We ate dinner, took Makaila to class , came home and added up their chore money and called it a night.
Tuesday I went into work late because Isabella was representing her class in the 3rd grade spelling bee. She had been going to before school practices since before the Holiday break. She was so awesome. She was out on the first round for misspelling plaza. She spelled it PLOSA...which is really how it sounds...I was super proud of her just for being up there and going up against those 4th and 5th graders!! And to make it all better her awesome friend Aubrey shared her roses that her parents brought her with Issy. That was so sweet....I love those girls! So proud of them both!
Wednesday I got home from work and went o HIT, turns out they changed the time to 6:45, so we came back home and waited. While we waited though Makaila proceeded to cry and tell me how horrible her day was without a phone. Literally - tears rolling down her face trying to tell me she was close to death without a phone...well duh...that's the point...your in trouble! I had to laugh at her and then make her go workout. We went back to HIT and worked out...I sat downstairs to catch my breathe for a bit, and Makaila proceeded to tell Mr. Pena how horrible her life is living with us. How terrible a mother I am and how I over reacted over a shoe box in her room (Because ...talking shit about your mom while she sits next to you is the way to get your phone back---NOT!). Mr. Pena is trying to talk sense into her and explain to her how grateful she should be and how she should appreciate us...and instead she keeps going on her rant, telling him how its all me because her daddy would let her do stuff, in fact he could have given her the phone and I wouldn't even need to know because they are home before me anyway, and then how she doesn't have any friends because I am so strict. How I have to know who she is with and where she is going and their parents or she cant go...and so instead she would rather not have friends because it is embarrassing. Mr. Pena tells her that he is in his 20's living in another city away at college and he still tells his mom where he is going....but does this stop her...NO, Makaila keeps on going (despite the looks from Mr. Pena that clearly said - you should stop talking). She finishes her rant by telling Mr. Pena "Oh, it get's worse...I am basically a teenage mother because I have to go get my sister from school everyday like I'm her mom or something," thankfully Mr. Pena chose this moment to walk away and end the madness....so I carefully told Makaila that she was making a real ass out of herself and she should really shut up. I left and came home to tell Danny what had taken place. He shared my feeling of anger, disrespect, ungratefulness, and just plain ugliness so he said he wanted to go pick her up from school and talk to her. I let him and it clearly it didn't go well..she walked in crying and went straight to the shower and then to bed without a word.
What happened really pissed me off and embarrassed me, but more than any of that it hurt my feelings. It made me feel so stupid for giving everything we do to our kids who are clearly don't appreciate it. It made me feel like I failed my kids by giving them so much that they now feel like they are entitled to it. It made me feel like my kids are selfish, and ungrateful and disrespectful, and that is a reflection of me. Have I taught them that?
I know some people would say its the teenage years and that she is a girl that was just being dramatic...but to me it was heartbreaking. It really and truly hurt me. And even after all this...the thing that matters most to her, is not what she said, how she made me feel, or the blatant disrespect she showed both her dad and I...but her phone. The only thing she cares about is that stupid piece of shit phone...which I never wanted her to have...and this is exactly why!! Needless to say there were some tears shed before bed time on my pillow too...
Thursday, I came home late from work and Makaila was already baby sitting the neighbors kids for the evening. They played games and watched movies, while I worked on rodeo stuff. I made chicken soup for dinner - but again - no one ate it because it had vegetables and they feared for their life! I stayed up really late working on some stuff I brought home and finally went to bed in the wee hours of the morning - only to be awoken a few minutes later by Gracie screaming for dear life. I jumped out of bed, tripped on my blanket, ran into the wall and got to her as fast as I could. Meanwhile her sitter stayed fast asleep. She was freaked out cause she woke up alone...so I calmed her down and Makaila came to lay down with her...and we all went back to bed.
Friday morning I was up by 6 am on my off day, to get the girls up and going, and Issy ready for school. I made her some bananas with yogurt for breakfast, meanwhile Makaila left giving me attitude yet again over her stupid ass phone. After I took Izzy to school I came home and started to clean and do some laundry, and then decided I would go for a walk around the neighborhood instead to walk off some of my stress! I talked the neighbor Amy into going with me and it turned into a day o fun! We walked, then went to get pedicures, tried to get some Starbucks but they were closed, so we headed home instead and changed then met up at Panera Bread for lunch and then went to get haircuts! I cut about 7 inches off! I picked Makaila up from school and she was not nice she basically said she noticed my haircut but didn't comment because she didn't like it, then went on a rant about how she couldn't do her work in WAP because they needed to look stuff up and she didn't have a phone...I told her she was being ridiculous, and without missing a beat, she said "I get it from my momma." I swear to God I wanted to slap her across the face. I want to beat that smug disrespectful smart ass look right off of her, but I didn't. It took everything in me to keep my hand down and my tears at bay. I didn't think she could turn the knife any further and yet in just an instant she did. It felt like she slapped me across the face really. Her words hurt more than words could say. I played on my phone while we waited to get Issy (which was childish of me...but I wanted to pay her back just a little and this worked perfectly.) We picked up Izzy and two of her friends, then headed home. They played and I went to my restroom to cry and pray. I don't know what the hell is going on but I can tell with you with unclouded certainty that I don't like it. I let Izzy and her friends play for awhile, then at 6, I drove them home, and headed to a girls dinner my friends and I had planned.
I met up with Vicky, Misty, Eloisa and Alexis at Saltgrass and we talked, had dinner, laughed and just relaxed for a bit. It was a much needed moment of reprieve!
I love that bunch of women. They are my soul therapy! I came home after dinner and Danny was still feel like crap. He has been under the weather all week...poor baby! He was in bed and so I watched tv for a bit and went to bed myself. AT about 11:15 the doorbell started going off like crazy, so of course Danny and I both jumped out of bed freaked out, and it turned out to be my parents!! LOL They scared the crap out of us! Dad was a little wasted, so they went straight to bed.
Saturday morning Danny took off to work feeling like crap. I felt so bad for him. He was sick as a dog! I got up before anyone else in the house and took the time alone to clean up the front room (or try to make a little more progress). Mom and Dad woke up about an hour later and joined me. I packed up all the clutter stuff for mom to take home with her and sold some craft carts online. I had to wit around for people to pick them up then we took off to run a few errands. I took my parents to Marshall's and then we went to 5 Below and to the Dollar Store. While we were out and about, Danny called and said he was coming home because he couldn't take it anymore. He was running fever and feeling like crap. My poor baby!
We came back home after our outings and started to get ready for a 15. My parents wanted to be there early to get a table and I thought they were crazy, but it turned out they were right. We left our house at about 5 and the tables were almost all taken. We left Danny home to rest and take some meds to feel better, and we went to the party! We hung out all night and watched my dad parade around the party talking to everyone there. It was ok - but man I was tired and with no one to dance with...I was kinda bored!
We finally got dad to the car at about 1am and headed home. he was certifiably drunk! We were all so tired we went straight to bed.
Sunday morning Danny was still feeling like crap so he stayed home. I got up and helped my parents pack and get ready ad they were headed back home by 9. We got ready for church and it was great.
After church. we decided we wanted to eat good, so we packed a bag and headed to the Salt Lick. It was so yummy!!! Worth the road trip.
Danny was still under the weather but he was on meds and being a tropper. We drove through the Texas HIll country enjoying the beautiful skies and ended up in Gruene. I love that little town.
We walked around a bit, but Danny was really under the weather still, so we took mercy on him and got a room in New Braunfels and called it a night. In the morning when we woke up, we all got ready and then Danny took us to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch. It's a drive through zoo where you can feed the animals from the car. We hadn't been there since Makaila was like 7. We laughed becasue she was so scared when she was little that we had to drive through with the windows up! LOL
Izzy however, was not scared and loved it!! She wanted to touch all the animals and feed them!
Turns out she wasn't as brave as she said she was...one of the elk stuck his head all the way into the car and she freaked! LOL It only happened once and then she recovered.
Even Makaila over came her fear and fed the zebra's ...over and over! LOL
We spent 2.5 hours there and had a great time. I'm glad we went! After all the animal fun, and a little scaring in the gift shop, we headed back to Gruene to have lunch at the Gritsmill. It was fantastic.
We walked off our lunch by walking in and out of the little town shops....and then drove Makaila over to the outlets in San Marcos to get a pair of shoes she wanted at the Nike store.
After that we headed back home to get back to the regular routine of things. I am so grateful for Danny taking us to do fun things like this and toughing it out because I know he felt like crap and would much have rather been at home in bed all alone...but he didn't...so thank you!
One more pit stop at Dairy Queen...
We made it home at about 7:30 and I worked on some rodeo stuff for awhile, then was ready in bed by 9!! It was a long weekend and a stressful week.....now to see what the next week bring...I hope less attitude!
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