I am Talk about living a good life! No wonder I hadn't had time to update the blog in a few months....we never stop! But sadly...I kinda did a bad job about keeping notes too! I was in the habit of keeping my journal updated to know what to blog about later...and even that got away from me toward the end of the summer!
But on a good note...summer is almost over....
But on a good note...summer is almost over....
So I haven't mentioned this yet...but in between all the crazy weekend activities, Makaila has been baby sitting all summer and Izzy has been either spending the night somewhere or having others spend the night at our house all summer long! We either have no kids or we have 5 kids...its been an interesting fun filled summer for everyone!

The next day was a packed agenda. We were up and ready, out of the house by 9:30. We had Jazzlyn's 15 mass at 11 am, followed by lunch at Ceci's. Touching up our make up and then Jeremy and Nora's wedding!
Summer is coming to an end because school is almost back in session - but like I said in part one...I was so wrapped up in living life and enjoying every minute that I got really behind in the blog world of updates...so our summer posts will include September too!
Durring the next week we went to go meet Izzy's new 4th Grade teachers and get ready for back to school happiness!

The next weekend I went on a girls trip to Waco to celebrate Teresea's birthday, We bought her a purse and then I took her to the Magnolia Market, and the Dr. Pepper museum, the spice market, lunch at Ninfa's and shopping all over town. We had a great time...but the ride home was horrible...it stormed really bad!!

A new school year and I got more reluctance than ever this year for my morning pictures...I'm not even sure by they bother putting up a fight.....your gunna do it anyway...might as well smile and get it over with!!
We dropped our beauties off for their first day of school....went and had tacos an then came home to watch the weather get crazy again!
We bought tickets awhile back for the Air One Concert at First Baptist....little did we know it was during the week on the first week of school. But oh well...that's how we roll! It was a fantastic concert! I mean ...like really really good. We went as a family group and we had a blast. There were several artists and it was awesome. We saw Passion, Danny Gokey, Hollyn, and Capital Kings.....what a show! I wish I could post videos on here to share with you...but it requires me to download them to you tube and I'm not doing all that!
We had a house full of girls that spent their evening singing Lip Sync Battles, and decorating cupcakes and playing pie face adn watching movies....they had a blast!!!
On Saturday, we had 3 girls left at 4 pm, and they were staying the weekend, so Danny and I went to enjoy date night at the Astros game. We invited Tony & Sam and Ceci & Ray...l.then we enjoyed Torchy's Taco's afterwards! It was a good night!
We wrapped up that weekend with Church , Chinese food, and loteria! LOL
The next week was the end of August and Isabella's 9th birthday! Since we already had her slumber party we let he pick her dinner of choice and it was Bubba Gumps in Kemah...so off we went to celebrate her birthday dinner in Kemah on a Wednesday night!
She got some earrings, money, and magazines for her birthday, and then we had Waffles at Seabrook Wafles for dessert adn an extra treat...we went by her cousin Jessica's to meet our new niece Addison Marie....she was precious!
It was a success for sure!! We danced, laughed, played games, visited, adn made memories for sure. You girls are blessed to have such a rich family history and be surrounded by so many people every day who love you! Not everyone has that....so never take it for granted!
On Labor Day we cashed in Isabella's birthday gift, and the girls and I had a fun Girls Day outing including lunch at Olive Garden, and shopping in the Woodlands followed by a Fifth Harmony Concert at Cynthia Woods! It was pretty good...but we came home tired, and Issy was not feeling good....she ended up sick the next couple of days.
It was alot of work, weeks of planning and preperation, and it ended in just a tad bit of drama, but it was all worth itbecuase Grandma was happy nad it looks fantastic! We didnt get enough because the next day we went back and played loteria again!!! LOL We can't stop.
The next week I started a Women's Bible Study group. I was so excited about it. We met for the first time at Chick-Fil-A to get to know one another and select a study and I am so excited about the whole thing1 I think its gunna be great!!
The next week flew by...the girls were busy with school and us with work, then dance, and karate, adn homecoming events galore....it was crazy. Friday was my off day and I took the girls to school and then went stright to my in-laws to clean. I spent a few hours deep cleaning the back rooms and organizing closet. We went shopping for new restroom stuff in the back and then at 2, I finally called it quits. It was a ton of work and I was exhausted, but I was also proud of how clean everything looked!
That night Makaila went to the Homecoming game and then that that weekend was filled with Homecoming dances, parties, party busses Phobia tours...it was crazy but exciting at the same time. I didnt get any pictures really other than these...but she looked precious.
That Sunday we went to church and then to eat lunch and then to hang out at home and clean house, adn do laundry...then over to the in-laws to play loteria.....the usual!
The last weekend in September was pretty basic. Nothing exciting. Makaila participated in an In School tournament which was a big waste of our time and money...not very many people participate so she ends up paired against 4th and 5th degree men and women and gets crushed! Its basically an expensive training session for her...I'm think we wont be doing many more of those!!
October is coming soon...but in the mean time check out a variety of pics from my snapchat folder...LOL Have a great week....and I'll be posting regularly again...I hope!!!

The first weekend of August we headed to Dallas again for another tournament! My parents came with us and it was a long day. She didn't compete until about 2 pm, and we were all tired! She placed 2nd in forms, weapons and combat sparring. We left to see my cousins Elvie and Carlos afterwards, and hung out with them all night. Izzy got some party stuff from their store too. The guys drank and had a blast, I went to Wal-mart and bought all kinds of clearance stuff. We headed back on Sunday, Stopped at my parents, and picked peaches and were super tired. The girls surprisingly decided to stay a few days so we came home solo.

They were only gone a few days.,..but my phone was flooded with pictures like these the whole time!

We picked them back up on Tuesday night, and spent the rest of the week watching tv, the summer olympics were pretty intense...they called for some definite late nights over the summer! Especially the swimming, and gymnastics!!
Friday we picked up Teresea and went to Splashtown!

We had a good time, but I think we were all tired. We only last a few hours, then we went shopping to Willowbrook mall instead. We shopped, ate ice cream, and shopped some more. We spent our day having a good time!
The next day was a packed agenda. We were up and ready, out of the house by 9:30. We had Jazzlyn's 15 mass at 11 am, followed by lunch at Ceci's. Touching up our make up and then Jeremy and Nora's wedding!
And clearly...we were a little bit snapchat filter happy that night too...can you tell!
It was a great day and we had a wonderful time at both events! We had planned on going to Jazzlyn's again later....but ended up staying at the wedding the entire time! It was great time, and the DJ was awesome! That Sunday we were so worn out we all slept until noon. Danny treated us to lunch at the Grand Lux Cafe and then we went to the Creamatory and watched them make our ice cream...it was pretty cool!
Summer is coming to an end because school is almost back in session - but like I said in part one...I was so wrapped up in living life and enjoying every minute that I got really behind in the blog world of updates...so our summer posts will include September too!
Durring the next week we went to go meet Izzy's new 4th Grade teachers and get ready for back to school happiness!

The next weekend I went on a girls trip to Waco to celebrate Teresea's birthday, We bought her a purse and then I took her to the Magnolia Market, and the Dr. Pepper museum, the spice market, lunch at Ninfa's and shopping all over town. We had a great time...but the ride home was horrible...it stormed really bad!!

We wrapped up the week with Loteria at my in-laws and then home early to brace our selves for back to school baby!
A new school year and I got more reluctance than ever this year for my morning pictures...I'm not even sure by they bother putting up a fight.....your gunna do it anyway...might as well smile and get it over with!!
We dropped our beauties off for their first day of school....went and had tacos an then came home to watch the weather get crazy again!
We bought tickets awhile back for the Air One Concert at First Baptist....little did we know it was during the week on the first week of school. But oh well...that's how we roll! It was a fantastic concert! I mean ...like really really good. We went as a family group and we had a blast. There were several artists and it was awesome. We saw Passion, Danny Gokey, Hollyn, and Capital Kings.....what a show! I wish I could post videos on here to share with you...but it requires me to download them to you tube and I'm not doing all that!
We wrapped up that late night with a 10pm dinner at Waffle House...good thing the next day was Friday....cause we were all tired. I took the girls to school, then got ready for Isabella's Slumber Birthday Party!
We had a house full of girls that spent their evening singing Lip Sync Battles, and decorating cupcakes and playing pie face adn watching movies....they had a blast!!!
On Saturday, we had 3 girls left at 4 pm, and they were staying the weekend, so Danny and I went to enjoy date night at the Astros game. We invited Tony & Sam and Ceci & Ray...l.then we enjoyed Torchy's Taco's afterwards! It was a good night!
We wrapped up that weekend with Church , Chinese food, and loteria! LOL
The next week was the end of August and Isabella's 9th birthday! Since we already had her slumber party we let he pick her dinner of choice and it was Bubba Gumps in Kemah...so off we went to celebrate her birthday dinner in Kemah on a Wednesday night!
Issy reading all her birthday well wishes from Facebook after school! She was so happy!!
She got some earrings, money, and magazines for her birthday, and then we had Waffles at Seabrook Wafles for dessert adn an extra treat...we went by her cousin Jessica's to meet our new niece Addison Marie....she was precious!
September was no different...we were busy constantly and it was fun filled with family and friends and memories galore! It was crazy. The start of the month kicked off with Natalee's slumber party followed by the First EVER Perrett Family reunion.
My moms family is the Perretts and there are hundreds of them.....so big that we had to rent an entire facility...and our family picture took up two bleacher areas and a drone camera! LOL We had a great time seeing people we hadn't seen in ages and playing games and hanging out. My Cousin Frank did a fantastic job putting this thing together...it was a great time for sure!!
My moms family is the Perretts and there are hundreds of them.....so big that we had to rent an entire facility...and our family picture took up two bleacher areas and a drone camera! LOL We had a great time seeing people we hadn't seen in ages and playing games and hanging out. My Cousin Frank did a fantastic job putting this thing together...it was a great time for sure!!
It was a success for sure!! We danced, laughed, played games, visited, adn made memories for sure. You girls are blessed to have such a rich family history and be surrounded by so many people every day who love you! Not everyone has that....so never take it for granted!
On Labor Day we cashed in Isabella's birthday gift, and the girls and I had a fun Girls Day outing including lunch at Olive Garden, and shopping in the Woodlands followed by a Fifth Harmony Concert at Cynthia Woods! It was pretty good...but we came home tired, and Issy was not feeling good....she ended up sick the next couple of days.
We spent this week planning Grandma Limon's upcoming birthday...we worked on ideas and tried out the shirts. I went on Friday to Ceci's to test a few things out...and I thin its gunna be great!
I spent all Saturday morning at Ceci's working on making shirts. Then came home to get ready for Sergio's birthday party. We went over there for a birthday party and played loteria, and Alec and Vero schooled me on some make-up stuff...we even went to Ulta to load up on supplied! LOL
The next morning I woke up a bout 10 minutes to 10 and wasn't going to make it to church until about 2 minutes later when both girls got up and insisted we get ready fast and make it even if we are late....and so we did. It was a proud mommy moment for me. I love our church and I love my girls having a love for it too....for the church, the people, and JESUS!!
After a nice lunch at Culver's we headed back to Ceci's to work on shirts again until about 6, then came home to start our week. Throughout the week we picked up party stuff...worked on flowers and decorations, etc.
Made a few banners on the cricut and finished the last of the shirts on Friday night and then on Saturday we celebrated Grandma Limons 70th birthday! It was great...and I think everyone had a blast.
It was alot of work, weeks of planning and preperation, and it ended in just a tad bit of drama, but it was all worth itbecuase Grandma was happy nad it looks fantastic! We didnt get enough because the next day we went back and played loteria again!!! LOL We can't stop.
The next week I started a Women's Bible Study group. I was so excited about it. We met for the first time at Chick-Fil-A to get to know one another and select a study and I am so excited about the whole thing1 I think its gunna be great!!
The next week flew by...the girls were busy with school and us with work, then dance, and karate, adn homecoming events galore....it was crazy. Friday was my off day and I took the girls to school and then went stright to my in-laws to clean. I spent a few hours deep cleaning the back rooms and organizing closet. We went shopping for new restroom stuff in the back and then at 2, I finally called it quits. It was a ton of work and I was exhausted, but I was also proud of how clean everything looked!
That night Makaila went to the Homecoming game and then that that weekend was filled with Homecoming dances, parties, party busses Phobia tours...it was crazy but exciting at the same time. I didnt get any pictures really other than these...but she looked precious.
That Sunday we went to church and then to eat lunch and then to hang out at home and clean house, adn do laundry...then over to the in-laws to play loteria.....the usual!
The last weekend in September was pretty basic. Nothing exciting. Makaila participated in an In School tournament which was a big waste of our time and money...not very many people participate so she ends up paired against 4th and 5th degree men and women and gets crushed! Its basically an expensive training session for her...I'm think we wont be doing many more of those!!
October is coming soon...but in the mean time check out a variety of pics from my snapchat folder...LOL Have a great week....and I'll be posting regularly again...I hope!!!

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