Weekend Rewind

December 7, 2015

This week was CRAZY!! Can you believe it's already December!! Time flies when your having fun!! 

The week started off with the regular routine stuff, work, HIT, Karate, Guitar lessons, dance, rodeo meetings, laundry...you know all the good stuff.  

Our elves came back to visit us and entertained us for eh first few days like this: 

Danny put up our outdoor Christmas lights which look fantastic!  On Friday, I was off an like most days off I had planned on sleeping in late, and going to the movies and none of that happened.  I woke up early, started some laundry, and then spent the rest of my day cleaning up the front room, and parting ways with some of my craft stuff.  I sold stuff on line and it felt good!!

I got rid of tons of ribbons, hats, flowers, fabrics, and headbands!! There is a still a long way to go in there..but progress is definitely being made!

Later that evening, Danny went to work, and Makaila and I took Izzy to the Holiday Movie in the Park event they were having at her school.  It was fun, but super cold...so we only made it through half the movie..it was TOO cold.  But on the plus side...I got some great pics!!

We came home instead and watched Christmas movies on Lifetime! Issy found some of the weaves in my front room, and begged to have it! LOL  I took her pic wearing it for kicks, and she said she is definitely growing her hair out! LOL

Saturday morning I met my girlfriends for breakfast at Denny's for Eloisa and Gloria's birthday, (although since it was Gloria's Idea, we talked a whole lot of crap about her cause she bailed on us the night before to go to ta Cougars game...LOOSER).
After breakfast I did a little shopping with Vicky, then headed home.  Izzy and I left to go buy our Angel Tree gifts for church.  This year we adopted a family with three kids.  A 10 year old boy, a 12 year old girl and an 8 year old girl.
After that we headed over to Ceci's to work on painting cross for Christmas gifts!! We took a break and Ray treated us to wings!!  After that we came back and worked some more, then took another break and went to Target and Bath & Body Works! LOL
Sunday, we went to church and then Makaila left to Ceci's.  I went home to wait on some people to pick up a few things, and kept working on that front room clean up.  I went to a Velatta party @ 2, and then we headed over to Ceci's to hang out and pick up Makaila.

It was late, so we headed home and opted to watch a movie ,and then call it a night.  I'm still tired!!

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