May kicked off with us taking Izzy to a mid week dinner at Nitro for some waffle dinners and dessert...she was in awe!
First weekend was prom! Talk about a whirlwind. this experience was something I was SOOOOO looking forward to and I clearly had no idea what I was getting into. I tried to do everything and have it be perfect...and that blew up in my face. I took her to get her nails done, had a makeup session booked, a hairdresser come out....the works. Well the attitude and ungratefulness made me regret it all. Talk about drama and being a rude ungrateful brat. I was so freakin disappointed. She was being such a diva, and rude and UHHHHH...I'm glad its over and I do NOT want to do that again! Not only did I drive an hour to get her there, but she was being ugly, and rude, and she hater her hair and totally took it out on me. I spent a fortune and wanted to slap the crap out of her! I cried, she was a freakin mess! Needless to say - PROM prep SUCKED!!!
Once she was done, she tried to not do pictures or anything - she just wanted to leave...but HELL NO! I went through all that trouble, cried, paid out the ass to have things done...I forced her to do pictures! Looking back through'd never know...but oh my how deceiving these pictures are....the real story was filled with hushed bitching, lots of eye rolling, and lots and lots of tears before and after!
Prom was fine - she had fun and the next day I drove her and Ricky to San Antonio! We made a pit stop in a field of flowers to get these beauties...LOL
Danny and Isabella joined me later that weekend and we spent the day San Antonio exploring...while Ricky and Makaila spent the day at Six Flags with Jenelly and Alexis.
Danny took us to Hemisphere park...its was gorgeous!
Aren't my angels so freakin adorable!!
Baby girl even got a caricature made...she was loving all the attention!
And I was loving all the snapchat filters! LOL
We went to visit this place Danny read about and it did not disappoint!
And Rolando's was a must!
On our way home - we had lunch in Gruene...and it was prefect.
Once that was behind us - we apologized, and forgave and moved on...we met Danny's mom for dinner to celebrate Mexican Momma's Day on the 10th!
And two days later on Friday - Isabella and I packed up on a early morning road trip to surprise my momma and Daddy with a breakfast visit! We did some catching up on Mother's Day and birthday gifting and just hugging on these cuties!!!
NO ONE COOKS BETTER THAN MOMMA!!! (One day you guys will say that about me - I know you don't believe that now...but for real.....I promise...just be patient!)
We stayed hanging out with my momma ad Daddy until about noon and then headed home. it was a quick visit for a couple hours - but man - it was so healing for my soul! There is nothing that a good Momma and Daddy can't fix! Always remember that ladies - you are never too old to need your parents....and no matter where you go - you are ALWAYS welcomed at home!
We made this little dance diva a new shirt and she liked it!
Ok - so let me just say that in between all the cutesy stuff and the great pics there was a TON of stress and craziness going on too. Makaila was in her senioritus….I was in momma overdrive making plans for graduation, graduation party, prom, prom weekend, college, summer plans, dinner, laundry, work stress, family drama, and the list goes on and on. At one point we were fairly certain that Makaila would not be going to college because she was doing a whole lot of sitting on her ass and not enough college applications or scholarships. I was torn between letting her fail and lighting a fire under her ass! You know the constant battle of being a parent! I did mine and Danny's share of complaining, bitching, pushing, proding, and meeting attending...which in the end paid off. One afternoon (in which we were not speaking to one another because this momma keeps it real , and the daughter is tired of the same bitching taking place - so we simple spent the last three days not talking to one another)....I get home to a crying child...…..
WHAT HAPPENED I ASKED - with no sympathy cause I'm still pissed! LOL. She showed me her letter...which in case you can't read it says that she was awarded the Board of Trustees FULL Ride scholarship from Lonestar College!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOLY CRAP....I creied….because I felt like I was the recipient of it (lets get real...I totally was). I forced her to apply for that damn thing despite her thinking it was a waste of time...and no chance, and then stayed on her ass to turn it in and follow up and keep track....and my insistent nature paid off!!! YOUR WELCOME LITTLE GIRL!!!!!
NO but seriously - congratulations to Danny and I! That just saved us a crap tone of money!!!!!
We are seriously proud - like Scream it form the roof tops proud!! Way to go!
Ricky received the same scholarship - I could not be more proud of this pair!!
We went to Crystals graduation and cheered her on as she received her diploma from both Quest and Lonestar!! I cried like a ninny - so I can only imagine how I will be at Makaila's.....I cry just thinking about be ready!
We celebrated the scholarship with a treat at Stacked....we like to celebrate with food - have you caught on to that just yet!?!!?
Cory had his graduation party- OMG - I wish I could freeze time and take it back to them being babies in the McDonalds play area!
I had to leave the party early to go to an Astros and get my was a necessity...can't you tell!
Not to mention we won and racked up on PLUCKERS coupons....
Months of preparation went into Makaila's graduation party! I took the previous couple days off and so did Ceci to get some of the treats made up - cause you know the best part of a party is the food and treats...and we were in full party mode! I am so grateful for Ceci - she is a great friend to me and I know she is my sister in law....but that doesn't mean we cant be besties too....THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO FOR ME AND MY BABIES!!!
This right here looks nice and simple.....but don't be was an entire 12 hours of cooking, cleaning, decorating, wrapping, etc!!!
The day of her party came and Oh my goodness....we were surrounded by people who love on us and our girls in ways I can never express how grateful we are for them. Everyone pitched in. I had people decorating, setting up, cleaning, serving, you name it! It was a HUGE success, and we are so thankful and grateful for every helping hand, every person that came, ever word of encouragements...from the bottom of our hearts...THANK YOU!!!
I didn't get nearly enough pictures - but it was amazing! We had a great time, the food was good, and the company was even better!
Later that weekend Izzy had her dance banquet and she was loving it. I don't love being a dance mom as much as I would - but hear me out. I don't need help with drama - I struggle to be a good person - so the momma drama is a total turn off for me! Also- I have no desire or unfulfilled dreams to live out through my kid...she danced for the fun and I am totally cool with that. I'm not as competitive as you might I don't push. The girls activities have to be fun for them and if they aren't...then its not for you...that easy! My favorite part of watching her dance is the fun she has. That for me is worth every penny spent, every hour, and every seeing her like this on a Sunday afternoon - makes me happy!!!
Later that week we attended an awards program at school - to find out that Makaila was also the recipient of another scholarship at AHS for $1000....HELLS YES!!!!!! Her nad Cory both received the awards from thte PTO...….you go gurl!!! (and that was for me too....I pushed for her to do that too! )LOL
Timbers held an Senior event for Timber Alumni - which was poorly planned and a waste...but we went....took pictures and made the memory.....Let's hope they step up there game when its Izzy's turn....cause punch and cookies afterschool was SO LAME!! I want to see a in school Senior parade where the 4th and 5th graders come out into the hall and high five the graduating class as they walk the halls of their elementary school in graduation cap and inspiration to themselves of where they are going and a reminder to the seniors of how far they have come.....get it together and make it happen Timbers!
Oh be still my heart!! I am updating this blog post over a year after it actually happened and I want you to know that I am full blown crying like a freaking baby reliving this moment of pride and joy! It was graduation for my baby girl day and to say we are proud does not even begin to encompass what we were feeling! I probably cried over a dozen times that day....and didn't even cover it - cause I'm crying now!
After I took this picture I went to my closet and cried like a baby - and prayed over my baby...….
She left to graduation and I spent at least an hour crying . Ridiculous I know...but true!
She sent me this picture of them going in to get in line...and I cried again! LOL
And this is our baby girl walking across that stage graduating high school!
Two proud littles!
I'm not lying to you when I tell you that it has been over a year and I am no joke crying (tears rolling down my face) tears of love, joy and excitement looking back on these photos.
Makaila - no where in the world will you find two people who will love you, support you and scream with pride of you like your dad and I. We are so proud of the young lady you have become and everything you accomplish. I am already a year ahead - from this post being typed up...and so I know the blessings that will come in the next few months of recapping.....and boy o boy does it get good!!
Congratulations on your high school graduation! I know its a life passage - but it's also an accomplishment that not everyone gets we are proud of you. In case you forget - or loose sight of it...this post is here to remind you of how loved you are! This momma will be your biggest cheerleader in life....on graduation day and always!
She left graduation to go to Project Graduation and then Sunday morning she came to church to receive her graduation blessing by our church pastor.....guess who cried again! LOL
We went to Jenelly's graduation party and it was awesome too!

There were some random things that happened in May that I do not want to leave out. Isabella wrote this story for school, and well you know it brought on the water works. She loved Momo so much so to read her heartache broke my heart. Know this baby girl - Momo is an angel watching down on you from heaven and I just know she is so proud of you and loved you so so much!
This little beauty was an usher at the school talent show that was Greatest Showman Themed...I LOVE HER SO FREAKIN MUCH!!!!
Dang girl - whatcha…...all those awards....YOU GO GURL!!!!! We are proud of this little Elementary school graduate too......she killed 5th grade like a Rockstar!!!!
Are you tired....May was a freakin whirlwind...and a boatload of tears!!! Thank you Lord that we survived it...that we lived to see another day and that your Mercy continues to shine down on us!!!
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