The past few weeks at church they have been promoting this new Women's Bible Study group starting this week and I have been interested, but as with many things I feel like I shouldn't do it for a million reasons including but not limited to time, knowing someone, karate, the kids, etc.
I talked about it to a couple people an everyone encouraged me, yet I was still not sold on the idea. On Tuesday I ran into Kathy who volunteers at the church with me and she asked me if I was coming on Thursday, and I admitted I hadn't registered but was thinking about it. She told me how much fun it was and how she has met so many wonderful people through this and to pray about it.
I did just that, I prayed about it and I knew in my heart of hearts that this was something I wanted to do but yet I was still wrestling with going through with it. On Thursday I had it on my mind and I kept going back and forth. Danny was gone all day and I didn't go to karate on Tuesday and Wed for other reasons so I told myself if I go to the bible study I will be missing HIT and karate again, and then on my way home from work Kitty from the rodeo called and wanted to meet to draw names for the seating on general meeting that I felt like the bible study was just not going to happen.
I got home and started doing the regular things that call on me, and at 6:15 I had this weight on me and I asked Danny if he minded and he told me no..go do what you want to do. So I did. I arranged to meet Kitty later and went to bible study. I walked in not knowing anyone, paid my registration and went to sit in the chapel to wait on worship to start. Sadly, at this point I still wasn't convinced. I looked around and I didn't know anyone. None of the ladies I usually see at service were there. None of the other volunteers I usually see...the only person I knew was Kathy and she was in another group! LOL Then a lady I recognized sat in the seat in front of me....good, not really. The reason I knew this lady was because several years ago I made my first attempt at joining a small group. This was back when Danny did not go to church and our marriage was going through rocky times. I joined the group and believe it or not never made a single meeting. I had excuse after excuse and never made it. I called and e-mailed each week with an excuse, but I did drop off my meal portion a few times before I just kinda dropped off the group completely! LOL So while I knew her and recognized her I really hoped that she did not recognize me!
A little part of me was so embarrassed that I wanted to walk out and leave before I even got started. But I stuck it out and let me tell you that I had the best time ever!!
We did praise and worship for about 30 minutes (with the youth church band), which was great! I loved it. A little part of me wished I had my praise and worship partner Makaila with me...she would have loved it. (Quick side note: Watching Makaila during praise and worship each Sunday morning washes over me a feeling of utter love and success as a mother. That girls sings at the top of her lungs, she praises and lifts her hands to no abandon. In her praise and worship she doesn't care who is looking, or listening she really praises his name and as a mother I love it! As a Christian I love it!!!
It is a beautiful sight!!)
After the praise and worship part we separated by the study we chose (there were two to choose from). The Best Yes by Lisa Turkhurst was the one I I walked over to the other room and took a seat. Over the next hour I met and learned about 7 women who are great. They are just like me and so different from me. They were funny, reserved, talkative, silly, relateable, and most important they were real. They had issues, they had hangups, they made me feel so welcomed. We went around the table and told a little about ourselves and then we watched the study video about the book, and then went through the questions about the study. We all talked and contributed and then spent more time learning more about each other. The girl I was embarrassed about turned out to be in my group. I admitted that I knew her and how and we laughed about it. I felt great when I left there.
This is something new for me and I am praying and hoping that this is just another step in my goal to walk with God and have him be more present in my daily life. I hope that from this I gain some amazing friendships. I hope that I am dedicated enough to stick this through and not quit like I have each time in the past! The study was great, and I bought the actual book to read today. I am excited about pray for me!
Good things are happening everyday and I am so excited to see what tomorrow brings! God is good!!
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