SO February was a good month, as most are. It was quiet and fun-filled and not too busy. The first weekend I kicked it off crafting with Melissa and Priscilla...we made shirts and shirts and more shirts!! I made these for Izzy and she was in love!!! I swear that first shirt has been work about 20 times since!! LOL
She looks adorable too....don't you agree!!?!
In the month of February I spent a lot of my free time planning for moms birthday party. She will be 70 in March and so I worked on invitations, centerpieces, table linens, food, music, you know...the works!!! It was worth every minute too...but we will get to that in March's recap!
Isabella had her last Friendship party and we did it up this year with personalized notebook, pencils and an awesome unicorn valentine box!! We are knocking it out of the park for 5th grade finales....
The most memorable part of February for us was that Makaila picked her Prom dress....hold your horses...prom isn't until'll love the one she picked...I Did!!
We also took Senior pictures. We hired two different photographers to get different angles, and views and see what worked best. Let me just say this. Going to photo shoots of my baby girl's senior year was awesome and not so awesome. It was in a lot of ways sealing the end of another era. I was coming face to face with the fact that my child was without a doubt becoming an adult!! Not a legal aged adult - I think age is age...but adulthood in the sense that she was graduating from high school and starting her future as an adult!! I swear that in February - I may not have taken a tons of pictures but I can remember a ton of closet moments where I prayed feverishly for God to help me. To heal my hurting heart. To slow things down. I prayed for patience, and peace, and a lot of my Wednesday night bible studies were around the topic of parenthood, and growth, and wanting with every fiber of my being to have succeeded as a mother!!
I know my role as your momma isn't over, but man....those fears I had 18 years ago used to be fears of being a good mom, of being enough, of knowing what to do, and how to do February those fears came back and I found myself wondering many times, did we of it right? Did I teach her enough, is she ready Lord? Help me be ready cause I sure don't feel ready!!
Fast forward to today - August 30th, and I think I know the answer. I'll wait to get caught up to August to let you know how things continued on...but I'll remind you ladies of this one make su proud parents over and over and over. We might fail from time to time but that just means that we re trying...and I love you! Your daddy loves you. There is nothing at all on this earth that you could do or say that would make us love you and more or any less that we do, have, and always will!!!
Here is a boat load of sideline pics from her senior shoots...I will do a separate post that shows you the final Senior pics...cause I loved so many and I cant decide....

LOL....after all those better believe it...there are more and I am still doing a separate senior pic post! Skip it if you want to...but it would be your loss cause those suckers were awesome!!
Isabella did a slime science fair project....are you surprised?!?!? Neither were we! She njoyed every second of t!
As is every year..February is Rodeo kick off and this year was no different. We made it out to cook-off had a blast, laughed and made great memories with great friends!!
Kevin Fowler was there and that was a nice surprise!!
I had to skip the Saturday cook-off because Isabella had another dance competition...and she killed it!! They are getting easier to manage....but they are still no joke!! I do it all for my baby...cause if it were up to me...Id be on the couch!! LOL...but look at that can I say no!!
February had a few date nights in it, some lunches and stuff but we wrapped it up on the last weekend with a trip to Herrera's. I couldn't tell you who the heck we went to see....but I can tell you we had fun!!
We had a great surprise on this Sunday because Tia Nancy came to church and lunch with us...isn't she the most adorable little thing you have ever seen....WE LOVE TIA NANCY!!!!
I don't recall what happened on this particularly but It seems that on a random weekday in February while shopping at the local Wal-Mart...Izzy because a unicorn! LOL
Lastly - Rodeo kicked off and we went to see Garth Brooks!! AWESOME!!!!
Danny and I snuck in a date night alone too ...isn't he freaking cute too!! OMG....I love this guy!!
Ok - things that I do not have pictures of but want you to remember - is that Makaila got a new car in February! We spent a lot of time going to dealers, and picking and unpicking options and then finally Danny picked out a great little Toyota for her that she has loved!! Its been a great car and yet another sign that our baby is not really a baby anymore!!
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