Chili Cook Off Weekend Rewind

November 24, 2014

Friday I stayed home and did a morning time Scrapbook gathering!  I ran a few errands in the morning and then had some of the ladies come by and scrapbook with me during the day.  I had too much going on this weekend to get it all done in the evening, and it seemed to work out!

Claudia came and loved it, Cynthia swung by, and so did Amy.  We scrapbooked and chit chatted until about 3, and then I cleaned up and loaded my car to head out to Traders Village.  I had to do set up for the Go Texan Chili Cook-off.  I have never attended this event, but since I am Vice Chairman of social events...I had to go this year!

The weather was we spent a few hours setting up and then made plans to be there early in the morning for some more! Issy and I left the grounds and headed over to Ceci and Rays to celebrate Alec's birthday dinner.  We hung out for awhile, and then when I decided I needed to head home the girls decided to stay!  I went home solo.

I woke up early Saturday morning and headed out to pick up breakfast and finish the setup.

It was a long day.  I arrrived at the cook-off by 6:30 and spent the rest of my day selling t-shirts and watching folks get wasted! LOL  It was fun, the weather was dreary and I was tired!  At about 2 Teresea came by and kept me company. We chit chatted about the kids, Christmas adn all the looneys around us! LOL

At about 3:30 Danny came to join us too.  His friends Cynthia and Gilbert came adn we hung out together for awhile, and sampled all the different chili's.  By 6, I was done...I loaded up and we headed home.  Danny and I stopped at Academy, and drove home. I think we were both asleep by 8pm!!!

I was exhausted!!  Ceci and Ray brought the girls to church with them.

Church Notes: Part 2 of Series: Marriage Mystery - Discovering the Secrets of a Lasting Love. 

1. The world is not enough : Respect.  Meaning your love is not enough without respect.  You have to put your mates significance over success.  Respect his judgement.  Respect his abilities.  Respect his accomplishments.  

2. Live and let die: Confidence.  Every man feels inadequate and insecure; you must boost him with your cheers.  Focus on your true identity over temporary performance.  A wife can give her husband affirmation.  Men are wired to provide for their families and their egos are fragile.  

3. For your eyes only: Companionship  Value love over lust.  Know that Satan is always around and likes to tempt you!  Women see sex as a form of affection and not sexual touch, while men see it for sexual fulfillment.  Sexual fulfillment give him confidence  and makes him feel loved and desired.  

4. Tomorrow never dies: A transcendent cause.  He wants to make a difference.  Choose purpose over profits.  

As a wife I need to be understanding!  A man must choose to be disciplined.  As a couple we must pray together and for each other.  

After church we headed home and I got a text message from my friend Misty.  I hadn't hung out with her in ages and she was inviting us over to watch the game.  I ran into them a church this morning and was not expecting this but it made me smile.  I told Danny and we loaded up to head to their house.
We hung out and ordered Mexican food.  It was nice to hang out with old friends.  The kids played well together and we took tons of cute pictures of them.

The Texans lost, but we had a great time.  I love that my friends are forever friends.  That even if we can't see each other often and the business of life drifts us apart;  that we can pick up where we left off and things are great.  I love my girlfriends!!!

We left there and did some picking up around the house and then later that evening we headed out to attend Tina's wake.  It was a somber evening.  We stopped at HEB on our way out and picked up some flowers, and Danny sat out back while I joined my parents and sisters in the Funeral chapel.  We paid our respects to this woman that we loved dearly.  To my moms friends and to our friends mother.  It so sad to loose someone only to feel like you wish that you could have loved them more when you had them.  I wish wholeheartedly that I would have visited Tina more and that I would have expressed my love for her that sadly I didn't realize I felt so strongly about until her loss!

After the wake my sisters and I took my parents out to dinner to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary!  Can you believe that!?!  That is a freakin long time to be married!! It was a bittersweet evening.  I loved seeing all my sisters together and having dinner with my parents and laughing and sharing (its a rarity for us), but my heart ached for the loss of an amazing woman that had some a major impact in who I am!

I'm gunna start my week hoping and praying that Tina is an angel in heaven watching over me, and that Danny and I are married for 40 years and still as cute and in love as my parents are!  (Although I hope we don't have to go through all the crap my parents did) LOL

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