Saturday morning...I woke up a little early and read on the couch until the girls woke-up. We went to Target to get a gift and then headed to Jumpapalooza to celebrate Cole's Birthday! I don't see my friends that often so I was glad to celebrate Misty's son and see her family!!We played and had a good time and I did some catching up with Vicky and chatted with one of the teachers from Isabella's school. We had fun!
After the party we headed home to clean up a bit. Danny had taken off to run some errands, so we cleaned up a bit and did a load of laundry. When he got home we took off to Costco! That is a dangerous place for us, cause we love us some Costco goodies! It was the weekend so they had samples galore and we got full on sample foods. We left there with a new Ninja blender kit (I broke the vase to our blender the night before on accident). I also bought this Microdermabrasion kit for my face - it was it better make me look pretty or its going back! LOL
We headed home from Costsco and unloaded everything. The kids went outside to play and Isabella went over to Sophia's house for a play date. I hung out and chatted with Jullisa (Sophia's mom) and met one of the other neighbors (adrianna - she is gorgeous) around the block. After awhile I came back in and we decided it was time to take off to my sisters house to visit my parents. They were coming in town to see their kiddos and have some menudo that Erica was making.
We got there and hung out for awhile and then spent the evening laughing and playing Loteria. My parents came, of course my sister Erica and her family, my little family, my sister Sam and Tony and my Aunt and Uncle (Tio Chema & Tia Fina). We laughed and laughed and I lost about $10 playing Loteria....but I had a blast doing it! We went home at about 11pm.
In the morning we woke up and went to church as a family (which is the best feeling in the world).
Church Notes:
Part 2 of Series Love & War - Bringing Love Back to Life
There are 5 phases of Love:
Phase 1: Decision - this is when you make the decision to be in a relationship with someone. There must be spiritual compatibility ( You both believe) A marriage is like a three legged stool. Each one necessary to hold you up. In marriage the three pegs are you, your spouse and God!!!There must also be a life vision compatibility. You both have a purpose for a life that comes together.
Phase 2: Delight Phase - this is also known as the Honeymoon phase where everything is prefect and all consuming!!! (this is all the good mushy stuff! LOL - my favorite part)Phase 3: Dysfunction. This is when you realize they aren't perfect and the things you used to think were cute and made them special now get on your last nerve! This phase is bombarded with things like - Family issues, personality conflicts, and selfishness. These things are okay to experience - it is normal and expected . They don't destroy a relationship unless they are ignored and allowed to fester and turn into disease.
Phase 4: Disease. When you leave your issues untouched. This phase includes avoidance, addictions, arguments and animosity. This is when you turn to other things or people to fill your marriage voids, or when you let anger turn into bitterness, or ignore things thinking they will go away on their own (let me tell you from experience - that doesn't work - EVER).
Phase 5: Death. This is when you allow bitterness to turn into the death of the passion, trust, and love in your relationship. The issues and feelings need to be addressed and not ignored. Anger shows you care enough to get worked up....don't let your anger turn into bitterness and kill your relationship!!
Remember - I didn't marry a perfect person - and I am not perfect myself.
Ways to help restore/ save your marriage:
1. Choose Commitment over counterfeit. This means that you should look to Christ for healing. You can't change other people but God can, Lust is the counterfeit to Love, just like porn is the counterfeit to passion. These counterits are lures from Satan to bring destruction to your marriage. Lust is about filling your own personal needs, while love is about filling the needs of the ones you are with because you love them.
2. Choose perseverance over perfection. Stick it out. God can build something beautiful from our brokenness. Know that the delays we endure are producing our depth. The delays are sometimes a part of the plan to build your faith. The storms are there to build your marriage stronger.
3. Choose Risk over Regret. Risk rejection - take a leap of faith! The happiest marriages are those that risk their hearts constantly. He specialized in resurrection - he can resurrect the hope and love in your lives and hearts. Believe that!!!Know that he cares. John 11: 35 says: Jesus Wept. He wept for you and me and our marriages and our kids - because he cares. Trust in him and take that risk!!
After church we headed home, and I cleaned up a bit while Danny went to the groceries. The kids all came outside to play and enjoy the beautiful weather. By mid afternoon all the neighborhood kids were on the block playing basketball, having races, riding bikes, blowing bubbles, and laughing having fun. It was great.
We all hung out outside and laughed and talked and caught up. Nina and I even partook in some racing ourselves - until I fell over and got my shorts all wet! LOL
At about 3 the Limons started showing up. Danny invited his family over for some Tripas and Posole. He was a cooking fool. I offered to help several times but he had it all so I played outside instead. Sergio came over to help, so by the evening, we had Sergio and his family, Ceci and her family, Ernie, Rose and her family, and Grandpa and Grandma Limon. It was great. We all laughed and ate, and joked around.
It had been a really long time since we had people over to our house for a gathering like that so it was nice to see everyone over having a good time. We even had some drummers in the house! LOL
Everyone headed home at about 7, and we cleaned up (which didn't take much because the Limons are really good at helping and cleaning as they we didn't have much to do), and then it was time for showers and bed time.
I'm glad that we got to spend the weekend with Danny home (God willing he will find another job soon and that will be a regular occurrence - if you know someone hiring an AP Clerk - let him or me know). I'm glad that we got to see and spend time with both sides of the family, that the weather was beautiful and that the message at church was so awesome!!
I hope you have a great week and that if you don't have any plans for next weekend - you come out to the Humble Civic Center for the Stars and Stripes Tournament this coming Saturday - the girls and I will all be competing for State Championship points in Taekwondo!!
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