Friday morning when Danny got off of work, he stayed up doing a ton of honey do's. He did the yard, ran some errands, and got lots of things taken care of. Unfortunately he was up for way too long! I got home at about 3:30 to find him on his last wind! My poor baby was tired. We picked up the girls, and then went out to an early dinner in Kingwood! We stopped at Bahama Bucks on the way home for desert.
On our way home for Bahama Bucks, we drove past the Children's Learning Center which is a new day care that opened up in our area, Danny said that they must be expensive because they had 5 buses...and I proceeded to tell him that according to our neighbor it was 1200 a week!!! Right after that Makaila chimes in from the back seat "TAN PENDEJAS!" LOL
I laughed so freakin hard I almost peed myself! That is so my kid!!!
We headed home and I hung out with the neighbor ladies while the kids played and we drank some wine and did some catching up. Once it got dark, Nina, Amy and I put on our workout gear and went for a 3 mile walk/jog/run through the neighborhood! They laughed at me cause I wore some gigantic headphones (via 1980's style). I didn't care though, cause those little headphones that stick into your ears, never stay!!!
Saturday morning, Danny and I woke up pretty early. We headed out to Mi Tienda for some groceries. I love going there because everything is so cheap, and they have so much stuff from Mexico that I reminisce about things from my youth! We went over to the mercado off of Airline too, to get some chile....we had plans to make elotes for lunch on Sunday!
We headed home and unloaded the groceries and then at about 1pm, Nina and I took the kids to the Opening of our neighborhood pool! It was splash day!! Amy and Cheree joined us shortly after. Issy and I only stayed about an hour because the water was too cold for her liking!
I got home and showered and got ready and then we headed over to Ceci and Rays. We took off to the Strawberry Festival to the cook-off. We had tickets to the Out and About Cook-Off tent to see Mazz! The food was fantastic, and the music was good. We had a fun time, and I am uber grateful to Chris for getting us VIP bands for em to sit! I wore some cute wedges that were cute - but not so great for standing all night long! My feet were killing me when Danny took me out to dance - but I would never say no to dancing!!!!
While we were at cook-off the kids stayed at Ceci & Ray's with Alec and Victoria. I am so grateful and happy that they have such a great family to be around and that they all have so much love for one another. Victoria took them to the park where we had Isabella's 2nd birthday party for a hike. Issy had so much fun, she told me all about their adventure on Sunday - and luckily Ceci sent me some pictures to share too!! 

Church Notes:
Part 4 of Building New Bridges Series
Our B-attitude of focus this week was: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled: Matt 5:6
Restoration Step 4- I look to Jesus Christ to fill my emptiness, putting aside instant gratification. I humbly ask Christ to change me by replacing my character flaws with his character.
* Drive to seek God above anything else!
1. Where do our character flaws, Sins and Destructive Behaviors Come from?
* Our DNA - we inherit traits from our family; but we are still accountable for our action not matter where they stem from.
* Our Culture - we are easily influences by media, movies, magazines and the people we are around. Stop being a follower and be a leader!
- be careful to drink from the fountain of Christ not the fountain of culture.
* Our decisions - We get to choose. Let go of the destructive patterns. You will still be you - only a better version of you!!
2. How do we allow God to rebuild character bridges in our lives?
* Come clean with God and others. (To be free - you must be honest)
* Avoid triggers that lead to old behaviors. - Be alert and sober of mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1Peter 5:8
H hungry
A angry/ agitated
L lonely
T tired
When you feel these factors turn to God and confess! Ask him for a way out and let him lead you!!
* Be patient and focus on progress not perfection (God handles the perfection part)
* Fully engage with your church family (acquire the character of Christ)
* Remember that building character and spiritual maturity takes time!!! In our impatience we tend to loose sight of God.
God activates our spiritual thirst so he can satisfy it!!!! Are you thirsty?
Service was great. After church we headed home and the weather was so beautiful that we hung out with the neighbors outside. The kids rode bike and played with chalk on the sidewalk, while I lay under our tree reading a good book!! (If you haven't read The 'Antelope in the Living room' - I highly recommend it).
I came in for lunch to make elotes, and Nina and Danny sat on the couch laugh their head off! They were so yummy!!!! Sometimes I really miss having the Refresqueria....
It wasn't too much excitement or planning but the weather was beautiful, the company was fantastic and I would most definitely do it all over again!!!
We hope you have a good week. Start planning those summer trips - its right around the corner!!
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