For some weird reason I can't turn this! But you get the point!!
That is 13 Birthday's (and that is all just immediate family - with the exception of the neighbor kids Gracie and Abby - who are pretty much family too cause we love em both to pieces!)
Two rodeo events (even though rodeo is only two weeks in March - it takes an entire year to plan and organize and we meet year round to get things squared away)
A combo of different church events, karate events, school events, the regular monthly scrapbook night, and birthday parties galore...and a Baptism just for fun!
The coming Saturday is a doozy - we have events planned from 9:30 am - midnight that day! We start the Day with Lucas' baptism, then Elizabeth Cooligan's Baptism, then Birthday parties for Gracie (by our house), Camie & Aria (in Woodland Acres), and a 15 in Pasadena. I am happy to say that I have been proactive and have all the gifts bought, and wrapped and ready to go!
Last night was Makaila's Open house at school. She would have rather we skip that event (cause apparently it isn't cool being an 8th grader and having your momma go meet your teachers - especially if I am your momma). But I'm not offended at all....and we went! LOL It was set up in a way for the parents to experience the day in the life of their child. They had bells ringing to send us to each class (in the order of our child's schedule), we stayed in that class to talk to the teacher and get a breakdown of their class, and then the bell would ring and you have 5 minutes to get to the next class - just like the kids do each day.
I met Mr. Sanchez, her history teacher. We were actually late to 1st period (cause parking was a nightmare)- trust me Makaila was not the only uncool 8th grader there with her horrible parent! I only met with him briefly, but he said Makaila was doing well, and he does actively send weekly e-mails to me (and all the other registered parents- I promise I don't stalk her teachers (unless I have too)) giving me a break down of there curriculum for the week and upcoming tests, etc.
For second period she has RELA, which is basically Reading, English, and Language Arts all rolled up together. That teacher was a tad lively. She was nice though, and Makaila seems to like her. Last year, RELA was a big challenge for us an her RELA teacher was the absolute best. She called me regularly with updates and genuine concerns regarding Makaila's grade. I am hoping this years Knowsy's program they use in RELA comes easier to Makaila and we don't have any problems in this class.
Third period was Spanish I. The teacher was cute and a little cheesy. Right up my alley kinda gal! I'm not too worried about this class because believe it or not...Makaila really does know Spanish. She acts like she doesn't because she isn't that confident in it ...but she understands it all and can talk it all...just prefers not to. I'm hoping this class gives her a little confidence boost in her ability! Knowing two languages fluently is such a blessing!!
Fourth was Band.....She once again is in Symphonic Band this year playing the Clarinet. She was a tad reluctant - but it was not an option. Considering how much we had to pay for that clarinet in 6th grade....she knew she would be playing that bad boy for years and years to it or not. Since she has been in the school band for three years now this one was easy. We know her band teachers and like them! They talked about the upcoming events, concerts, etc. (more stuff to add to my calenders!!). The bell rang and it was off to 5th period!
Makaila is a Student Aid for 5th period. She helps the school administration with thing like pulling kids from class who are early releasers, restocking the nurses office, delivering things to other areas, filling, etc. I talked to one of the school counselors for a few and then we headed to 6th period a little early in hopes of getting out of there early!
6th period for Makaila is Pre-Algebra. After about 5 minutes in the class I knew our trying to get out early attempt was not going to work. The class before us is not even the same subject, so we just sat there. The bell rang and then she started talking about the class Makaila actually takes. She registered all the parents for REMIND 101, which is a texting app she uses to send both the students and parents general texts of upcoming events, homework reminders, test reminders, etc. I love that kinda stuff. Teachers who actively communicate and include the parents make my job as a parent that much easier. I know it is extra work and above and beyond what they are required to do - and for that I am graetful - because them doing those little things saves me a trip into the Home Access website to check up on her grades regularly.
Finally the last bell rang and we headed to Science! Her teacher was very organized, they get a unit plan layout for their week telling them what is being covered, the vocabulary being tested over, and key items they will need to learn....they keep that unit plan and go through it for the week and then use it to study....pretty plain and simple. She has everything loaded onto her site and accessible at all times. I love that.
As your kids get older you will learn the hard way that you will be taking those classes over and over and over again......I thought I was done with school, but in order to help Makaila learn and get good grades I had to re-learn alot of things last year to help her. Realistically - I forgot it all so I had to relearn with her.
By the time we got out of there it was after 8, and too late for me to make dinner or get to my karate class, so we headed to chick-fil-a for dinner and went home. Showers, a bed time story, prayers and then lights out!
Over dinner (and most of the wait line in Chick-Fil-A), Makaila and I talked about school stuff and boys and friends and other cool things. I was very proud of her for being honest with me about alot of things that I am fairly certain she didn't want to share with me. I am so proud of her and extremely happy that she feels like she can trust me and talk to me. As a mom - my girls are my world - and knowing that they can talk to me and share with me certain things (despite me being uncool most of the time) is a real accomplishment to me. I went to bed last night tired (and glad I was going to work in the morning and not headed to middle school) and feeling really happy and blessed with my two beauties. Knowing that despite all the wrong choices I have made and the major mistakes I have fallen upon from time to time that I must be doing something right cause them two girls are just plain awesome!!!
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