On my way home Friday night I got a call from Mrs. Campbell asking if I would take over a room mom for Isabella's class. I accepted and we made plans to meet up later to give me the money folder.
Friday night - we sat around watching the weeks worth of Ellen shows and Michael and Kelly (I started recording them on my DVR cause I really think those shows are better than whats on in the evenings...so I record them all week and watch them all over the weekends or at night if I have time)!
Saturday morning I woke up early and watched more Ellen and did some laundry. Makaila had a Pre-UIL thing going on at school - so we dropped her off at noon.
She looked so beautiful:
I decided to coerce Issy into cleaning her closet with me and we took down EVERYTHING and tried it all on to see if it should be kept or gotten rid of - runway style! That took a few hours!!
I spent the afternoon doing laundry and Issy played over with her friend Abby for awhile! It was nice and peaceful and productive. Makaila came home from UIL and we hung out. We got ready while Issy went over to Aubreys for a play date. After about an hour we picked up Issy and then headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Limons. We met Danny there after work and hung out all evening talking and laughing and catching up.

We came home Saturday at about 11 and it was bedtime for everyone!
Sunday morning the girls and I went to church.
Church Notes:
We started a new Series called Love & War that focuses on marriage and relationships! It started off with a clip of the Kindergarten Bachelor which was hilarious! LOL It was our church's take of the Bachelor!! Good stuff!
God created male and female and we were made to compliment each other not to compete with one another. We have equal worth and value; although we are very different. We have to learn to accept those differences and not try to change people.
* stop trying to change people and focus on yourself *
In a relationship there is always hope and you have to know that God can work miracles. God doesn't want your marriage to just survive - he wants you to thrive! It takes two - and while you can't force someone else to love you - you can pray and turn to God and ask him to be in the center of your relationship.
You should share your issues - not to help solve them necessarily, but to share and know that you are in it together.
Three steps to a healthy marriage :
1. Dream Together (if you don't you will drift apart); create a vision of where you want to be in 10 yrs.
2. Fight Together - stick together in battle - he is your team mate not the enemy!
3. Stick Together - your stuck with me; divorce should not be optional
We have an enemy who is out to steal, kill, and destroy! Our fight is against that enemy - not each other. Our God has already won the war! We have to pray and lift up those close to us. Fight through Prayer!!
Be honest and authentic and real. Don't be ashamed! Risk being hurt. Your relationship is not a game - they need to be real.
In the bible, once the intimacy was striped Eve and Adam played the blame game! Don't fight each other - fight the enemy together.
Hurt, Fear, Insecurity
As humans we are afraid of rejection so we put up these walls and we hide.
The happiest marriages are the ones that risk it all. Hold Nothing back! Don't be afraid of getting hurt! Because of what happened on the cross - we can be a new creation. Let God create a new passion and love in your relationship!! ~~
After church Issys's friend Aubrey came over for a play date at our house and Makaila and I worked on her family tree for school!
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