We spent the rest of our afternoon running errands. I took my car to the get inspection done! The sticker expired in November and I never noticed!!!
The girls entertained me while we waited...doing dance offs! LOL
After that we drove over to 59 & Kirby to deliver some jewelry to a friend of mine who purchased some stuff from my Premier Jewelry party. Then over to Sugarland to deliver the rest of it. We did some shopping at Hobby Lobby and then headed back home. We came back with intentions of picking up Makailas VS gift card and then head to the mall so she could get some Christmas gifts.
We did that....but our plan back fired because we walked into Victoria's Secret and the line was 32 people deep! We gave her gift card away and decided to shop elsewhere. She picked up all her gifts at Forever 21 and then we headed home! We got home and picked up Danny and then headed out to get a bite to eat! We came home and got in major cleaning mode. I had scheduled for the cleaning lady to come over the weekend (which meant that we need to get rid of all the clutter and mess so she could deep clean). I stayed up until 1 am cleaning and sorting and throwing things away! LOL
In the morning I woke up by 8 and got ready. We loaded the car and headed out to Grapevine! We stopped in Arlington on the way to see my Cousin Diggie. We had been talking via Facebook and he asked me to bring him some Scentsy - so we met up with him and chatted for a few before getting to Grapevine! I was nice to see him - I don't think I had really seen him face to face in over 10 years - that's crazy right!!!
We got to our hotel and checked in and then headed over to The Gaylord. The tickets were sold out for the ICE Event until 6 that night...so we bought tickets for Sunday and headed out. We stopped at one of the boutiques and it was Makaila's lucky day. They had some beautiful Luchesse boots on sale and lucky for Makaila we were in good spirits and they had her size...so her Christmas came a little early!!
We spent the rest of the afternoon walking through Grapevine checking out the stores aand taking a butt load of pictures!
We went out to Dinner and it was delicious. I can't remember the name of the place...but it was yummy and we stuffed our faces!
Sunday morning I woke up early and got ready. Issy and I headed out to check a few stores (I forgot to pack black shoes, so I was on a hunt), while Danny and Makaila slept in!
We loaded the car up and headed over to the Gaylord Texan for the Ice Event that has become our family Christmas tradition! I LOVE IT!! We took tons of pictures and had a fabulous time. I actually got a call from my Dad as we were in line for the show to tell me that my grandfather was in the hospital in Dallas. That made me sad and I cried a bit; but I prayed for him and told Danny we would stop by after the show to make sure he was ok.
We walked in and it was as fantastic as ever!!
Once we finished up there we headed into Dallas and called to ask about my grandpa. We stopped into Dona Totas for some lunch (we were starving)!! It was delicious!
The hospital was only 3 blocks from there - so Danny dropped me off and I went in to visit my Gramps for awhile. We talked and he was doing good. They were keeping him for observation and some Kidney tests but he was looking good. He is a strong man and in great health for 94 years of age!!
We left there and headed to visit my parents. We got there at about 7 pm, and spent the next few hours playing loteria and laughing. I love these folks!!
We wrapped up with our visit at about 10:30 and headed home! Danny drove home while the three lazy girls slept! LOL We got home late but walked in to a fantastic clean home! The cleaning lady came and did an amazing job!
Monday morning we slept in late and then got ready and headed out to Sergio's to his Annual Christmas Party. We played games, had a fantastic lunch and a good time!
We finished up there and did a little shopping. The malls were stupid crazy - I lasted through two stores and then called it quits!! We headed home instead. I got things ready for work and the girls and Danny watched tv. We had a fantastic weekend with tons of pictures and lots of memories! I am so grateful for my little family, for our health and for all the blessings this year has brought us!!
Back to work for a couple of days and then a Long Christmas Weekend!!
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