This weekend was pretty good!
On Friday - I took the day off because Danny needed to get some Kidney stones taken care of and since I am his wife...I get to take care of the patient!
We got to the hospital at about 7:30 and they were fantastic. They took him back, kept me informed, let me go visit with him for a few before they started the procedure and were super informative and friendly. I loved the staff! It was a simple procedure and no big deal, so while he got his stuff taken care of I spread out on a table and clipped coupons!! While I was doing it I though...Ohhhh Sammy would be so proud, so I took a pic and sent it to her!
I even made a friend. The janitor lady stopped by to talk coupon talk and we exchanged numbers! LOL
The doctor came out about an hour later to let me know everything went well, it was over and I could go back to see him in about a half an hour! So I wrapped up my clipping and cleaned my mess, went and pulled the car around and picked up my patient.
He was a little woozy...but he did great and he was we headed home and go a bite to eat. We stopped at Tipico Cafe which has fantastic food, and we enjoyed these little yummies:
We stuffed our faces...but the meds were starting to wear off and he wasn't feeling well, so I took him home and went to get his prescriptions filled. I picked up the girls from school and we relaxed for awhile.
Later in the afternoon, Issy and I went to drop of Makaila (she was going to join the Ramirez's to watch Carlos's first football game), and Issy and I hit up the store to get waters and grub for our patient. We were all set to play nurse, but when we got home he was up and moving and ready to go to Dillards! LOL
Sam and Tony called too and said they wanted to come over and check on Danny. They are so cute. They ended up meeting us a the mall (where Danny bought MORE shirts), and then we went to have dinner at Chuy's. We chit chatted and then headed back to the house after dinner.
The guys and nurse Issy, watched TV, while I helped Sam organize and clip coupons. Then Sam and I went to Kroger's at 11 at night! I know it sounds crazy...but get this....ALL THE COUPONERS come out at night!!!
The store had about 10 other women all with binders that had coupons all attacking the stocker guy and all sharing deals and coupon matches with each other! It was crazy. Apparently, this is a regular thing and the store is used to it. I however was in shock, having mixed emotions or joy for saving, confusion for the planning, and lack of patience mixed with fear of how late it was and a little IS THIS REALLY Happening!!!
Anyway, after an hour and a half I checked out and paid $94 and saved $247 in coupons!!!!! IS that crazy or what!! I am such a cheapo I thought..Damn how did I spend a $100...instead of thinking HOLY CRAP I saved over $200!!!
I felt better when I got home and got a good look at what all my $100 got me....check it out!!
That is A LOT of stuff!! I am pretty proud of me. I am grateful that my sister shared her coupons with me and that she is organized and knew what she was doing...cause I think that trip would have taken me a LOT longer had I been on my own! LOL
I think I will be couponing again!!!
I headed home after that and got ready for bed. I had to be up at 5:20 to do another 5K run with my HIT Buddies!!
Sure enough at 6 am Leslie, Kelly and Gina picked me up and off we went to do the Hero's Run at Ellington Field. I was excited but still nervous. It was a great run...but I almost died. The heat was atrocious, and I tried to stop twice ( my girls didn't let me though...they pushed me despite my begging and bitching and moaning and pleading). I am so lucky to have people in my life who look out for me and push me to be better! I am very grateful for them. It took me awhile...but I ran it and finished the 5K and I was exhausted!!!
After the race I came home, showered and got in the car. Danny and Issy were hungry, so we headed to Cracker Barrel for lunch, and I stuffed my face! They had some really cute stuff (as they always do) so I picked up a few gifts I knew I'd be needing (since September is a big Birthday month for our family), and then we headed home. Danny and I laid down for a nap, but Issy wasn't having it so I got up and we played matching games for awhile and watched some episodes of Girl Meets world while Danny rested up.
Finally in the evening we headed over to Sergio and Mary's house to celebrate Sergio and Adrian's birthdays. I ate so much!! We had a great time with Family and loved every minute of it. But we came home later that night super stuffed!! Not to mention exhausted!!
On Sunday morning we got up and headed to church. Pastor Kerry started a new Series about the Power of Genuine Faith and taking your faith beyond words Into a Life of Action
Church Notes:
We need to BE THE MESSAGE. Our actions need to be a reflection of our beliefs and our words.
The bible was not written to increase your knowledge but to change your life....we have to action it.
In your life your actions speak truth.
People will not remember your intention, but they will remember your action!
Ask Yourself:
1. What will be the CORE of my faith? Know that your faith is only as good as what you put your faith in.
"Christ love has the first and last word in everything we do. Our firm decision is to work from this focused center" 2 Cor. 5:14
2. What will be the CHARACTER of my faith?
Know that the problems you experience in your life is what builds your faith.
"My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor. 12:9
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13
3. What will be the CONTRIBUTION of my faith?
Suppose you see a man with no clothing or a woman with no food and you say: "Good bye and have a nice day, stay warm and eat well" - but you give them nothing, no food, no clothes. What goes does that do? Faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces a good deed, it is dead and useless.
Faith alone is not enough - you need action
They talked a lot about the importance of Small groups and communal fellowship. How starting or being a part of a small group is how we begin to live the word of God and how God calls on us to be his messengers, not just go to church on a routine basis or just to pray but to show our faith in our actions!
BE THE MESSAGE! So I signed up to host a Small group!! I'm nervous and excited about it!
My fear is that I am not Godly enough to lead this type of thing. That taking this action makes me a hypocrite...but at the same time I am excited that I can be vessel for God's word. That I can maybe become a better person from this experience and grow in faith and love and be the person that I want to be. Pray for me about it....
After church. there was a Texan's game going on so every stayed over and watched the game. Danny made Chili and a cheese dip and we enjoyed a peaceful evening. The Texan's won! Everyone headed home and we relaxed and hung out at home.
Hope you have a great week!!
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