The month of October started with Celebration! My great nephew TJ turned 1, and he had a Monster Themed bash. My niece Cassie asked me to make him his outfit and I was pretty proud of how it turned out!
That first weekend we got together at the park and celebrated the little monster. It was good to see my sisters and just relax!
After the birthday party we did some shopping at the local segunda and then home to do chores! That weekend the church was decorated for fall, so I got some great pics with the girls! I love their season themed decor and photo props!
We spent that afternoon strolling through Old Town Spring. It is not like it used to be., Most of the shops are closed now and the ones left, are not that great. I used to love hanging out there and walking through all the great holiday shops....I think those days have come to an end!
Later in the month my parents came over and it makes me smile to see them interact with our kids. While the girls aren't really closed to either set of grandparents...its the moments like this tat I want them to hold on to. My dad sitting in the living room letting Issy paint his nails and then spending the weekend going to garage sales with us (because the neighborhood was all having them and who can miss that!)
On the 15th Danny and I had a scheduled date night. We bought tickets a few months back to attend the Love Worth Fighting For Marriage Conference at First Baptist in Pasadena with the Colons! I was excited about it because Kirk Cameron leads this tour and I am a child of the 80's! Growing Pains was my jam! Sadly the conference was not that great. He wasn't very engaging and well the highlight of the evening was Alexis and I getting this pic together because the guys had already snuck out and were waiting for us to go have dinner! We ate at Bubba's in Pasadena and it was good!
Her is a pic of us enjoying breakfast before school on a Friday....times like this are awesome and I am so grateful we can do this from time to time....girl time with my babies is my favorite time!
This week I was able to book a free trip to Vegas using points I had on American Airlines that I didn't even know about! Looks like Danny and I will be in Vegas in a couple weeks. Also - a bit of a change as Danny will now be off on Fridays! Maybe he will help me clean on my Fridays off.....
We had an early dinner and Danny took the girls and I over to River Oaks Plaza area to try a new dessert. We had crepe at Sweet Paris!
The rest of that weekend was pretty low key. We rented red box movies...that really kinda sucked. I watched Hello My Name is Doris...and it was terrible. How to Be Single wasn't any better! Makaila spent her weekend at her Aunt Ceci's so we took Issy out and about. We hit up Kiosko for treats then went to the Woodlands to walk it off at the mall and had dinner at Berry hill. I love that place! The Dick's sporting good stores opened up this weekend so we bought a few things! We headed over to the in-laws on Sunday and then did some grocery shopping and prepping for the work week. The middle of the week was a tad hectic. I had to go look for a book for the book parade, then there was bible study (which I am loving by the way...these girls are awesome and I am so glad we are doing this!!!) , voting for the presidential election, not to mention the regular, dance, karate, church, dance routine. On Thursday I got home to make a frame and get decorations for the schools trunk or Treat was fun! We did our Halloween routine a bit early this year!
Friday night we had tickets to go see KB and King of Country at the Berry Center. We invited Nancy and David too....we stopped to eat at Carino's first ad then headed out. While I loved spending time with my sister, the concert was not that great. I wish it would have been better for a first experience for them...
We ended October with a weekend trip to Fredericksburg. It didn't start out to hot cause Danny was moody and grumpy, but eventually after a long silent ride, we got there and met up with Tony and Sam and had a great time. We toured different Winery's and drank along the was fun and tiring!
The view from the back side of the Perinales Winery was fantastic. We sat there and enjoyed! We went back into town for lunch at Hondo's which was delicious, and then walked the shops for the last few hours before they closed. We went back to our hotel to freshen up and then headed over to Luchenbach for a night cap. It was great. They had a band playing and we sat there and enjoyed the starry Texas Night with good music. We ran into a guy that looked like JJ we messed with Makaila a bit! LOL
We ended that night back at Hondo's for a Patsy Cline cover band. It was great. Then Sunday morning we ate at the hotel, then packed up all our wines and headed home. We stopped in Gruene for lunch at the Gritsmill....YUMMY!
That pretty much wraps up the month of October for was busy and blessed. We did some fun stuff, some routine stuff and just enjoyed life. My friend Misty sent me these pics from a pep rally, and I love them.....
And these pics just make me smile too...
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