I had a four day weekend and I loved every single moment of it!!!
Friday was my 9/80 Friday which meant I was off and luckily for me it was one of those rarities when Danny was off we had a date!
First off - I got up and got ready fo rthe day, took my girlies to school, and then met my girlfriend Vicky for breakfast. We met at Panera bread and chit chatted and discussed our lived in detail over an egg white and spinach breakfast! I cannot beleive ht at her daughter Valerie is graduating from high school this weekend!!!!
I told her she is getting old - to which she kindly reminded me that I am older than her (I however continue to be in denial and attest to the fact that by some miracle of life I have managed to stay 28 for the past 7 or 8 or 9ish years!! - I have been using that age so long I really forget how old I really am sometimes).
We talked about summer plans, the kiddos, shopping issues, our hubbies, church, and a few other things then we headed out and on our ways to the weekend. It was nice seeing her and having breakfast - she is headed on vacation for a week - so by the time this posts - she will be out having fun and I will be at work "working"! LOL
I headed home to my honey and he took me to the gun range! I have never really even held a gun! As crazy and outspoken and risky as I can be...I am not the biggest fan of guns. I am not against guns by any means - we own guns and I even have my concealed handgun license....but I have never even held a real gun much less shot one! (I know - your thinking...but how did you get a license --- they will give that thing to anyone (I mentioned the whole process in an old post)). So we go in, ear plugs in place and Danny starts to walk me through how to load the gun, where the safety is, how to hold it, etc. I am fully engaged and then decide to give it a shot! That's it! more. I shot "my" gun, the small one that he supposedly bought for me a few years back! First off...I held it wrong because I cut my thumb with the recoil and sliced a chunk of skin off and it started oozing blood! It hurt like a son of a I was done! LOL
Danny shook his head and told me to keep trying, and at this point I was trying to count in my head to keep myself from crying, because I really did not like it! I was scared! Not like, "Uh, maybe not" kinda scared, but more like, my heart was racing, my finger was bleeding and the flash of fire off the gun, that I had no control over really scared the crap out of me. I thought I was holding it tight and when I pulled the trigger..that bullet did not go where I had it aimed, and I was not expecting the kick that I got off that little gun, or the flying flesh! The reality hit me that I am completely and totally a city girl...with no clue on firearms, or interest for that matter.
Danny didn't let me quit. I shot a couple more times with that gun, and decided I REALLY didn't like it...but Danny still wouldn't let me quit!! Instead he loaded his gun, and asked me to try that one instead! I did and decided instantly that I liked his gun way WAY better than I liked "my" gun! The recoil on his was way better, the trigger had no pull back, and I was hitting my desired target right on! I still didn't enjoy it at this point but I felt tons better than I did with the other gun. I finished of all the sleeve he loaded and figured I was done. Well I wasn't, we stayed for another hour or so and I shot another 3 rounds of ammo from his un with crazy aim! And I mean that in a good way! I was pretty good, and by the time we were done, I didn't hate it! My finger was still bleeding, but I actually had fun! I can see how it can be a stress reliever, and a confidence booster....I definitely left there feeling more confident and safer! It was an interesting and actually kinda fun way to spend our morning! I am glad we did it, and even more glad for his patience in me and persistence! My view of him wasn't too shabby either! LOL

After our gun range fun, we headed home for a change of clothes and a band-aid! LOL We headed out to..(insert drum roll here).........COSTCO!!!!!
We are Costco freaks, and fully aware of it. I actually had the intent to go and buy sunscreen for the summer since it was on sale...of course by the time we were done, we bought some habanero sausage, some heavy duty racks for the garage, a workout shirt, some cheese its, sunscreen, and socks all of which we didn't REALLY need...but Costco is kinda like a vortex of awesome..that sucks us in every single time!
A little over $100 lighter we headed back home, however we stopped at the clearance Dillard's in Greenspoint. That place is kinda scary on the outside, but kinda awesome on the inside. The entire store is 65% off regular prices and being a holiday weekend most things were an extra 30-50% off. Danny got 2 shirts, I got 2 skirts and 2 shirts for Issy and we got out of there. Prices were great, but the atmosphere is chaotic and not very fun!
We went home and I watched some episodes of Ellen, then headed out to pick up Issy from school.
My friend Cynthia came over for scrapbooking and we spent the next couple hours scrapbooking! Teresea and Margaret came too! Actually Teresea missed last month so this month she brought the girls some Easter surprises. They were super happy about that!
The got some candy, and Makaila got a beautiful Big Sis necklace that she really loved, and some money. Issy got some toys, sandals, clothes and candy too. These kids are so loved and so spoiled...I am grateful that they have there Tia in there life and that she is so thoughtful to them.
I actually got a picture of my scrapping buddies too!
I love these ladies. We scrapped our pages for the month and Margaret and Cynthia headed home. At about 7, Teresea went with me to the karate school to pick up Issy; Makaila and I stayed for the Sparring clinic. Teresea took Isabella home with her (which Issy was super excited about. She hadn't been with her Tia for far too long and she was having withdrawals!)
There was an accident on W. Lake Houston Parkway that knocked out the lights at Henderson's, so we did the clinic without power...which made for a really hot hour! We learned some great techniques and I smiled at some point when I turned around and saw that Danny had come out to watch us. He is such a cutie sometimes!
After the clinic we headed back home to change and then went to Sharky's for dinner! It was super yummy! I love Sharky's!! Danny even took us to Bahama Bucks for a snow cone too! We enjoyed our dessert and then headed home to bed. Danny had to work all weekend and I was cooking up plans for my morning!!
Saturday morning I woke up at 6, and then got dressed and headed to the garage. I moved the car out and then proceeded to spend the next 5 hours cleaning our garage!! It was crazy messy and un organized....check it out for yourself!
There was way to much crap in the point that when I parked in thera I couldn't even open the doors to my car all the way cause stuff was pilled up all over the place! Those cabinets were a hot mess inside too. And that beautiful cabinetry that my father in law built for us was just ridiculously cluttered with crap!!
After several hours of cleaning and trashing and goodwill drop offs...My garage was clean and I was drenched in sweat and smelling all kinds of nasty!! But the view of my spacious garage was well worth it all!
After I was done cleaning I showered up and headed out to fullfill my promise to Makaila. I told her I would take her and her friend Nina shopping and we did just that. We walked from store to store to store to store to mall and more store.......By 6pm I was exhausted. My feet were killing me and my body was screaming in pain!
We had dinner at Chuy's and then headed home. I got into bed, then felt like a total I got up when Danny came home and watched a little tv, but by 8:30 I was back in the bed and probably knocked out asleep within minutes! While I slept Danny took his baby girl for a milkshake! I love that he is such a good Daddy!!
Sunday morning came bright and early...up again by 6 am...I got to doing some laundry and then decided I was going to iron all the clothes that sits in baskets needing to be ironed...probably for months at a time. I ironed everything that needed ironing while clearing shows off the dvr, and then once I was done, I started to get ready for church!
Alec and Victoria came over to join us for church! I am loving all the church company too!! Makes me really happy!! And even better - they really seemed to have enjoyed it! That makes me even happier.
Church Notes:
( i forgot them on my kitchen counter - so I wil update this post with them tomorrow)
After church, we headed home and I gave Victoria some clothes and rain boots (I semi-cleaned out the closet), then we headed over to Bahama Bucks for a treat! LOL
Once we were done, we headed out for the day. We made it to Grandma Limons to visit Karena and Miguel's new baby girl Ava Izabel!!
This little chunker is too freakin cute!! We took turns holding her and taking pics! LOL
We headed over to Tio Ernie's for some burgers after meeting this beauty!
We hung out and ate, had a few good laughs, I even sat around and tried on a wig of Sarah's...I am definitely not cut out to be a blonde...but then again ...neither is Ray...he joined in on the wig fun!! I took the kids to the Segunda to get a thing or too, and then Alec and Makaila played on the swing...we had fun! LOL
We spent the rest of the evening talking smack and laughing! I love that Danny's family is my family. We get along, we laugh and I am comfortable enough to be around them all the time even when Danny is at work. We may disagree at times, or even work each others nerves at times but they are family and they love me and I them......I am really lucky!
It got a little late, so Makaila made plans to stay at Ceci's and Danny and I headed home. We checked the mail and then headed to bed. Danny had to work again in the morning and we were both tired!
Monday morning I slept until 7:30, got up did another load of laundry, watched some tv, got showered and ready and then headed to Macy's to get some luggage and a Pyrex glass container set that I saw in the Sunday paper..then I headed back home and waited to hear from Teresea to go get my little baby. After about an hour we made plans, I loaded up and then headed to meet Teresea, then over to Ceci's to eat and get Makaila. We made plans for later that day at Ernies then all headed over to Grandmas for a quick visit. Isabella was able to meet her new niece Ava, and she was pretty happy about that!
Ceci and I headed over to the groceries and picked up everything we needed for corns in the cup, and bionic fruit cocktails, and frito pies...then we all headed over to Ernie's for a second round. Rose, Ceci and I got to cutting and heating and after awhile we all ate to the point of oblivion! I was so stuffed. Everything was soooo good!
Once we were done eating, we hung out and did the cleaning up and then all headed home once the rain really started coming down. The rest of the evening was spent folding clothes and watching tv. We hit the beds at about 9...and it couldn't have come a moment sooner. The weather turned ugly fast. We fell asleep to the sounds of thunder and raindrops.
It was a great weekend spent having fun, and sharing laughter and most importantly spending time with some of our greatest Heros!
So grateful for the sailors, and soldiers in our family...for those who have served with them and for the families they left behind.
I hope you have a great week! It's back to work for me....
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