In case you are new and or haven't life revolves around two beautiful girls, my babies Makaila and Isabella. I don't like missing them each morning. I liked to praise them when possible and send them off to school feeling beautiful and confident and blessed. I think this has weighed on my heart a little more lately (thanks to all the tragedies taking place in school - no place feels safe anymore - it's scary).
Every other Friday, when I am off of work and have the opportunity to take them to school - I make sure I tell them how pretty they look, and pray for them before they get out of the car (don't judge me - my goal is not to raise them in vain, or feel an importance on beauty; but rather to raise them to love themselves and be confident; and not dependant on the approval of others). My prayers for them are as simple as " May God be with you today, may he give you grace, focus and love to share with others. May your actions be a reflection of his words, and may you have a wonderful blessed day", but I know I feel better sending them off to school in a good way.
All the other days, I miss the morning routine with them, so I decided I should get some morning treats. I have been having them send me pictures of their morning looks.....
It's definitely a nice treat for me to get a glimpse of these two beautiful girls in a happy mood looking fabulous!! I love them more than words can say!!!!!!!!!
If your are lucky enough to see your kids off to school each morning or be home with them when they get off - appreciate it. I know we get caught up in our routines and the hecticness of life (it's very easy to do); but tomorrow is not promised and you should work to make the people you love feel loved.
I know there are way too many days when I am focused on the chores, the to-do's, the must haves and I don't focus on my kids or my husband the way I should. There are so many people watching loved ones die, sitting in hospital waiting rooms not knowing if they get another day with their kids/ husbands/ sisters/ moms/ dads/ grandparents/ best friends; and I am pretty sure they aren't worried about getting a load of laundry in before bed, or sweeping the game room.........there minds are filled with memories of the good times and or regrets of the lack of those good times.
Love the people in your life....take pictures (even silly morning before the 17th day of school pictures), laugh, make a mess (without staying up late to clean it up), sing off key, sit on the couch holding each other, pitch a tent in the living room and play, make a memory that's unforgettable and will bring a smile to our face years from now.
Let the people in your life know they are not alone. Love them!!! I hope you have a great day today and know that you are beautiful, awesome, smart and important. That I love you (more than cheese and chocolate cake-- that's ALOT)!!
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