1. Get closer to God (read the bible every day this year)
2. Meal plan (this will help us on our money spending and on how we eat)
3. Declutter our house/lives (plan on focusing on one room each month, and then move on to our closets, etc)
4. Cut back on spending (a work in progress - but a goal none the less)
5. Pay off debt (Dave Ramsey)
We spent New Years Eve at the high school parking lot with Makaila driving. It's crazy to think that this year she will be getting her license and the growing just does not stop. But either way we spent an hour driving, talking, parking, reversing, etc. We both had our fill then headed home to relax.
Later that night we headed to Ernie's house to ring in the New Year with the Limon family. We celebrated, took lots of pictures, danced, laughed and hung out, and then all hugged and kissed to ring in the New Year. Isabella danced her tushy off, and finally @ 4 we headed home and went to bed!
In case you ever need some new moves..this kid has moves for days!!
We spent New Years Day in bed until after noon...we needed to recover! Once we got up and going, Danny had to work so the girls and I spent our evening going to Target, and Dillard's and then we stopped and picked up Inside out from the Redbox, and called it a night. We watched the movie and did laundry and went to bed at a bout midnight!
That Saturday, we woke up with a plan, and were out of the house by 10 am. We headed to Willowbrook Mall so that Issy could finish off her gift card money...it was driving her crazy to have it! LOL She is most definitely not a saver! We went through the mall for awhile, headed to Hobby Lobby, then to the movies to see Daddy's Home....they only had front row seats, so we bought tickets for the next show and then headed to lunch at Olive Garden! We killed time at another Hobby Lobby where I found tons of Christmas stuff for next year (I know....I need to stop...that was it...maybe)
We made it to our movie, and it was super cute! We came home and watched tv, and put away all our Christmas decor. I actually ended up spending 3 hours reorganizing all our Christmas totes, and cleaning out our attic. It's nice and clean now and all out totes are organized and labeled! BY 11:30 my back was killing me and I was at an end. Totes and attic organized and pretty...now bedtime!!
Sunday we headed to church and kicked the year off fantastically with Dr. Lowery! I love that guy. The girls and I left church and headed over to Ceci and Ray's to watch the game. We picked up hot dogs and chips on the way and ate while we watched the game (truth be told I finished reading my Nicholas Sparks book) LOL
After that we came home and I planned out our meals for the week, and then headed to the groceries to buy what we needed. We watched tv for a bit, ate dinner and called it a night.
Our meal plans for this coming week are as follows:
Monday - Chicken Enchiladas w rice and salad
Tuesday - Potato Soup
Wednesday - Meatball Subs
Thursday - Beef tacos
Friday - Pork Chops w/ Mashed potatoes, and corn
Saturday - Chili
Sunday - Lasagna Rolls with salad and garlic bread
I'm crossing my fingers that we can stick to it!
Anyway - we called it a night and went to bed. I was in and out of sleep and then woke up with a panic. I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew something was wrong! I got up and walked into the living room and it reaked of gas!!! I panicked. I woke up Makaila and told her to get dressed and got ready to get out of the house...I called Danny and he turned off our alarm, and then I found the source...one of the igniters on the stove was slightly turned on!!! I ended up having to air the house out for the next hour! I was so sleepy this morning!!
But luckily we were all safe and we found it when we did before the situation got worse!
Have a great week!!! Oh....another resolution is to actually stay on top of the weekly blogging....wish me luck!
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