I had to take a late lunch today at work because I needed to drive over to Reliant Stadium to pick up some Rodeo Committee t-shirts from the vendor for our chili cook-off this coming weekend. I was sitting at a light and clicked the facebook app. I know I should not be on my phone when I am driving. Typically I am not. I dont even take my phone out of my purse, but this was one of those unexplainable compelling moments where I did it without even realizing it. One of those divine intervention moments.
I was drawn to it, and I was heartbroken to see why. Right on the top of my personal news feed was a post from Guillermo that his mom Tina had passed away. I missed the light because I sat there in shock. I had to read and re-read his posting that Tina passed away that morning. I started to sob uncontrollably.
Tina was my babysitter growing up. She baby sat me and each one of my sisters, and some of my nephews and nieces. She was my second mother just about. She loved me and I loved her. Much more than I had even really considered. I picked up my shirts handled my business, and then on my way back to the office I called my mom to give her the news. My mom was just as heartbroken as I was. She sobbed and screamed in disbelief. She couldn't believe that her friend had passed Away. She said she had just talked to her the week before. Hearing my moms cries for her friend took their toll. I took some time before going back to work because I was pretty torn up. '
I called my sisters to tell them too. I went back to work and then cried my whole ride home too. I really wish I would have visited her more as an adult. I wish I would have spent more time with her and visited her more often. When we had the shop in Galena Park a few years back she would come in there during the days and visit with me and check on me and lecture me and I loved it!!!!
The only consolement I have for her is that she is now my angel in heaven and not on earth!!
Tina - I loved you so so very much and I will miss you dearly~
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