This week was rather interesting. It started out like a regular routine week but a couple things took place that I wanted you girls to remember! On Wednesday, on my way to take Izzy to dance she kindly informed me that she needed to tell me something, but I couldn't get mad or yell. I agreed, and then she proceeded to tell me that sometimes she doesn't like me. She elaborated by telling me that I yell too much and I'm not as nice as her friends moms.
For an instant my feelings were hurt and I was a little mixed between hurt, offended and heartbroken....but then I snapped out of it and explained to Izzy that there will be times in life that she doesn't like me, and to be honest, there are times I am not that happy with her either, and that's okay. But always and forever I will love her and she will love me. I am her mother first and her friend next. There will be times in life that I will yell and discipline her and she will as a result not like me. There will be other times where she will think I am the stupidest woman alive, and some where I will be completely embarrassing to her, and other times where she will envy me, and love me unconditionally.
That all comes with being a mom and with being a daughter. I have memories of feeling all of those things for my very own mother. And let me just enlighten you - she was right every single time and she disciplined me and punished me because she loved me, and as a mother I now know her pain!!
When you girls become mothers and your kid tells you for the first time "I hate you" or "I love Daddy more than you" or "you're mean" or even "I wanna kill you" (and don't kid yourself - they will - they all do - even you did Makaila), it is your job as a mother to love them through it. It's your job to suck it up, and follow through! It is your job to continue with whatever punishment or discipline you were giving them, and teach them whatever value or rule or life lesson...and then go to your closet and cry your heart out because no matter how young or old they hurts every time! I'm not gunna lie to you and tell you it gets easier or better - because the truth is that it gets harder, and more complicated as they grow up - but the love you feel for them, the need to protect them and be there for them does too....and its all worth it in the end! So while sometimes you may not like me or agree with me....know that I will always love you. Even when I'm yelling like a crazy person and or cursing like a sailor....I love you with all my heart!!
While we were off at dance - Danny was at home painting...and I can't wait to see how it turns out.
The rest of the week I was off from work. On Thursday, I took Izzy to school , then went to Wal-mart and Ross looking for Easter stuff for the girls baskets. I got all sorts of stuff for the girls Easter baskets, and then went shopping for a new dress. While I was gone, I Danny was up and moving and waiting quite impatiently for me. He called and started yelling about how hungry he was, and how I had been gone for hours and blah blah blah...but I figured it was the hunger I let it go and headed home. We drove out to Kileen's Bar-B-Que and stood in the line for about 45 minutes.....turns out it was worth the wait.
We ate and his hunger moodiness wore off, so we headed home to get the kids from school. The next things i want you ladies to remember is that this week Makaila got her 2nd boyfriend. The first one was a real freakin looser and he hurt my baby time and time again - which makes me glad only because he missed out on a great girl, and its his loss! This go round...Makaila was talking to a guy for the last few months, they shared texts, and snapchat streaks, and so on Tuesday night this week he asked her to be his girlfriend. She was excited and in all honesty I was a little freaked out, sad, excited and nervous.....that was Tuesday. On this Thursday as her dad and I drove home from a nice lunch she starts to text me about how she likes this kid but she isn't sure she is ready to be a girlfriend. She like shim and thinks he is cute and enjoys talking to him, but being labeled a girlfriend comes with more responsibility and dedication, that she just isn't ready for. She has so much other stuff going on with her trips, and districts, and worlds coming up and her grades that she just isn't sure she wants this. My initial reaction was to laugh and think...Oh my little worry wart...she is so scared of change and just thinks the worst immediately. but the more we texted back and forth the more my reaction because less laughter and more pride....I am so immensely proud of you Makaila...becuase at the young age of 15 you have such a good head on your shoulders. You are brave enough to know when you are ready and or not ready for something. I am proud of you for being considerate enough to think of not wanting to hurt someone . I am proud of you for facing the awkward conversation and doing the right thing. Her 2nd boyfriend lasted 2 days; but hopefully their friendship will last a lifetime. I hope this young man is smart enough to respect her for what she did. I hope he knows that she did it to keep from hurting him, and that because she is brave enough to do that....she is much better than what he originally saw in her....who knows...maybe down the line when she is ready...he might have another me kid...she is worth it! Later that night we went shopping at Target, got some dinner and then called it a night.
Friday, we were all off! My group of scrap booking friends met at 10 am to scrapbook our layouts and then we went out to lunch! Teresea brought the girls Minion themed Easter baskets!
Once we finished our lunch I came back and picked up the girls to take them to an appointment at Portrait Innovations, which of course in their true style...they booked on the wrong day so it was a wasted trip. I instead opted to cancel the appointment they made for Saturday and Teresea and I took the girls to take pics in the park. They looked gorgeous and we got several fantastic shots!!
This photo session, took a few hours. We were all hot and sweaty by the time we finished up! We headed back home and hung out watching tv and doing nothing exciting! Teresea stayed until about 7, and when she left we kept being bums! We watched tv until we were too tired and then all went to bed!
Saturday morning i went for a jog, then got ready. We took off to Costco to get the stuff for Easter. We went to our Costco, then to the one over by Sergio's and we bought a whole lot more than we planned. Ceci and I both came home with new elliptical machines! I'm excited! I can't wait for Dan to put that thing together for me. Once we wrapped up our shopping trips, we headed home and then over to Johnny's for an Easter celebration. We hung out there and watch some Blue Bloods on his tv (we should have been more social - but we got sucked into the tv portal!). I blame Johnny. Isabella took part in the hunt and got one of the golden eggs...she was super happy !
Easter Sunday I woke up and got ready for church. The girls opened their Easter baskets, and then we headed out for service!
We made it just in time for Isabella to do the church hunt and she was loving it...she got tons and tons of eggs!
After church we headed over to Tio Ernie's and started cooking and heating foods up and preparing. We hung out there all day and the kids hunted eggs and everything went good. It was a great way to end a long weekend!
Every one ate to their hearts content and there was plenty left over too! I was worried for a bit we hadn't bought enough...but everything worked out great! We headed home to get ready for our week and Nina stopped by to pick up her basket too. She opened it all up and headed home, while I headed for bed!
It was a long week and I am tired...but I am so grateful for our lives. We are blessed beyond measure. We have a good stable home, we are all healthy, and we spend our holidays hearing about God's love for us and then being surrounded with people who love us and we love in return! I love you girls! Don't ever forget that!!
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