In the evenings I spent my time like usual taking the girls to and from karate, dance, church, etc. I even went walking in the neighborhood a few times!
Friday I worked all day then came home and got ready and Danny and I headed out to the rodeo kick off party. It was different this year. It was moved over to the arena (because the Texans made the playoffs). It was a tad boring and I wasn't drinking (which probably contributed to the boring). We headed home at about 11. I crashed out immediately.
Saturday I slept in and then got up and cleaned the house until 2 pm. I was not in the best of moods at all because instead of helping my little family decided to sit around on their butts and it was a long morning full of yelling and bitching on my part. But eventually the house was clean and we headed over to my in-laws to hang out. We ordered from from El Oasis and just hung out playing loteria talking crap and having fun. It was peaceful and relaxing evening.
On Sunday morning, we got up and went to church, then headed over to the Woodlands and had a good family lunch at Bucca. It was delicious. We walked it off at the Costco (Imagine that), and then we came home and wrapped gifts, watched a little football, and then headed over to my sister Nancy's for Jose's birthday!
We hung out and did cake, and presents with them, and then headed home at about 7.
It was good to see family and celebrate together. We came home and got our stuff together for the week. It wasn't a real eventful weekend or exciting by any means but we were surrounded by family, and Jesus and we are all healthy and I'd say we are doing pretty good...Hi Alex! LOL Have a good week.
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