Looking back I chose moments in each month that were my favorites and their favorites to just kinda take in what 2015 brought our family!
In January we celebrated, did Rodeo kick off, took prep pictures for Makaila's 15, and took a weekend road trip trough hill country with Danny. This picture was taken at St. Arnold Brewery were we went to celebrate Brenda's birthday...and that day we bought Makaila's 15 dress.
February - On a random weeknight we got remarried in our living room to give Isabella the once in a life time opportunity of being the flower/ candy girl at our wedding. It was determined that it was a life long dream of hers, and since we are loving and supportive parents we made her dreams come true by getting dressed, filling a bowl with candy in lieu of flowers and letting Makaila marry us in our living room so Isabella could throw candy and be happy!
March for our family means Rodeo. We love us some HLSR!!
April for us was spent with a lot of family time, picture taking (Prepping for the 15) and clearly some silly string!
May was filled with more 15 prepping, shopping, and a few kicks in between. Danny started a new job, and some changes started taking place in our house!!
June was huge! Our baby turned 15 we hosted the best biggest most awesome Quinceanera known to man. Everything was perfect and it was fantastic.
but to be honest the memory I think took place in June that I think was even more important was this one...7 people I love took a step of faith and were baptized in the name of Jesus!!!! This still makes me cry tears of joy! It fills my heart to see this picture and remember this pivotal moment for these people. I couldn't be more proud or happy for a single one of them. And knowing that Danny and Makaila took that step together and he lead her as a man of God to do this...be still me heart!!
If June felt crazy...July took it into overdrive...Makaila went on her very first Missions trip and we are so proud and happy for her.
Isabella too took her first 3 day trip alone on the IMPACT youth church camp!! She loved it!!
Makaila and I joined my sisters family on a trip to New York!!

August brought with it the end of summer which we went out on a bang. This month included multiple trips,
multiple concerts
some dancing
some beach time
an 8 year old Nerd party
and two back to school beauties!!
In September, we kept the party train going and spent all our time with family and friends making memories, sharing laughter and love and taking in our blessings!!
October stared with great joy and new life with the birth of my great nephew TJ
followed by some Astros cheering and some last minute family outings and celebrations!!
Sadly it was also the month my Grandpa Matt was called to heaven.
I'm so grateful that we as a family were all gathered with him and there for every moment with him and my dad.
We also lost Momo in October who we loved so very much!
In November I took a sisters trip to San Franscisco!
We took Izzy to her first Christian Concert to see Third Day!
We took Makaila to Sulfur Springs to a tournaments in which she took 1st place in every category!!
We made a pit stop in Paris Texas!
And we had Thanksgiving as a family of 4 grateful and blessed!
December was filled with kisses
more lights
Overall 2015 was good to us. We had some definite life changing moments, some fantastic memories, but most importantly we made it through another 365 days of blessings. We will start 2016 as a healthy happy family of 4 ready to take on the world. I pray that we live a life that is pleasing to God. I pray that my children feel loved, safe, and blessed. I pray that we excel financially, mentally and romantically in our household. I pray for growth and excellence in my marriage. That I become the wife and mother God has called me to be. I pray that I learn more control over my mouth and that I and my husband will be living example of Godly people for our children! 2016...BRING IT ON!
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