We wrapped up January with the basic routine stuff in our week of dance, driving school, zumba, laundry, dishes and all that fun stuff. I final broke out the Instant Pot....Oh my word...I'm loving this thing. Frozen chicken, rice, and veggies in 12 minutes from start to finish, one pot, no mess, and it was delicious. I am pinning recipes like crazy!
This week was a great week for me because my sister Nancy and I got to talking. I mean some real deep talking that took hours, and we cried and shared and cried some more. It was a prayer answered. I love my sisters and I hate that we are not close. Life gets hectic for sure, and our personalities sometimes clash, but I love them girls something fierce! Talking to her and getting to know some details about each other was fantastic. I hope we stay this close for ever! I love my little Nana!
We wrapped the weekend at Max Bowl celebrating Zoe's birthday party. Izzy is fearless!
Later that night we went to T Bone Tom's to celebrate Gilbert's birthday! I love that we get to hang out with them and end celebrate together. Him and Cynthia are great people and I am glad they included us in their celebration! We had a good time!
And to make you smile this week...here are some pinterest funnies/words to live by that made me laugh/smile enough to screenshot them...
If that pissed off dog didn't make you smile...there is something wrong with you! LOL ❤❤❤❤
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