I woke up to get the girls ready for school and found Danny asleep in our bed! I expected him to be at work but he called in (we had an important interview later that day that he needed to be there for).
As the girls got ready - Issy found 3 cards sitting on the counter in the kitchen! They were address to Makaila, myself and Issy.
Issy opened hers immediately and found a cute Snoopy card from her daddy asking her to be his valentine! Is that adorable or what??!!??? He made my heart melt!
Next was Makaila's card which literally brought me to tears! It was so simple and heartfelt that I cried at how amazing and wonderful it is for my girls to have a strong steady man in their lives who loves them beyond reason and isn't afraid to show them that love. This was her card:
Then I opened my card! Talk about water works! LOL
The picture is kinda small - so let me tell you what it said:
Maybe you don't hear
enough "I Love You's" from me,
and maybe sometimes you feel like
you'd have to read my mind
to know what I am thinking...
But it's important today
that you know exactly how I feel --
I love you more
than words can say,
and I love you more
than you could ever know.
Happy Valentines Day
from your Grateful Husband
My card also held a gift card for a massage. I was so happy and so grateful to Danny for his thoughtfulness! The cards were so nice of him, and so perfect that I know he made an effort for each one of those and I can't even put into words what that means to me. I was pretty freakin happy! That was a great way to start our day! Thanks Dan!!
I took the girls to school and started on some more laundry. I watched an episode of Ellen and then got on a conference call I had scheduled.
I worked from home for a little while and then headed over to the store to buy all the things I needed for Isabella's Friendship party! I got home and started to chop strawberries, and crush cookies and then Danny and I went to lunch together. We tried this place called Tipico Cafe which was outstanding! we will most definitely be going back there!!
Danny had the Cuban sandwich (phenomenal), and I have the skirt steak with white rice, black beans and fried plantains! Everything was so good! I really liked the Yuca fries Danny's sandwich came with! Everything was delicious. We stopped at Wal-mart on the way home to get waters and bananas I forgot on my first trip. I got home and loaded up and headed to the school for Friendship Party time!!
It was ice cream sundaes, cup decorating and Valentine exchanges and everything went pretty smooth! It was a hit!!
Once the party wrapped up I came home and asked our neighbor Amy to watch Issy for awhile. We had an interview at Quest High School for Makaila. She was not happy about this. She is completely against going here and thinks we are horrible parents for making her apply and making her interview! LOL
We got there and Makaila looked like she was on the verge of tears. I asked her if she trusted God, and she instantly replies "Yes". I told her, "I know you don't want to do this - but if you trust God then you have to know that if this is not his call for you - then you won't be accepted and if it is - then you will go here and do this because he will not bring you through anything that isn't in his plan for your life. We don't always understand or agree with his plan - but we do have to trust in him and know that he knows whats best for us. I know you hate me right now - but I am doing what I feel in my heart is right for you, and I'm praying about it and I know with complete certainty that God will not let this happen if it isn't for you."
She gave me a half smile and kept walking, not fully convinced or appeased by my little speech! We walked in, signed in, and then went into the cafeteria and immediately saw Tina and Mike (which are like Makaila's pseudo parents). They have watched Makaila after school, before school, on weekends, taken her on vacations, etc for years! They love her and us them...we are grateful to know them and have them in our lives. Seeing Tina brought on the waterworks for Makaila! She cried and cried because she was really not wanting to do this interview!
A few minutes later they came and took us over to the interview area. They asked Danny and I to wait in the hall while they talked to Makaila alone! I think Danny and I were more nervous than Makaila...especially since it was obvious she was crying and not happy!! We waited out there for about 10 minutes, and then Makaila came out to get us. We interviewed with a very nice lady who told us all about the school, the curriculum, the schedule, the advantages, requirements, etc.
To say that Danny and I were on board before was a true statement - but after hearing the details, and the layout and plan in place - we were stoked beyond belief! This is an amazing opportunity that these kids are offered at no cost! If she goes to this school, she will graduate in 4 years with a High School diploma, a Lone Star College Associates Degree and over 200 hours of community volunteer hours!! She will go on trips, events, career fairs, camps, field trips, be a teacher aid, and so many other great things!!!
After we all interviewed Makaila was taken to a different area to write an essay. Danny and I went back into the cafeteria to look around and talk to some of the students and parents of current students to get more information! I can't tell you how excited and awed I am at this program! AMAZING!!
After she was done with her essay - Makaila met a couple of the current Freshman and talked to them for awhile. Danny and I walked away to give her some privacy - but I was pretty happy to see her talking to them and holding conversation about the school and asking questions...she is pretty shy so I was happy to see her at least talking and listening to others in her same boat!
We left Quest and picked up Issy at Amy's. It was still kinda early so we decided to head out and try to catch an early dinner before the love infested crowds bombarded all the restaurants! We had a lovely family dinner at Zio's, followed by a trip to Tutti Frutti for the girls, and then went home to relax.
It was a great day spent with the people I love most in this life! I am so so eternally grateful for my husband, who tries my patience, and works my nerves, but loves me in ways I couldn't live without! I'm grateful to be blessed with two smart beautiful and healthy baby girls - who bring light into our crazy lives. To say I am Immensly blessed is an understatement!!
I hope you had a great Valentine's Day filled with God's glory! Love you!!!
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