my Christmas gifts on here already!!

OK - I'll have to continue this post at a later date - but this is plenty to get you started.  I have tons more to share and I promise I will on another day, but go with this now and start registering for the e-mails!!!! Sorry for the quick rush off but I got carried away and I actually have to get to work now! LOL

We love you - don't forget that!! 

Mooyah Burgers

August 21, 2013

Just received this coupon for a free Mooyah burger through 8/27 - if there is one by you - go take advantage of it.  They have great burgers!!  And everything tastes better when its free.....you know that!!
               In case you live by me, there is one in Kingwood (in the commons shopping area).

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday was the Anniversary of Danny and I's second marriage to each other.  If you know us you know that we had a shotgun wedding in 2000, in which I was 4 month pregnant with Makaila and it was all gravy...for about 3 years...at which time we decided that we hated each other and got divorced.  Well, lets be a tad more realistic...marriage was hard.  It was not what either of us expected and believe it or not Danny and I are very similar in certain traits.  We are both stubborn, prideful, hold grudges, and at that time (sometimes still) extremely immature.  Our divorce is not something I am really proud of but it was something necessary for he and I to grow up and be the people we are today. 

After about 6 months of being divorced, we came to our senses and started dating again.  Thank God for the courage to make that phone call at 1 in the morning with the infallible " I had a bad dream and just wanted to make sure you were ok" excuse.  It got us talking till 4 in the morning and well, the rest is history.  In the next few days long overdue apologies were made, milestones of growth were hit, and over the next few years, we bought a home together, found a new church home, had another baby, opened a business, etc. 

Fast forward to 2010, I had quit my job and was running the Refresqueria. No job equaled no insurance and I went to the dr. who told me I had another growth in my tummy and it needed to be removed immediately.  The only way for me to have the surgery without being in debt for the next 50 years was to get on an insurance plan immediately, and have the surgery.  It was a Thursday afternoon, and the surgery was scheduled for the following Tuesday.  I talked to Danny about it , and wouldn't you know it, the next morning he and I walked into the courthouse and walked out 30 minutes later, married. 

The surgery was done, and here we are today three years later...Happy "2nd" Wedding anniversary!  The funny part is when people ask how long I have been married I say 13 years (counting the time from our first marriage to now), but in reality I am not sure what the answer to this question is.  Is it 13 years for the total, is it 3 years (from the second marriage in 2010 only), or is it 6 years of marriage total (3 from the first and 3 from the second)?  LOL  I asked Danny what he says when people ask him how long he is married.....his answer was "What people, no one asks me that, and if they did I would tell them its none of their damn business!" LOL...Ever the romantic!!

Thinking of my marriage is mainly a good thing, but its not always peaches and cream at the Limon home.  We all have our moments and I most certainly have mine.  I try to focus on the good things and the blessings, but every now and again, I get overwhelmed by the I wants, and what ifs, and why can't I's....

Last night was one of these moments, I got home to nothing (I had asked him to start the pork loin cooking for dinner- and he didn't), he didn't buy me anniversary flowers (which is unrealistic for Danny - but he did it last year, so he set the expectation, and then failed it), and then I went to karate and Mr. Henderson's wife showed up all cute and prego, and I swear this grown man smiled from ear to ear just looking at her, he looked like a kid on Christmas day, he was so happy to see her...and that smile stayed plastered on his face the entire 6 minutes he had left in his class, and he kept glancing over at her.  It was so stinkin cute!!!  The moment his class ended, he walked off the mat and said "Hi my love," as he walked over to her to greet her.  It was the cutest thing ever. (all the adult women there were tickled - especially since this man is so serious in class).  The simple fact that he wore his love and admiration for her on his face and greeted her so tenderly, without a care in the world of who heard him or where he was or if it was appropriate, etc. 

I know better than to compare myself to others, or to want what others have, because we all know too well that the grass is not always greener on the other side, and that you never know what people are going through behind closed doors, and because I am blessed in so many ways that I need to be grateful for those things....I know all of this, but I am human and I am a woman, and that human woman sometimes wants to feel wanted and appreciated and loved. 

After class, and showering, I went to bed and told Danny about Mr. Henderson and immediately got in my funk and told him that I thought I would have a beautiful love story to tell my grandkids and I don't.  His response (again - ever the romantic) was " who does."  LOL - I have to laugh to keep from screaming in frustration!!!!

I told him that I have never been proposed to, that would be a good start...to which he proceed to ignore me and fall asleep.  Normally that would be a pisser offer...but I guess I am used to this response and was pretty tired myself, so I fell asleep too. 

This morning I woke up still heavy with that wanting feeling.  You ladies know what I am talking about...I want to feel loved, I want  to feel appreciated, I want him to want to show me affection, I want him to tell me I look pretty, I want to be loved more....well on my way to work I was listening to KSBJ (I need to get my Jesus in early - and today is a perfect example of why).  A song came on and made me cry.  I cried all the way into work, not because I was sad for all the things I wanted and didn't have but because I felt so guilty for not appreciateing the blessings I do have. 

I'm sure you thought this was going to end as an I hate Danny kinda rant, but it isn't.  I do love that unromantic unaffectionate lug of a man.  I may not have a romantic proposal story, or compliments from him, or someone eager to make-out every day (I know this because I ask him to make-out with me daily ; although I always get a smirk and a shrug with no make-out - I am not a quitter, and I keep on asking cause one of these days he will surprise me and we will make-out like lovesick teenagers - I just know it LOL).

What I do have is a hardworking man in my life that loves our kids more than I ever imagined possible.  I have a man who takes our kids to school every day his work schedule allows, takes them to karate on his off days, cooks dinners to help out when possible, always takes care of our yard work, and sometimes does our laundry.  I have a man who ALWAYS takes care of me when I am sick, who lets me buy just about anything I want, when I want it, who changes our air filters, and the oil filters in our cars, who dresses in whatever I say to take our annual family Christmas pictures without complaint.  Who is honest with me when I ask him how something looks (this is not always a good trait, but I appreciate it most of the time), who takes me on trips often, who drives me to Dayton monthly to pick up scrapbooking junk as he likes to call it.....I have a good man.  A grumpy, unromantic, unaffectionate man, that I am proud to call mine. 

I don't know anyone who has a great love story - and I'll admit ours started off rocky, and then stopped, started again, and sometimes I want to stop it again - but ours isn't all that bad.  I think the stories I share with my grandkids may not be all flowers and candles, but it will be laughs, tears, heartache and fight. It will be real and true and pretty damn awesome. 


Here is a picture of us in our first year of marriage:

And one from last week:

A little different! LOL

Weekend Rewind

August 19, 2013

I just LOVE this 9/80 schedule.  Friday was my off day - and it was great.  It makes the weekend so LONG and enjoyable!!  I have so much extra time to get things done. 

I was able to take Makaila to band camp.  Then drive over to Park Lakes Elementary to pick-up Isabella's school supply packet. I originally thought this would be a quick 5 minute trip, but boy was I wrong.  I arrived about 9:05 to a line like this:

It went from the door of the school, down the entire side wall and through the parking lot edges until the end of the lot (beside the neighborhood wall)....I stood in that line for an hour and a half!! This is exactly what I get for procrastinating - I should have ordered the packet at the end of the last school year and they would have delivered it to her class - and I could have slept in......but NO!!!! 

After I had sweat for an hour and a half and gotten to the front of the line I looked back and the line was still growing - I felt bad for these folks cause I knew the sweat dripping down their back and the lack of planning ie. a drink, going to the restroom, etc. 

 However, to pass the time Issy posed for a few cute pics while we waited....is this adorable or what??

Once we left there it was already after 11 am....so we went home an I fixed Issy's hair and got ready because the girls had a 1pm appointment at Portrait Innovations to get their Annual End of Summer pictures taken. 

I love how cheap this place is but they try to get you everytime!  They got some amazing pics of the girls and I was almost convinced to buy 3 additional poses - until I realized I would be spending $100 and not the original $12 I planned on spending when I got there.  I took a few photos of them in different poses with my phone (which is totally against the rules - I know this) but who can help it when your kids are this freakin cute!!

I ended up picking this one

 as their $12 package and getting the heck out there. Makaila was not happy.  She really wanted to buy some of the prints of her alone because they came out amazing.  I had to explain to her that I didn't have the money right now and convinced her that I would take them to the park to get some good pics. 

So we left Kingwood and headed home.  We invited Issy's friend Aubrey to go to the duck park in Summerwood to feed the ducks and I loaded my big camera to get some shots of the girls.  After about 300 pictures and sweat, we left the park, picked up cones at Baskin Robins (Makaila's treat - she is so awesome), and then headed to the Angel park on Atascocita Rd.  The girls had fun at the park for a good while until it started to rain!!

We came home and played a LONG game of Uno until Aubrey went home.  A little while later Nathan & Natalee came over to have a slumber party!!!  The kids spent the rest of the evening playing dress up and having a ball!

Then and only then did our official weekend begin!  The kids stayed up until about midnight, and then I got them up early the next morning because they had karate starting at 9.  We did karate, and then had kolaches and donuts for breakfast.  I spent a little time cleaning house and then we headed over to North Shore to take Natalee home.  Isabella stayed with Natalee for awhile while Makaila and I hit up the thrift store.  We usually find a ton of things, but it was really picked over and we didn't find anything we really loved.  We left with two shirts and one dress.  The smallest load I think I have ever walked out of there with. 

Elaine called us and said the Hallmark on the Beltway had a good selection of things marked 90% off!!!  We met her there and picked up a few things to give as Christmas gifts!!!  We picked up Isabella and Tia Letty had packed her a ton of things that didn't fit Natalee anymore (woohoooo for Issy - she is gunna be sporting all kinds of awesome duds thanks to Natalee).  We headed home, and decided to go check out the Hallmark at our mall (wasted trip - they had a tiny 90% off section) and none of it was worth the trip or the trouble finding parking! But we never let a good mall visit go wasted - Makaila bought a couple sweaters and a belt at Forever 21!  Happy to have made our mark, we left and headed home.  I started some laundry, and Isabella and I got to crafting.  We made the birthday banner for her party in a couple weeks.  She was so happy to pick out paper and press the buttons on the cricut machine - its the little things that get her going! LOL

Danny got home and watched the Texans game while I went to the groceries and reloaded our fridge.  We watched tv for awhile, and then I logged into Walgreens.com to order the free 5 x 7 wall art item they sent me a coupon code for.  I chose on of the cute park pics of the girls and it's on it's way!

Sunday morning the girls and I all took quick showers and headed to church.  It was Week 3 of the Shark Weakness Series.  Here are some of my service notes:

Shark Repellent - How to keep the marriage Sharks Away

1. A Strong Spiritual Connection
  • Know God's Love
  • Spend time serving others instead of yourself
  • Requires Commitment & Character - You can't love your mate unless you know God's love.  Build trust with one another before becoming bedmates.
  • Become soul mates before becoming bedmates
2. A Deep Emotional Oneness
  • A woman needs to feel treasured, valued & wanted.  Her mate needs to reinforce her value, lift her up, bring out her best. 
  • A man needs to feel respected.  Make him your king.  Shower him with accolades.  Don't talk him down to your friends - brag about him. 
  • Together your relationship should build Christ and grow in faith.
3. A passionate Physical Relationship
  • Create a boundry with one another to build trust and the reward is immeasurable
  • Don't loose hope. Even if you've been married 20 years, and you feel like giving up and you deserve better - don't give up.
  • Start today by rebuilding a friendship, trust - get involved by honoring God and opening your relationship to his touch, and strive to Glorify God in your marriage. 
* A sexual connection is taken to greater depths when you have trust , God, love and respect!!!!

 Basically the entire message was about the importance of a trust and respect basis before the sex.  Of learning to build the foundation of the relationship prior to the celebration.  To embrace sex as a covenant - by building on your relationship and making God the center of that. 

After church the girls and I came home and started cleaning.  We washed all the bed sheets and blankets.  Makaila made some fruity pebble rice krispy treats, and I cleaned out under my bed (our new mattress gets delivered this week - and I am SUPER excited). 

Unfortunately there is a giant tub of photos and yearbooks underneath my bed that I got sucked into for about two hours.  I love looking at old pics.  I decided to snap a few and share them with folks to bring a  few smiles on Sunday morning. 

Check out some of these beauties :

                                    My Parents                                 The Salas girls (loving the high rise pants)

                                          Girls Christmas celebration at the Mad Potter - 2005
                                   Me & Samantha                                     Juanito's graduation

                                  My sister Nancy's wedding!!! (That's me keeping an eye on it all)
            I knew Vicky would be my BFF even in 6th grade           Makaila & Daddy Love                

After I was done looking through pictures I got back to cleaning.  I finished my bedroom and bathroom, all the bedsheets, and was starting on more laundry when we got a text from Aunt Rose to go swimming at Uncle Ernie & Aunt Sarah's.  That sounded way better than laundry, so off we went to swim!

Only Issy got in the pool.  I sat outside in a chair and watched her swim with Jade, while I read a book.  Makaila stayed inside most of the time, but she came to sit by me for a little while and I got this great pic of her by the pool...

I hate how fast she is growing up!!  She is so stinking beautiful - I wish I could just keep her my little baby forever - but she just keeps on growing!!!

 At about 6:30 we headed home to finish our laundry.  That didn't happen.  The girls talked us into letting them stay at Tia Ceci's, so when Danny got home we met Victoria and Alec at Wal-mart and went home minus the kiddos.  We had a quick dinner at Five Guys Burgers & Fries and went home and got straight into bed.  I was too full to fall asleep, so I watched Step Brothers!  I love that stupid movie.  I watched long enough to enjoy the 'Boats and Hoes' song, and then off to dreamland. 

Danny was up before me this morning - and I can tell you my 2nd favorite part of this 9/80 schedule besides the Friday off is that when Danny is on day shifts- we both have to be up at 5am - so I get to start my day off with a kiss from Danny as he heads off to work, and I stay getting dressed ready to start my own.  I know that is not a big deal to most people - but for a shiftwork home it is major!  Most times we go days without seeing each other - when I leave he gets home to sleep, and is gone to work before I get back home.....so a good bye kiss to start the day is a rarity for us! 

I'm back to work this Monday morning feeling refreshed from my long weekend and utterly blessed to be able to recount my weekend to you filled with simplicity and love.  We don't live a perfect life but it feels perfectly blessed to me!! 

Have a great week - and stop by and check on us later (this week has a few things scheduled -color belt testing, meet the teacher, karate, scrapbooking, etc.) We love you!!

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