I wrapped up my work at about 2, and headed over to my in-laws to help Ceci set up for Ava's Baptism. Danny picked the girls up from school after his interview and came by to help. I was and still am so proud of him and happy for him!!!
We headed out and did some last minute shopping at the mall to get some gifts for the weekend! We had an early morning event and a couple parties coming up soon....not to mention Christmas right around the corner. We went to Dillards and loaded up on some gifts, then headed out to eat. We ate dinner and then called it a night because we had to be up on Saturday morning. We all showered up and headed to bed!
Saturday morning Danny headed to work and the girls and I got dressed up and ready to go to Ava's baptism. We gussied up and headed out....and please let the record show that we were early!! That is a rarity in our household....so take a picture, write it down and keep it in the memory bank....the Limon's were looking cute and early to boot! LOL
The ceremony was cute and then we all headed over to my in-laws for breakfast and fun.
In the afternoon we walked over to Market street to watch teh Christmas Parade. Actually - that's a lie - we could have walked but instead we piled as many people as we could fit in the car - which turns out to be 16!!! We were packed like sardines and laughing the whole time! The parade was cute and we had a good time!!
We walked back - cause there was no way we could all get back in tehre a second time! The girls and I loaded up and brought Alec and Carlos home with us. They were going to go to a 15 with Makaila later that night. The neighbors were hanging out on the block when we got home, so I stayed outside and hung out with them for awhile!
Nina was up to her Christmas blow up antics once again this year!! LOL
Danny got home and dropped the kids off at the 15 for me.....and then we all went inside and watched tv for awhile until the kids called that they were ready to come home! They didn't last long - they called by 11, and said the cake was horrible and we could pick them back up! LOL
We picked up the kids and headed home. I went straight to bed because I signed up for another run and I needed to up and ready by 7:30!!!
Like clockwork, Gina came over at about 7:30 and we loaded up and headed out to U of H to do the Graffiti Run! It was fun. I finished in 32 minutes!! It turns out it is really much easier to finish these babies in the cold weather! LOL
I made it home intime to go to the 11 service, and Lucky fo rme they had waited for me...so we went as a family.
Church Notes: Mystery Gift
Part 4 of Series : Marriage Mystery - Discovering the Secrets of a Lasting Love
The purpose of a marriage is to reflect God's love. How do you unwrap teh mystery gift to understand each other better?
1. You appreciate imperfect Gifts!!! Learn to be grateful.
As a couple you need to understand each others differences. James 1:5 says "if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.:
Accept each other's differences. Stop trying to change your mate, let God work on them in his own schedule.
Men are the gift bow and the women are the ribbons and bows...they go together.
2. Honor the perfect Gift.
Marriage is like a triangle - the more you honor God, the closer you become together.
* An act of Honor sets in motion the blessings of God.
* Dishonor blocks his blessings
* We must give God his place of honor in our lives and honor our spouse the same way.
* There are three blessings God unlocks in our lives when we honor him: Divine Guidance, Divine Restoration, and Divine Provision.
After church as usual, we headed over to the house to watch the Texans game. Once it was pretty much wrapped up, we headed over to the Woodlands Mall to do a bit of shopping. I don't know why we go to the mall with my cheap ole self!! Everything is so overpriced!! LOL I still managed to get a couple things at Dillards and Nordstrom, and then we headed home. By the time we left the mall my foot was killing me. I was fine all day and all of a sudden...I couldn't walk on it without a shooting pain!! It was horrible. Danny of course tells me thats what I get for doing 5K's without training! He is probably right - but my foot hurt so much I could care less at that point!!
I went home and tried ice adn pain killers nad went to bed instead!
Monday morning - I woke up to go to work, adn I couldnt walk!!! My foot was killing me. SO I called in adn decided to work from home instead.
I spent my day responding to emails, updating files and wrapping Christmas presents!! It was a much needed stay home day for me!
This week has alot to pack into it...Danny's Birthday is coming up and We bought tickets to a play, and some Parties....woohooo.....bring it on December!!!
Have a good week! FYI - My foot still hurts!
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