Nutcraker Market Weekend Rewind

November 17, 2014

Friday I left work a tad early and joined my sister Sam at Reliant for Nutcracker market!!!

It never disappoints.  I bought so many random things that I loved.  We walked around for about 3 hours, and right off the bat...I bought a giant lantern for my front porch...that I loved! Bad move - because I had to carry it around the rest of the time.....but I loved it!!

After Nutcracker Market I headed home and got all our stuff ready for Saturday.  Danny had to work, so the girls and I woke up early loaded our gear up and headed to the Katy Tournament!  It was the final of 5 Texas Tournaments that we committed to doing this year! What a relief...all this tournament traveling takes its toll! Katy was the closest it wasn't too bad...but I'm glad its the last one for this year!

 We did great.  Izzy was in a really large ring of 9 girls and she did great.  She had a three way tie for 2nd place on her form, and messed up on her second presentation..but I think she did great.  WIth that many girls and her size she did not place in sparring either...but I got a great video of her first match which she dominated!  I was very proud of her.

Makaila's ring was called at about 1, and she did great.  Unfortunately I was called shortly before her ring got started, so I was unable to watch her form.  I was placed into the ring right next to hers so I was able to see her spar.  She ended up placing third in sparring and combat sparring.  I was super excited for her.  She was in a pretty big ring too.  There were 8 girls in her ring this time.

I ended up placing 3rd in forms for my group and taking 1st place in sparring!  I was pretty pleased with that!

Once we were done competing, we stayed around to cheer on some of our other classmates and then we headed over to Katy Mills to eat and shop.  We stayed there and shopped until we were literally worn out!! We didn't buy much and when we were home we all went straight to bed!!

Sunday morning we got up and headed to church.

Church Notes: 
Marriage Mystery Part 1 of Series: Discovering the Secrets to a Lasting Love 

Our marriages are under attack by misinformation.  

Marriage is a life long journey of gathering clues to understand your mate.  The purpose of marriage is to reflect God's love , to demonstrate it.  

* If you want the fire hot at night you have to light the pilot in the morning!!
How to Discover the clues of the purpose of Marriage: 
Clue # 1 KITCHEN: - You need to nourish your mates soul.  
             * Fill their emotional tanks with words (verbal caresses).  Words kill, words give life; they are either poison or fruit - you choose.  

             * Fill their emotional tanks with actions.  Speak love and encouragement.  Focus on encouragement and not competition.  
Clue # 2: THE LIBRARY  - Study your mates needs.  Focus on his love language and not yours!  Appreciate his differences.  
             * She needs to feel treasured
             * He needs to feel respected.  
Clue # 3 THE HALL  - Walk hand in hand with your mate.  Wives submit to your husband as to the Lord.  Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. WALK SIDE BY SIDE AS EQUALS.  
A husband should lead his wife spiritually. 
Clue #4: THE BEDROOM - rest in your commitment to God and to your mate.  There should be a physical, spiritual and emotional oneness.  

70 % of Christians (in actual churches) are still married to their 1st spouse (this includes widows).  
80% of marriages are happy!!!
Pray together and build your hope 

Choose to believe the best.  If your the wife - learn to appreciate your husband and thank him for things that you should be recognizing!  Give him respect! If your the husband - hold her hand, help her with the housework, hold her! 

God if faithful sovereign and good.  We can count on him and stand strong in his promises.  I know where my security lies - strongly in the Lord.  

Start fresh today in your marriage without judgement or assumption.  The enemy continues to discourage us but he truth can set us free.  Think about the best in this moment!!

Once we were done at church we headed home to watch the Texans game and the girls had a new guy coming over to start guitar lessons.  He showed up at noon, and they each each took thier 45 minute session to refresh on a few things and learn some rules and information.

I am excited that they are learning guitar.  This is a first for Issy but a refresher adn pick up for Makaila.  I hope they continue and really learn!!

Once they were done with thier lessons, we loaded up and headed out to none other than COSTCO!! LOL

Surprised?!! Yeah me neither....we are Costco junkies.  We shopped, got a few things and then headed out.  We stopped at hickory Hollow for an early dinner and it was fantastic...

Danny was so tired.  He got out of work at 7am, and stayed up to go to church, watch the game, listen to the girls guitar lessons, and then Costco trips..,my poor guys was beat!!  Makaila was itching to go to the movies, but instead we rented a movie at the Red Box (The Vow), and we picked up some Bahama Bucks!

The girls and I watched the movie cuddled up on the couch and ate our treats! Danny was sound asleep.  Once our movie ended and we hipped our tears, we got ready for bed and called it a night.

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