This was my Blessed sign from Bucee's...I love it!!
I bought that circle verse block at the Spice Market. I says: "I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!! "
I got this grass ring at the Magnolia Market and it was perfect under my Pioneer Woman pitcher!
These glass jars are so cute and rustic...not sure what purpose they will serve just yet...but I like em!
And these metal stands worked out just fine on my living room dresser....these came from Magnolia Market too!
On Monday at school, Makaila received her letter letting her know she was accepted into the National Honor Society! We are so proud of her! I know it isn't easy to make good grades and stay on top of things, but this girl is rocking proud!!
The week at work was a bit rough...but I made through by making a couple stops at the new place we found called Cafe Bene...yummy!!!
It's kinda pricey, so I won't go there often, but the gelato was delicious and its a nice little get away from all the hectic craziness sometimes.
Back at home it was a week filled with elliptical exercise, laundry, dinner making, a rodeo wrap up meeting, some financial peace classes, HIT, a whole lot of stressed out calls over getting my car back!! They still have my Pablo and I miss him!!
We went to pick him up Friday afternoon, but turned right back around because he was making a windign noise, turned out it was the air compressor. We brought him home anyway, and they would order the part nad have it fixed next week. I was reluctant to bring him home, but I missed him so we did!! We ate dinner at La Villa and then called it a night!
Saturday morning, we got up early and heaed out to Ceci's by 8:30. We were Disney on Ice bound!! We ate breakfast and then headed to the NRG for the show. It was too cute! I loved it!
Are my little princesses cute or what!!!!!
Afterwards we stopped at Spanky's for lunch. This little bugger was all smiles for about 15 minutes...then the crying began! LOL
She was conked out within minutes....this was ust too much fun to take all in one way! LOL
We had a great time, but headed straight home afterwards becuase Danny's friends Gilbert and Cynthia had invited us over for a Bar-b-que. We went over and hung out with them, and had a good night! Issy was whooping them on Jenga...
We stayed there hanging out and talking crap until abut 10, then helped clean up and headed home. Sunday morning we went to church, then had lunch at Culver's and made a trip over to Costco! No really...Costco! LOL I know...we are there a number we should call! We came home to clean a bit, then headed over to my in-laws, but they weren't home, so we hung out at Tia Sylvia's for awhile. Came home and called it quits. Showers and bed all around. I was a low key kinda week-end, but we all had fun....ready for what next week brings our way!
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